
By rloncohen

February 15, 2013, 11:54 am


how about a help file describing all parameters and how they interact?

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Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

February 15, 2013, 12:45 pm
Updated by: Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)February 15, 2013, 12:49 pm

If you hover mouse over any label describing an input field (Help should be on in settings) a little tooltip baloon will show up decribing the field and what it does. I dont like help files as i bet nobody ever reads help. But i will think about it later: not all features are implemented yet, and i do not want to constantly edir the help file.  Thank you for the suggestion. If you feel like i should add more help balloons for more fields, dont hesitate to ask. I just thought that some of them are selfn-explanatory.



February 15, 2013, 4:35 pm

Link to this forum from with in the program. Thanks Ken


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

February 15, 2013, 5:56 pm

Thats a nice one, Blue-Chips. +1 Very practical and no doubt convinient and helpful feature. Also very easy to implement. Exactly what i need.



March 2, 2013, 11:58 pm

This is perhaps getting a littlie beyong the intended scope of initial intent, but where does one stop with a machining calculator, round and round she goes where she stops nobody knows  :) Would like to see included calculation for drill point length, chamfer calculator, dove tail maeaurments, drill index etc, etc.


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 3, 2013, 1:04 am

Hello. drill point depth is already there. when you select drill tool type you can choose drill tip angle, and effectuve dia of the hole. it will return depth and vise versa. Also tip length along with recimmended peck is in results tab. I suppose you want those calcs on a separate page. which can be done.  However i am already set on implementing tapping and threading section.



March 3, 2013, 8:48 pm

Just found the drill point depth. Yes, another page would be my choice for additional calcs. Any chance of future possibilty for the tool library to be user defined for tool type seperation, as is, seems it may get messy pretty fast.. Hope I'm not overlooking that now like the drill point depth :) Thanks


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 3, 2013, 11:33 pm

Hmmmmm.... You can right now create additional tool libraries-no problem. All you have to do is create and select say a DRILLS library and save all your drills in there... In this case all power on how to arrange tools is in users hands. Some people might arange by machine type, i like to arrange by steel,aluminum,turn.....  Unless i am misunderstood you, its not really nessesery, or are you talking about filtering tools inside librariesk?



March 4, 2013, 10:29 am

Creating new libraries only was what I was referring to. Guess it's like skiing, easy once you know how, well, then it's easy. I've not caught on how to create say a drill library, will look into that later today though. Thanks Ken



March 4, 2013, 11:57 am

OJ, just spent 20 minutes, clicking, right clicking, searching and looking where and/or how to create say a drill library. Maybe "No" problem for some, just not clicking for me. Thanks


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 4, 2013, 12:30 pm
Updated by: Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)March 4, 2013, 12:35 pm

Go to myCut Tool DB tab. Click on a button that is located in top right corner, a menu will pop up. Click on Create Library. It will ask for a name for the new library. enter something self-descriptive. A new library will be created. Now when you go to FSWizard page you can select that library from Library dropdown list. Library selected this way will become active one and all tools saved will go into it. Later on when you need to save a drill tool you select desired library and click tool menu button (located to the right of tool drop down list) a menu will show up. click save tool. The new tool will be added to the selected tool library..... Maybe i should change the workflow or labeling a little, so i am open to suggestions



March 4, 2013, 2:50 pm

Well, that could not have been easier but I sure never saw it prior. That is kinda out of the expected work flow but mostly it's just a matter of learning the system.



March 4, 2013, 3:48 pm

Hate us yet DZ :) Would like the ability to right click any tool library which would provide a popup input for entering a new tool along with input for pertinante tooling information. Perhaps include also the included angle input though I am setting up seperate libraries which should work well for 118° and 135° drills.


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 4, 2013, 4:23 pm

Hate us yet DZ :) Would like the ability to right click any tool library which would provide a popup input for entering a new tool along with input for pertinante tooling information. Perhaps include also the included angle input though I am setting up seperate libraries which should work well for 118° and 135° drills
 Nah dont hate you yet. You provide me with a rare glimps into how my potential customers brain is working :) Why would you want to add tool from the Tool DB page when you can add tool from FSWizard page? I mean its much esyer and straight forward because you see the tool you are entering? I think i am gonna make a youtube video to show how exacly it works and how easy it is.... I think you misunderstand the whole concept. When you add a tool, you add it from the FSWzard page because you add all of the information in bulk. IE. you need to calculate drill S&F for a 1/2 inch drill in aluminum. You punch in your data, and get results. THEN you click on Tool Menu button and click Add tool. What could be easyer? Next time you can just load saved tool just by selecting it from the dropdown list.



March 4, 2013, 6:50 pm

What we have to learn is how your brain works :) A youtube vid would be a grand idea.



March 4, 2013, 10:18 pm

Suggestions for the interface so far.... -when setting width of cut, you should be able to adjust any of the 3 options at anytime. now if i set woc to say .125 on a 1/2 cutter, which is 25%, i cant adjust the % to anything. you can only alter the setting you originally set. any 3 should be able to be adjusted at anytime. -when switching tools, for some reason the material type defaults back to low carbon 5-20Rc. material should remain the same. -how bout being able to work backwards. input the rpm and ipm to give all relevant info. -how bout a material group up in the 60Rc+ range Suggestions for additional features -a way to import a tool library from say an xml file? -taps. ya feed is a non issue, but perhaps sfm is releveant -you have chip thinning, but what about compensation for internal chip 'thickening'. a simple calculator taking em dia and finish hole dia could accomplish this.<<<<< -a global user input. a kind of 'check out this crazy cut i took' data base. complete with a tool life result. This should last you a while. If you need more I can come up with tons of goodies. If you need help let me know.  PS. do I get my free copy now! lol


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 4, 2013, 11:08 pm

Suggestions for the interface so far.... -when setting width of cut, you should be able to adjust any of the 3 options at anytime. now if i set woc to say .125 on a 1/2 cutter, which is 25%, i cant adjust the % to anything. you can only alter the setting you originally set. any 3 should be able to be adjusted at anytime. -when switching tools, for some reason the material type defaults back to low carbon 5-20Rc. material should remain the same. -how bout being able to work backwards. input the rpm and ipm to give all relevant info. -how bout a material group up in the 60Rc+ range Suggestions for additional features -a way to import a tool library from say an xml file? -taps. ya feed is a non issue, but perhaps sfm is releveant -you have chip thinning, but what about compensation for internal chip 'thickening'. a simple calculator taking em dia and finish hole dia could accomplish this.<<<<< -a global user input. a kind of 'check out this crazy cut i took' data base. complete with a tool life result. This should last you a while. If you need more I can come up with tons of goodies. If you need help let me know.  PS. do I get my free copy now! lol
Holly cupcakes!! thats alot of suggestions!! I like the format, so i will reply in the same structured maner. Interface: 1) It is possible to set WOC by percentage or Engagement Angle right now- all you have to do is enter the value and then hit ENTER For different (mostry rounding) issues "backwards" fields require you to hit ENTER key to apply the value. 2)I have planned for that behaviour (material gets saved with the tool) but now i am re-writing the whole thig again. basically tool will only contain physical tool data, everything else will go to CUT. 3)you can set SFM, RPM, IPT and Feedrate directly again by enterig the value and hitting ENTER key to apply it. 4)Eventually i will add materials above 60RC, but seing how often people use anything above 50 on my online verision makes me think this is not a high priority:) Suggestions: 5)Tool library IS saved as XML file already. Importing tool library from outside hovever implies complex relations solving between different things, it can and will be done somwhere down the road. 6)Taps is actually the very next thing i am going to start after i prepare release 0.020 I am more looking towards drill sizes and such. 7)There is already chip thickening calculation performed for thread milling, i keep forgerring to enable it for all milling operations though. Thanks for reminding! 8)Global input,,,, i was actually thinking about that in a very distant future. But the simple thought of trying to implement it having the amount of free time i have on my hands scares me. 9)Help is appreciated whats is your speciality? 10) 8) a couple of more posts like that and you ll get it for sure. You do realize i am reluctant to give it right away to keep you posting here? Some people surely will get their keys, but i kind of want to keep them interested for a little longer than 5 days ;) Currently everybody is getting it for free with updates and i bet its a very good deal :) Tanks !



March 5, 2013, 6:33 pm

Ability to sort by column in Libraries. Tool diameter input are being rounded up or down depending on value. Thanks



March 5, 2013, 7:56 pm

Look at power requirements for 1018 and 6061 Indicating it takes less power for drilling 1018 then 6061. Well attaching pictures did not work out well.      .250 drill Indicates .2hp for 1018 and .7hp for 6061


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

March 5, 2013, 8:14 pm
Updated by: Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)March 5, 2013, 8:17 pm

You are correct my friend. It does take more power to drill aluminum and here is why: ______________________________________________________ Material: 1018 Carbon Steel (175-200 HB) Tool: 0.500in 2FL HSS  Jobber twist Drill Speed: 74.8 SFM/ 571.3 RPM Feed: 0.0037 ipt/ 0.0074 ipr/ 4.23 ipm Reference Chipload: 0.0037 in Power: 0.5HP MRR: 0.83 in^3 Torque: 4.49 lb-in Max Torque: 10.75 ft-lb ______________________________________________________ Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum 95 HB Tool: 0.500in 2FL HSS  Jobber twist Drill Speed: 325.0 SFM/ 2484.1 RPM Feed: 0.0067 ipt/ 0.0135 ipr/ 33.47 ipm Reference Chipload: 0.0067 in Power: 1.9HP MRR: 6.57 in^3 Torque: 4.08 lb-in Max Torque: 10.75 ft-lb The difference in MRR is more than 8 times! Note that required torque on drill is the same 4.08 (oops forgot to change the sign on lb-in) For 8 times more MRR you get  only 4 times the power requirement because its roughly 2 times harder to cut mild steel than aluminum. also notie the difference in feedrate.! Short answer: everythis is fine there:)



March 5, 2013, 9:04 pm

I'll just remember the short answer :)

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