By crleck3
September 26, 2016, 7:43 am
Error MSG when using the Mastercam hook
i just downloaded the HSM advisorm 30 day trial and am tring to use the MC hook but i have been getting an error msg i'm sure if i get this to work the boos will buy it Thank you Chuck
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
What's the message? Can you upload a file? It works only for x9 atm. by the way Regards.
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Update. I have released a fix that should stop the errors in MC hook. Everybody who is still experiences these pleas get the updated the hook from Regards.
Still having the problem myself, after many attempts, and making sure I have the updates
Just to see if it would make a difference, I went to the settings tab and clicked on "Run User Application" and tried to run the hook file from there. I got the error in this picture, hope that helps.
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Hi, Thank you for bearing with me. I found what the real problem was and will release the new update over this weekend. Promise you patience will be rewarded. Regards.
Any progress on this?
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Yeah. Almost ready. I discovered a bug in tapping and while fixing it ended up creating a whole new feature. Need a couple of more days to make sure everything works.