By omar
Chipthinning Calculations?
Hi There: I am trying to make sure that numbers calculated on my newly download software is correct. So far so good. Here is a chipthinng example given by Ingersol cutting tools. I plug the number in on F&S Wizard and the numbers don’t match. Below is there website Here is what I did. I check mark ball endmill and inputted the following: 2 inch ball 1 flute RPM 1973 Vc 500 Feed 19.73 Fz .010 Axial depth .125 Radial depth .125 I check chipthinning and FS Wizard gives me: Feed 84.18 Fz .0427 I get this with Ingersol: Feed 61.3 Fz .031 Which one is correct and do FS Wizard use the same formula? Omar
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Hello Omar, I just checked my code. You are right. I fail to account for effective diameter when calculating radial chip thickness when calculating for ballnose endmills. I will fix it in the very next update. Good find!
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Just an update. I have fixed this problem and the new version has since been available on both Google and Apple stores.