By Magicniner
Export/Import for Window & Associated Fields datasets
If it were possible to export and import individual Window & Associated Fields datasets it would be possible for current users with any given CAM package to make them available to new and trial users to download from the forum. The ability to download & install (or request if not yet posted) a setup for particular features in a given CAM package might improve the initial trial experience and get inexperienced CAM users up to speed quickly, it may even increase uptake of licenses? Regards, Nick
BobCad/Cam uses one Window Title for all Hole operations - centre drill, drill, tap, ream, countersink, etc. It uses another Window Title for all 2-Axis features, another for 3-axis and another for 4. Although it appears possible to create multiple instances of each Window Title it's then not obvious which one to use. A user defined label that can be displayed with the Window Title might be an option that would allow integration for BobCad? Regards, Nick
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)