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Shop-Made Toe Push Clamps

January 25, 2013, 12:34 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Anybody could use a pair (or more) of push clamps around their shop.

Those handy devices convert your machine' table into a huge vise.
They are pretty mush irreplaceable when machining plates and other oversized parts that no ordinary vise will fit.

Several vendors offer their clamps. But many of them tend to be pricey. And those that are not, lack in quality.

And to be honest with you, it does not look like they are worth the amount of money their seller is trying to get from you.

In the mean time their design is simple enough to fabricate in any shop.

Here is a picture of two of four clamps i made for myself on manual mill withing 2 hours- sure beats buying mitee-bitees for 175$ a pop!!!

Made out of 5/8" thick D2 plate

1" long Shoulder in the front is tapped to 3/8-16 NC.

Slot for 1/2-13 bolt is sloped towards the back to prevent clamp from sliding under clamping pressure.

A thick 1/4" washer is used to protect T-slot from damage by the socket head.

I ll try to get more pictures tomorrow.

IMAG0540.jpg IMAG0540.jpg Drawing ROckerCLamp.png

FSWizard: Online CNC Machinists Calculator

October 14, 2011, 8:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Online is:

FSWizard is here

It is the most accurate Online Feeds and Speeds Calulator.

In order for every user to enjoy latest modifications and most accurate results, it is WEB Based.
This means that you can use it across all imaginable operational systems and devices.
All you need is an internet connected WEB browser.
No download or installation is required: Just visit the web page.

Also a full functioning mobile version is available.

Key Features of FSWizard:

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