By Mahkie
Coolant F&S modifiers?
Eldar Gerfanov, Do you have any recommendations for modifying feeds and speeds with different coolant systems? Obviously there's no percentage modifier that covers all materials, but specifically for the HRSA and Stainless materials how would you modify SFPM and chip thickness based on flood coolant and through coolant? Thanks, Mark
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Hi, I am working on adding this feature but as you might have guessed it requires a major re-think of how many things work. In some cases through coolant will make a world of difference in others- not so much. I am at a stage of collecting the data required for calculations. I would guess that 150% speed override is OK for through-spindle coolant when drilling. All machining is expected to run with OR without flood coolant depending on the tool/work piece material combination. Please check this article for a short guide on application of coolant in different tool/material/coating combinations: http://hsmadvisor.com/index.php?page=help&shell_id=241&article_id=4431