
By MikeHorton

December 12, 2024, 10:46 am

Tool Database/ Custom Tables Q's

I'm curious if there might be a way to possibly rearrange the order of items in the tool database? More so, to group similar tooling in sequence. For instance.. When machining a "hole" in a part, Spot, Drill, Edge break/chamfer, Tap. I have tool databases for each of these tooling types but when I initially started building these databases I didn't know of the structuring as I do now since using this program for a bit. Also goes for Custom Tables.. I might have a seperate table for a "Rough" and "Finish" parameter for the same tool, but if I didn't create these databases in sequence then they could be seperated by many other databases created between the 2. 

Last thing.. Is there anyway to display or scroll(right-left) the entire field drop down for the custom tables? Tools might have a different SFM for a cast alminum and a wrought aluminum. With this I find myself using the same tool designation but I inset "_Cast" or "_Wrought" or "_Copper Alloy." The only problem is it's not visible from the drop down menu in custom tables the majority of the time. 

Honestly if I could force myself to start fresh on a new tool database, tables, etc then I could probably remedy this after a few dozen attempts. Thank you sir.. The calc has worked great for mastercam 2025 on mold cavities and components. Appreciate ya

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Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

December 12, 2024, 11:18 am

Hi, can you attach some screenshots of the areas where you want improvements?

Do you want the ability to re-order these Tool Tables within the database?

Also do you want to re-order these ones?
I guess i can simply sort them alphabetically. This way the custom tables will be grouped by the Tool Manufacturer/Series.

I didn't get where you want to add horizontal scrolling. A screenshot would be useful.

I don't think you should have to redo the database. There is ways to make it work for you.

Best regards.



December 13, 2024, 10:33 am

Sure thing. I'll try to get some snaps for you. I think if the custom tables were grouped be Tool Manufacturer/Series as you stated, would be enough. Now that I look at the "horizontal scrolling" possibility, it would probably improve with basic sorting modification. This is honestly just a thought, it isn't impending anything for me honestly. What gets me most it, If I'm using say Garr-1/2" R.06 HSAL #40443. When I create this tool initially, I then create a custom Table with specs for a "roughing" TP. Then it asked if "save tool with custom table?" I click yes, then that table is saved to the tool info directly. Then if I create another table for that tool with a "finish" TP(different Tool # of course),and set the cutting parameters accordingly for that new table. I then save that "cut." When I come back to that "finish cut" maybe a few days later, the overrides might be rpm 150% and feed 65% only because it is based off of the custom table saved to the tool info and not the table to the cut. Does that make sense at all? The overrides have me second guess what I was doing at the time instead of it actually being 100% on both fields in accordance to the custom table. Does this make any sense at all? Highly unlikely, my apologizes in advance lol

Text cut off Scroll.png

Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

December 16, 2024, 12:26 am
Updated by: Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)March 31, 2025, 12:31 pm

Hi Mike,

Thanks you for the explanation.

I will address the sorting order. No problem there.

Regarding the "weird overrides" thing.
It could happen for many reasons.

One of them is the "Cuts" save with the Machine information. Which means, for example, if you save a cut with Tormach selected, it will save it with max RPM of 5120 while the "100%" rpm for this tool would be about 15000
So this cut will save with speed override of 100% BUT it will also save with the RPM of 5120

This is how it would look on the cut table:

When you load this tool saved with Tormach, it will prefer the 5120 RPM and adjust the Speed to 30%:

It will do so because it prioritizes the actial RPM and fed rate you saved your cut with. I also sometimes change recommended speeds and feeds and i want to make sure my changes dont affect the actual speeds and feeds users save for their tools. User data is the king. So this would cause some cuts load with % overrides different from what they were saved with.

Stil ltrying to think of a way to make it work less confusing to users, but it aint easy!

Hopefully this makes sense.

Please let me know if this clears things up a bit or if I didn't cover something else there.


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

December 16, 2024, 12:43 am
Updated by: Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)March 31, 2025, 12:31 pm

Also Mike, it looks like you are creating way too many Custom Manufacturers Tables than you are supposed.

These are supposed to be created for a whole tool family for all applicable materials.

Also they aren't supposed to be dependent on engagement.

So for example you should have just one table list item for Gaar-HSAL and that's it. The calculator should be interpolating all other values if anything changes.

Then if you want to save a particular Cut, you save just the Cut.

I am just trying to understand what is your use case? Do you just do it so that you have 100% overrides saved in the tool database?

It is not possible. You shouldn't try to make sure it's always 100%. Just save it "in place" with whatever overrides you need. If you don't want the selected machine to skew things up, deselect the machine and then save the Cut.

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