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HSMAdvisor is going commercial!

June 27, 2013, 11:55 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello gentlemen,

On September the 1st HSMAdvisor will turn one year old.

At that point 75$ for life deal will stop being offered.

Prices will go up.
New payment plans will be introduced.

Considered packages are:

  • Current Release Single Seat License (1 key): xxx$
  • Current Release Five Seat license (5 keys): xxx$ (30% savings)
  • Current Release Company-Wide License (Unlimited seats within company premises): xxx$

Program Upgrades (Upgrading from version 1.xx to version 2.0):

  • Single Seat License Upgrade: xx$
  • Five Seat license Upgrade: xxx$
  • Company-Wide License Upgrade: xxx$


I am not exactly set on pricing right now, so i can not say just how much things will cost.
I can only promise that pricing will continue being more than reasonable and very competitive.

Until September i will release several updates, but I will no longer offer trial extensions after September the 1st.

Announced changes will only affect commercial HSMAdvisor.

Free Online FSWizard will remain free for everyone.


HSMAdvisor v0.300 has been released

June 23, 2013, 10:47 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This release features some pretty major updates and features.

First of all, Tool deflection model has been radically improved over previous versions.
Now model fully considers not only the flute length, but also depth of cut and how it affects deflection!

No other speed and feed calculator alows you to do that.

Calculator now helps getting full advantage of those Hight Axial engagement toolpaths.

New things

  • HSMAdvisor can now print!
    For now you can print a screenshot of application window. Make sure to select "Album" layout in your printer settings, otherwise portion of the window may get cut off.
    Tool library printing is next in line to be done.
  • User Library Export and Import in XML format is now available.
    You can use it to back up your tool library and share library files with others.
  • Library Tabs are now right-clickable by mouse- this allows to right click on the library tab and select desired action like "Delete" "Merge" and "Rename".
  • Speeds for some tool and stainless steels have been revised.
    Couple of materials were added.

Things updated and improved

  • Improved tool deflection model.
  • Improved and fixed machine and tool limits trigering.
  • Creation of new Tool or Cut now forces newly-created tool/cut to get loaded, so you dont have to search it from the drop-down list- it becomes active right away.
  • Viewing and editing of tool/cut info in myCutDB page now does not close opened tool tree.
  • Tool material and Work Material are now a single column. Its called Tool&Work Material and it shows tool material for Tool rows and work material for Cut rows

Numbers Behind High Speed Machining (HSM)

May 28, 2013, 7:01 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSM or High Speed Machining is becoming more and more popular each day.
Many of us have seen those youtube videos where endmlls remove large amounts of material at high speeds/feeds.

While definitions of HSM may vary between tool manufacturers and even individual shops, the physics behind it remain the same.

In this article i would like to explore flat endmills.

HSM is not about ramping up your speed/feed overrides to 200% and puling out your smartphone to record another youtube-worth video.

What is HSM?

HSM is a complex of programming, machining and tooling techniques aimed at radical increase of productivity.


The cornerstone of HSM is low radial and high axial engagement of an endmill with the workpiece.

There are many CAD/CAM systems that allow you to create HSM tool-paths. Mastercam's Dynamic milling and SurfCAM's Truemill are some of them.

When radial cutter engagement with the material is smaller than the radius of the tool an interesting thing happens.
Chip load- the distance the tool advances per cutter revolution per tooth- does not equal the actual chip thickness anymore.
Chip thinning mainly happens at radial engagements below 30% of the diameter.

Radial Engagement vs chip thinning factor


50% 1.0
30% 1.091
25% 1.212


20% 1.641
15% 2.1
10% 4.375
5% 6.882

In order to get compensated chipload you need to multiply recommended by manufacturer chipload by the chip thinning factor.

Usual Radial Engagement for HSM toolpaths however is between 5 and 15%.

Axial depth of cut varies depending on geometry, but Read More 

Radial Chip Thinning Engagement_Angle-Chip Thinning.PNG HSMAdvisor Screenshot 0.750in 4FL Carbide TiAlN coated Solid HP End Mill.JPG

HSMAdvisor 0.201 Update has been released.

May 26, 2013, 8:50 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This is a bug fix release.

Because of amount of new features that was added to the front and back end in the previous version some bugs have crawled in.

Bugs fixed in this update

  • Fixed the behaviour of Manufacturer Settings- Speed and Chipload

  • Fixed Slotting Checkbox getting stuck when it was supposed to be unchecked

  • Fixed Edit Tool and Edit Cut dialogs that did not update changed data properly

  • Click on DOC label in turning mode now resets DOC to default

  • Removed the nag screen that appears after 15 days of usage - was never inteded to be there

Again thanks to everybody sending their bug reports and suggestions to me.

Without you my job would have been much harder.

    Pre-Hard Stainless & HSM Advisor Test

    May 19, 2013, 11:37 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

    Sevaral weeks ago i saw a post on CNCZone.

    A HSMadvisor user Peter Neil used it to calculate cutting conditions for cutting a block of pre-hardened stainless steel.
    His machine was Tormach.

    Here is an exact copy-paste from that forum post:

    Did a test cut on the Tormach today using feeds & speeds from the latest version of the excellent HSM advisor.
    To make it interesting, I did the cut using some 1.2085 pre-hard Stainless Steel as I have plenty of stock of it and have a job in mind for this, and wanted to see how it cut on the Tormach.
    The material is like a stainless P20, at 16% Chrome/1% Nickel & 0.5% Sulphur (which makes it slightly free-er machining) and is hardened to around 33-35 Rockwell C, so I used the HSM advisor guidelines for machining P20 rather than Stainless. Cutter was a 10mm 4-flute Carbide TiAlN coated EM.

    So...... ticking the HSM/Chip thinning option I got a speed of 5120 and feed of 2214mm/minute( 87 IPM). I used a DOC of 10mm and WOC of 0.5mm/0.020" - and turned off the flood cooling to machine it completely dry. The finish pass on the 1st level was 15mm DOC and 0.5mm WOC and slightly lower speeds/feeds.

    Loaded up a 40mm x 63mm block , pressed the start button, and it went from this.... this!

    Read More 

    HSMAdvisor 0.200 Is available for download

    May 12, 2013, 11:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

    This HSMAdvisor v0.200 release is a major step forward.

    Aside from major rewrites that i did to improve stability of the code there are also new features that will improve user experience 
    and move us one step ahead towards making it the best tool for machinists. 

    New Features

    • Circular Interpolation feedrate compensation
      Now you can get compensated feedrates for milling inside and outside round features.
    • HSM and Chip Thinning 
      are now two separate check boxes.
      Chip thinning allows to compensate for thinning chip thickness at low radial and axial engagements.
      HSM allows to increase cutting speed when chip thinning occurs. 
    • Manufacturer's Speed and Chipload input
      For when you need to enter manufacturer recommended S&F values.
    • .NET 2.0 Framework 
      Starting from this release i have downgraded required framework version from 4.0 to 2.0
      This will allow us to target wider audience as it immediately drops requirements for Windows computers.
    • UNEF and UNS threads
      New thread sizes were added into the Threading section. 
    • Drill Chart 
      was expanded to drills up to 1.5" in diameter

    Bugs Fixed

    All the existing bugs were tackled when code re-write happened.
    I took a long time testing and fixing all of the problem and suspect areas, so at this poing it should be bug-free.

    HSMAdvisor_v0.200 program picture.JPG HSMAdvisor_v0.200 program picture.JPG

    FSWizard:Mobile update

    April 24, 2013, 7:27 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


    I have finally updated the looks of our mobile version.

    It now should be easier to read and use.

    Take it for a spin on your iPhone or android device!

    new mobile version fswizmobile.JPG

    HSMAdvisor v0.101 (FIXED)

    April 14, 2013, 10:34 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

    HSMAdvisor v0.1 is now available.

    (newest version is 0.101)

    A decision has been made that updates containing new features will increment by 0.1 each time

    Bug fix updates and improvement updates will increment by 0.01

    This should be a hint that first fully commercial release is in sight. (you still have another 6 months or so of free updates).

    There is only one major feature

    • Machinery with gear boxes is now supported- users can enter a list of RPM machine can have set and FSWizard will force all calculations to stick to those pre-defined numbers.
      There is a sample machine called "Manual Lathe" that demonstrates this feature. You can use "Import" function in Machine Definitions dialog to load that machine and see how it works

    Several bugs have been fixed

    • Manually entered RPM for lathe tools have been fixed
    • Minimum RPM entered in Machine Definitions dialog now actually forces FSWizard to not go below that value and generate a warning.


    How Sticky RPM works:

    • Create new machine in Machine Definitions by clicking Add button and giving it a name you would recoginze.
    • Fill up all of the input boxes including Min and Max RPM, Horse Power and Torque.
    • Enter list of RPM values your machine supports into the Power Curve table.
      (Note RPM values HAVE to be in incremental order)
    • Against each RPM row enter the max Horesepower your machine has (because its a gear-box, machine HP value is constant at any spindle speed)
      Tip: if Max torque was unknown, now you can enter the highest value you see in Torque row.
    • Check Calculations Stick to pre-defined RPM only check box (Yes i know the picture shows that box unchecked, but you have to CHECK it)
    • Check Use Horse Power Curve Compensation check box

    Thats it!

    Now FSWizard will force calculated RPM to match the closest RPM value from the table.

    Sticky RPM sticky_RPM.JPG

    HSMAdvisor 0.023 Has been released

    April 7, 2013, 10:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

    This release is a major step forward.
    We are starting to wander away from just Speeds and Feeds calculator part of the project.

    Version 0.022 was a little buggy.

    All reported and known bugs have been fixed.

    New update version is 0.023

    New features:

    • Threads page: You can now get thread cutting and tapping data for most popular threads in north America (UNC/UNF/ISO).
      The list of supported threads and features will grow according to necessity and user feedback.
    • Machine Profiles now have 2 new buttons: Clone and Import.
      Clone button simply copies selected machine definition with a different name.
      Import button is needed to be able to update/add machine definitions from default machine list. As users modify and customize their Machine List, thay are now able to add machine definitions hassle-free from default_machines.xml file that is supplied with every update.

    Bugs Fixed:

    • Sticky Ball nose check box

    • Max HP improperly rounded


    • Thanks to Greg Jackson and Matt Doeppers from Tormach i was able to create Horse Power/RPM curves for Tormach PCNC770 and PCNC1100 models (if you install over previous version, you can use import function to add those machines to the list)

    Threading threading.JPG Machine Definition Import mach_def_import.JPG

    Digging for Gold

    March 28, 2013, 8:42 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

    I recently had to machine an aluminum mold cavity.

    7 inches deep. With 5 degree wall draft and a 60 thou radius going all the way down. Roughing was not an issue, but for semi-finishing and finishing i had to manufacture these two extension holders.

    Both tools have runout of less than 0.001

    The one for bigger 3/8 tapered ballnose cutter is shrink fit- i mounted it using torch.

    The smaller tool is a 3/32 tapered ballnose cutter from Harvey Tool.
    I could not bore to correct size, and had to ream right on.
    The tool is mounted with a set-screw from both sides to prevent deflection caused by unequal clamping pressure.

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