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Why do we machinists need a feed and speed wizard

February 14, 2013, 9:44 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Sometimes people ask me: "I tried your calculator, and i liked it, but it seems to me a little too you actually do any testing?"

Well, to those I say that not only i do testing, but i run production jobs 100% calculated with my own HSMAdvisor.

Many machinists say that nothing beats an experienced operator holding his hand on feed hold button and playing with speed and feed override trying to find the "sweet spot" where cutting speed and feed rate are maximized and chatter is eliminated or reduced.

And it is correct, but not any machinist is experienced or actually knows what he is doing.
Many machinists also finish their apprenticeship program and never learn a single thing about new tooling types and materials since. They bag years of experience, but their knowledge is stuck on a level it was when they first got their license.

Also not a single person can possibly know cutting conditions for hundreds of materials and remember all of the jobs he had ever ran.

This is where tool database comes in.

Not only can you save tools to cut down and in many cases eliminate entering parameters for every calculation.
But you can (and should) save cutting data for each particular case.

A single tool entry can contain an unlimited number of cuts attached to it, so machinist never has to remember everything.

Here is a i made video of slotting D2 with variable helix hi-performace endmill.

Material: D-2 Tool Steel 200-250 HB
Tool: 0.500in 4FL Carbide TiAlN coated Solid HP End Mill
Speed: 360.0 SFM/ 2751.6 RPM
Feed: 0.0023 ipt/ 0.0094 ipr/ 25.76 ipm

Engagement:  DOC=0.330 in   WOC=0.500 in

Plunging and Ramping Recomendations and Techniques

February 12, 2013, 1:03 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Quite often in order to start cutting in x-y direction you need to first plunge into the material.

Here is a compliled list of recommendations for different kinds of plunging that works in most if not all cases.

Plunge with center cutting endmill:

  • Regular Chipload/Number of flutes , half the cutting speed. (for 3 flute endmill divide normal chipload by 3)


  • Ramp Radius (For Helical ramping): .90-.95 of cutter radius
  • Ramp Angle: Indexed/non center cutting endmills: 1-2.5 degree; Center cutting endmills- Up to 45 deg

Ramp chipload ajustment for 4 flute Center cutting endmills:

  • 0-2.5deg=100% of normal feedrate
  • 2.5-5deg=75% of normal feedrate
  • 5-15deg=50% of normal feedrate
  • 15-30deg=25% of normal feedrate
  • 30-45deg=5% of normal feedrate

Dont forget to reduce cutting speed for ramping above 5deg by half!

HSMAdvisor v0.017 is available for Download!

February 9, 2013, 5:55 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just released HSMAdvisor build 0.017!

First you should uninstall the previous version.
As some of the data files are not compatible with the version 0.017

After downloading and installing it you will receive another 30 days to play with my software.

New things:

  • A bunch of new materials
    Structural steels added 1035, 1045 and some other
  • Grooving turning tool added to the tool list
  • Several Tools and Cuts can now be selected at the same time and deleted or moved to a different Library
  • Double click on myCut ToolLibrary now causes the Tool/Cut to load
  • HSM Cutting speed compensation now only turns on when HSM/Chip Thinning is checked.
  • Huge number of bugs fixed.

Get it HERE ->

Enjoy and don't forget to leave your feedback.
You can do so support forums.

Unfortunately because of high number of spam messages You will have to register first (unless you already did)

Forums are located at, a simple registration on my web site (, register) allows you to post your questions/feature requests/suggestions.

Need i remind you that registered users who actively participate get full version for FREE?


Roughing A36 Hot Rolled Steel with speeds and feeds by FSWizard

January 27, 2013, 10:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Speeds and Feeds by HSMAdvisor (FSWizard)
Material: A-36 Hot Roll Steel 160-220 HB
Tool: 0.500in 4FL Carbide TiAlN coated Solid HP End Mill (WIDIA Metal Removal Maestro)
1" Stickout, 0.625 Flute Length
Speed: 528.0 SFM/ 4035.7 RPM
Feed: 0.0028 ipt/ 0.0114 ipr/ 46.00 ipm
Chip Thickness: 0.0028 in
Engagement:  DOC=0.250 in   WOC=0.500 in

Thoughts on FSWizard Future

December 18, 2012, 12:59 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Where do we stand and how did we get here.

When i first started FSWizard project one year ago in December 2011. I felt the need to upgrade my knowledge and skill-set regarding speeds, feeds and best cutting conditions.

Other calculators available at that time simply did not cut it for me.

One of them did not account for such important parameters as tool length.

The other did not care about such crucial tool geometry features like helix angle, shank diameter, lead angle and so on.

As a result i have endeavoured on a mission to build the best calculator that would accurately predict cutting forces, cutter deflection and suggest best cutting modes using all available tool data for multitude of combinations of work-piece/tool materials, coatings and tool types.

It has been a year of research, building cutter and material models, applying REAL MACHINING experience.

All results were tested in REAL PRODUCTION environment.

Today thanks to FSWizard, machines i work on produce 200%-300% more parts per day than 1 year ago.

It has been one year since i have started.
And i believe i have achieved my original goal.

Today The FREE FSWizard gives far better results than many expensive solutions available on the market.

FSWizard:Standalone is the only available program that will warn you if cutter will be reaching its breaking point.

In fact we see paying users of other programs asking their developers for features that have been long implemented in FSWizard.
And we see those developers finally moving out of their comfort zone and trying to improve their program's functionality.

Where do we go from here?

What does the future hold for this project?

No one really knows.
Unlike others who can talk the speed/feed game, I am not into marketing.
I don't do a particularly good job of persuading people that my product is the best thing that happened to the CNC world.

All i have is 2 hours of free time on my hands after work and a ton or real-world machining experience not many in the software business can brag about.

All that remains to say here is

I am not using words "product" ,"consumers" and "business" just by accident.

Next release version of FSWizard:Standalone 0.015 PRO will be a commercial product.

It will be sold as a 1 year subscription.

I am not yet sure about the pricing.
But i know that i will make it subscription-based and the price will be very affordable.

This is the only way to move forward on this.

If you have any comments or thoughts, i would love to hear them out.



Pictures of Nested Parts

December 9, 2012, 5:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Here are some samples of nested parts i did recently

In both cases back of all pieces were machined at the same time, dowel holes milled so that there would be a way to align top and bottom.

Ealot of material was lost, but it was a scrap anyways, so all i gained was alot of saved man-hours.


And here are 4 more pictures:

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October 26, 2012, 7:30 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The ONLY FREE CNC Speeds and Feeds Calcualtor

Confidently calculate cutting conditions for hundreds of work-piece materials and of combinations of tooling types and coatings.

  • Accurately Estimate cutting forces involved in machining process and prevent tool breakage.
  • Estimate machine power requirement and help choose best tool for the job.
  • Suggest safe and practical Axial and Radial engagement values.
  • Compensate for reduced-shank, long and extra-long tools.
  • Improve cycle times and tool life
  • UNIQUE feature that allows to set comfortable levels of cutter torque and deflection and prevent cutter breakage.
  • Ideal for use as your Dynamic / Thoroidal / Truemill calculator

Please visit the project page for download link, support and instructions.


Stylish and functional Operations and Tooling List confings for SurfCam

July 17, 2012, 11:00 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Tired of printing out Operation lists and then wasting time adding setup information by hand?

There is a neat and easy way to replace standard Operations and Tooling lists with something very compact and usable.

Here are config files i use at my work to create Setup Sheets and tooling lists right from SurfCam.

  1. First make sure you backup you Operations.cfg and Tooling.cfg files in case you want to go back (VERY NOT likely)
    Those can be found inside your V5 or V6\Config directory.
  2. Unpack contents of the attached ZIP folder.
  3. Copy .CFG files found within into your V5 or V6\Config folder.
  4. Copy folder "images" into "C:\Surfcam" directory, if you want also tool images to show with tooling list.
  5. Go to SurfCam Options and in section Setup Sheet select "Current" from several other choises.

Thats it!!


  • Operations list NOW highlights table rows when you move the mouse over them.
  • When you select ANY text on Operations List, the same text will be highlighted over the whole page!!!

Download current file below

Samples are below:

Read More Size:0.11 MB

FSWizard: Online CNC Machinists Calculator

October 14, 2011, 8:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Online is:

FSWizard is here

It is the most accurate Online Feeds and Speeds Calulator.

In order for every user to enjoy latest modifications and most accurate results, it is WEB Based.
This means that you can use it across all imaginable operational systems and devices.
All you need is an internet connected WEB browser.
No download or installation is required: Just visit the web page.

Also a full functioning mobile version is available.

Key Features of FSWizard:

Read More 

Milling Hardox Steel Rc 45-50

January 26, 2011, 10:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Out Company used to have somebody else plasmacut cutting anvils for us.
This was expensive, plus heat generated by plasma caused already unstable anvils to warp like crazy making them very hard to grind flat.

So when foreman told me to machine one on CNC i immidately asked him to buy one of those nifty Hanita TiALN coated Varimill cutters.
Too bad they are too expensive. So the company bought same style of cutters made by Niagara. 0.5" end mill there is x3 cheaper than hanita's. Plus i believe cutting tools made to the same specs, out of the same materials are performing identical.

The machine we ve been using for this is really shaky and busted, so dont laugh at speeds and feeds that we came up with.

So basically, Specs Are:

  • Material: Hardox pre-hardened steel Rc 45-50
  • Cutter: 4 Flute, Stagger Flute TiALN coted 0.5" Micrograin Carbide End Mill, 2.5" Overall, 0.625" Flute Length, 1" overhang
  • Operation: Slotting
  • Speed: 1200 RPM
  • Feed: 4.8 IPM
  • Depth OF Cut: 0.125"
  • Plunge method: 2.5 Deg Ramp/Helix, Or Plunge into 0.281Dia pilot hole at 3 IPM
  • Coolant: Airblast + Oil
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