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October 26, 2012, 7:30 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The ONLY FREE CNC Speeds and Feeds Calcualtor

Confidently calculate cutting conditions for hundreds of work-piece materials and of combinations of tooling types and coatings.

  • Accurately Estimate cutting forces involved in machining process and prevent tool breakage.
  • Estimate machine power requirement and help choose best tool for the job.
  • Suggest safe and practical Axial and Radial engagement values.
  • Compensate for reduced-shank, long and extra-long tools.
  • Improve cycle times and tool life
  • UNIQUE feature that allows to set comfortable levels of cutter torque and deflection and prevent cutter breakage.
  • Ideal for use as your Dynamic / Thoroidal / Truemill calculator

Please visit the project page for download link, support and instructions.


Programming Efficient Peck Drilling Cycle

June 2, 2012, 8:18 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Optimizing Peck Drilling for Deep Holes

Peck drilling is often necessary when machining deep holes. However, with the correct feed and speed settings, pecking is unnecessary for depths up to:

  • 3× diameter for standard drills
  • 5× diameter for high-performance parabolic drills

For deeper holes:

  • Up to 10× diameter → Up to 5 pecks for regular drills, and up to 3 pecks for parabolic drills
  • Beyond 10× diameter → Constant pecking is required:
    • 0.5–1× diameter per peck for regular drills
    • 1.5–2× diameter per peck for parabolic drills

Since programming requires specifying a peck amount, here are the recommended values:

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FS Wizard: Dormer Drill test on T6061 Aluminum

April 23, 2012, 7:22 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As part of FS Wizard's development. 2 drills were tested today on T6061 Aluminum.

0.312 Dia and 0.390 Dia Dormer A002 Drill Jobber Drill with TiN coated tip.


Point:Split, 118Deg.

Hole depth for both was 3.0"".

Peck equaled 1xDia

Speeds and Feeds for 0.312 Dia drill were

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FSWizard: Online CNC Machinists Calculator

October 14, 2011, 8:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Online is:

FSWizard is here

It is the most accurate Online Feeds and Speeds Calulator.

In order for every user to enjoy latest modifications and most accurate results, it is WEB Based.
This means that you can use it across all imaginable operational systems and devices.
All you need is an internet connected WEB browser.
No download or installation is required: Just visit the web page.

Also a full functioning mobile version is available.

Key Features of FSWizard:

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Milling Hardox Steel Rc 45-50

January 26, 2011, 10:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Out Company used to have somebody else plasmacut cutting anvils for us.
This was expensive, plus heat generated by plasma caused already unstable anvils to warp like crazy making them very hard to grind flat.

So when foreman told me to machine one on CNC i immidately asked him to buy one of those nifty Hanita TiALN coated Varimill cutters.
Too bad they are too expensive. So the company bought same style of cutters made by Niagara. 0.5" end mill there is x3 cheaper than hanita's. Plus i believe cutting tools made to the same specs, out of the same materials are performing identical.

The machine we ve been using for this is really shaky and busted, so dont laugh at speeds and feeds that we came up with.

So basically, Specs Are:

  • Material: Hardox pre-hardened steel Rc 45-50
  • Cutter: 4 Flute, Stagger Flute TiALN coted 0.5" Micrograin Carbide End Mill, 2.5" Overall, 0.625" Flute Length, 1" overhang
  • Operation: Slotting
  • Speed: 1200 RPM
  • Feed: 4.8 IPM
  • Depth OF Cut: 0.125"
  • Plunge method: 2.5 Deg Ramp/Helix, Or Plunge into 0.281Dia pilot hole at 3 IPM
  • Coolant: Airblast + Oil

International Minicut Speeds and Feeds

January 11, 2011, 7:39 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Here are the speeds and feeds for supercobalt minicut end mills.Read More 

Hanita Varimill II Speeds and feeds

December 24, 2010, 8:27 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hanita Varimill II Speeds and feeds Table

Plus Ordering information

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