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HSMAdvisor v0.760

April 1, 2014, 9:08 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Happy April Fool's day!

Seriously though, i have just published another update.

This update adds a floating Speed and Feed mini-window that stays on top and displays most relevant information to help users with populating S&F values on their CAM software.

To show/Hide this window, click the red-and-white "Float" button in the status bar.

Upon right mouse click on the floating window you can choose what kind of information you would like to display in there.

Also one bug was fixed where when no machine was selected from the drop-down list, deflection and torque limits were not firing for milling and drilling tools.

But wait! There is more!

I will not open all my cards, but right now i am working on a massive update to HSMAdvisor's Tool Database.
Keep tuned in.

HSMAdvisor v0.750 Update

March 13, 2014, 10:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

More goodies for our HSMAdvisor users!

I have just uploaded an update that allows several computers running HSMAdvisor to share the same database.
Please check out Tutorials section for more info on how it works and how to turn it on.

I have been bearing this idea for quite some time, but HSMAdvisor user Kevin E. (koodos!) sent me an email and suggested that i finally implement it.
He has almost a dozen CAM computers in his shop and he and his co-workers frequently change workstations.
Obviousy in this kind of setting it would be hard to keep importing/exporting yout tooling data without loosing anything.

Before you go ahead, however, please make sure you create a backup copy of your database yto prevent possible data loss should anything go wrong.

Also several things were improved and fixed.

First of all, Automatic Registration that allows users with multiple purchased seats request and receive their license key online on-demand has been fixed.
All 2 accounts with keys wrongfully issued this way were fixed :)

I also improved the way Tools and Cuts are loaded into the calculator.
Before there was a bit of confusion when loading tools from myCutDB page- speed and feed overrides would pick up wrong values - now it is fixed.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me with their suggestions and feedback.

HSMAdvisor: Enabling Shared Tool Libraries

March 13, 2014, 8:58 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

In HSMAdvisor starting from version 0.750 it is possible for sevaral HSMAdvisor seats to share the same tool and cut library (myCutDB).

All you need to do is tell all HSMAdvisor seats where the shared database file is located. And then check "Shared Database" option in settings page.
This will make all seats use this file in synchronous mode.

Which means changes to the DB made on one computer will automatically propagate to other computers as well.

This is how it looks in a more schematic way:

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Coming HSMAdvisor Update

March 10, 2014, 11:34 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Our most recent sale is over and it has been a huge success.

I would like to thank everybody who helped me make this software better with every update.

I just wanted to tell you about an incoming update here.

One of early users- Kevin, expressed his desire to install HSMAdvisor on 9 CAM computers in his shop. Now all computers are connected to the network, so he was wandering if it was possible to make all seats share the same tooling database.

It was not possible back then, so I decided to add that functionality in there.

The testing is almost complete and soon everyone will be able to download an update that lets multiple users share the same tooling database over the network. You could even share it over the internet if you use software like DropBox.

I bit later I will create a tutiorial on how it is done. 

This goes to show how important user feedback is for software makers like me.

So if you have any idea and would like to see it implemented, please let me know.

It it looks stupid but it works, it is NOT stupid!

Improved HSMAdvisor 0.740

February 24, 2014, 1:18 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update is mainly a bug fix and has some usability improvements.

New Things

  • Persistence in Threads Tab
    Now Threads Page will stay the way you left it when you shut down the program
  • Persistence in column selection for Drill Chart for both the Treads Page and Tap Tool on FSWizard Page as well.
  • Capture Wizard can now capture target windows with dynamic controls. (Still working on SprutCAM integration profile that required this feature)

Fixed and Improved things

  • Tapping tools had a bug in metric mode. Now it is fixed
  • Text color for selected row in myCut Database page is now white on blue background. Which makes things easier to see.
  • Capture Wizard is now a lot faster and should be less prone to hang ups.
  • Improved Machine Limits behavior
    Power Overload now causes feedrate to reduce.

Working with HSMAdvisor myCutDB Tool Library

September 25, 2013, 9:09 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have been asked to create a tutorial on how to work with the tool library, so here it is.

myCut Tool Database is quite a unique thing.

It not only contains all of your tools, but also each and every tool can have multiple operations or "Cuts" attached to it.

Everything is very simple.

Database contains Libraries

Libraries contain Tools

And Tools contain Cuts

Each entity behaves according to specific rules and "knows" specific kind of data.

Please read more to learn how it all works.

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Why do we machinists need a feed and speed wizard

February 14, 2013, 9:44 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Sometimes people ask me: "I tried your calculator, and i liked it, but it seems to me a little too you actually do any testing?"

Well, to those I say that not only i do testing, but i run production jobs 100% calculated with my own HSMAdvisor.

Many machinists say that nothing beats an experienced operator holding his hand on feed hold button and playing with speed and feed override trying to find the "sweet spot" where cutting speed and feed rate are maximized and chatter is eliminated or reduced.

And it is correct, but not any machinist is experienced or actually knows what he is doing.
Many machinists also finish their apprenticeship program and never learn a single thing about new tooling types and materials since. They bag years of experience, but their knowledge is stuck on a level it was when they first got their license.

Also not a single person can possibly know cutting conditions for hundreds of materials and remember all of the jobs he had ever ran.

This is where tool database comes in.

Not only can you save tools to cut down and in many cases eliminate entering parameters for every calculation.
But you can (and should) save cutting data for each particular case.

A single tool entry can contain an unlimited number of cuts attached to it, so machinist never has to remember everything.

Here is a i made video of slotting D2 with variable helix hi-performace endmill.

Material: D-2 Tool Steel 200-250 HB
Tool: 0.500in 4FL Carbide TiAlN coated Solid HP End Mill
Speed: 360.0 SFM/ 2751.6 RPM
Feed: 0.0023 ipt/ 0.0094 ipr/ 25.76 ipm

Engagement:  DOC=0.330 in   WOC=0.500 in

FSWizard: Online CNC Machinists Calculator

October 14, 2011, 8:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Online is:

FSWizard is here

It is the most accurate Online Feeds and Speeds Calulator.

In order for every user to enjoy latest modifications and most accurate results, it is WEB Based.
This means that you can use it across all imaginable operational systems and devices.
All you need is an internet connected WEB browser.
No download or installation is required: Just visit the web page.

Also a full functioning mobile version is available.

Key Features of FSWizard:

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