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HSMAdvisor v0.862

September 14, 2014, 4:09 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This weekend was very productive

I have finished work on floating license scheme and volunteers have begun testing it.

Licensing like that requires a lot of work on both the web side AND the client side. So a lot of things can go wrong and hopefully testing exposes all of the possible problems before a paying customer has the opportunity to face any.

Aside from cleanup here and there i have added the material search feature.

"Material" panel is now expandable and it is hiding a search field.
When you type anything into that field, material list right above will filter out items that contain the text being searched.
To clear search results user can just click the red x button to the right of the search field.

Here is how it looks:

You don't really need to click on the magnifying glass button as searing and selecting of material is done in real time as you type text.

In fact in many cases simply typing things like "D2" will select the material you need.

What's New:

  • Material Search Feature
  • Added several new machine profiles to the default machine list
    (When you install over existing installation, use machine import function to add them to your current machine list)
  • Finished floating license module (pending testing)

What's improved:

  • Added Aluminum 6061-T4 to materials list
  • Fixed missing Aluminum 6061-T6
  • Added floating pop-up box to pretty much all fields on the FSWizard screen
  • Cleaned up various things.

HSMAdvisor v0.852

September 2, 2014, 11:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Whats new:

  • New "Reference" Tab now hosts all old Tap and Drill charts along with 2 new interactive Fastener Head Clearance tables (For SHCS and 82Deg FHS).
  • New additions to Aluminum, Copper, Stainless and Steel material groups.


  • Manufacturer Chipload loosing default value in metric mode condition fixed.
  • Improved Plugin Download workings in "Plugins" page. Now external links do not get broken. Also it works a lot faster too.


So, Let's see what new goodies we got here.

As you see i re-arranged some stuff around.
All data tables are now in "Reference" tab. and all geometric calculators are not in "Geometry" tabRead More 

HSMAdvisor 0.840

August 4, 2014, 3:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Another week - another HSMAdvisor update!

Yesterday i uploaded a newer version. You can download it already.

Major change is only one: I have finally come around to implementing a Turning surface finish calculator.

After selecting any Turning Tool type, a "Scallop" button on Comp. panel will open a separate Turning Surface Finish dialog.

As usual you can change the units of measure by clicking "Units in/mm" label in top right corner.

Default units will be the units of chipload.

Also a corner radius is needed for calculator to work.

Changing Feed per Rev. or Corner Rad. values changes Surface Finish and Scallop and vise-verse

After you click "Apply", proper feed override is applied to the final result to get the surface finish you desire.

Aside from this new feature a couple of things got improved and fixed as well

  • First of all, i believe i have finally fixed a plagues that most of software running under Windows:
    Scaling issues under DPI greater than 96 were addressed and i think from this point on i should get much fewer reports about things being cropped off in wrong places.
    Still, if something looks odd on your system, please let me know!
  • A new "Stickout" column was added to the Tool Drop-Down List
  • Turning Cuts with mixed in/mm data saved in them used to have conversion issue.
    It has been fixed in this update.
  • Also collapsing panels that used to close when another panel is being opened now operate independently.
    Many people as it turns out like ot have ALL of the panels expanded at the same time.


Latest updates to FSWizard:mobile Speed and Feed calc

July 28, 2014, 9:32 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have recently published an update for both Android and Iphone versions.

Mainly i have fixed radial chip thinning for ballnose endmills.

I also added Axial, Radial and Compound Chip Thinning factors display in both cut depth/width panel, as well as Result panel.

So now you can see how parameters, you are entering, are affecting your thinning factors.

Observe the attached screenshots and download the update it you have not already!


Cut Panel 2014-07-28_22-25-16.png Result Panel 2014-07-28_22-26-01.png

Another Week left on this sale! What's to come?

July 27, 2014, 10:42 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The current "15% Off HSMAdvisor" sale will run until August 4th.

Which here in Ontario is a statutory holiday.

I am not really sure what we are celebrating, but hey, as long as i get paid for staying at home, i don't care.

Just wanted to thank everyone for great support, for investing into YOUR software and for telling your friends and colleagues about it.

I strongly believe our pricing and conditions are VERY competitive and more and more of you agree with me on that every day. I am not even talking about the part that should You need anything improved, fixed or questions answered, i am always available.

I also wanted to let you in in what is coming regarding HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed software.

  • The next course of action for me will be adding surface finish calculators to the FSWizard page.
    I have received a few requests for that, and about to start rolling those out.
  • I will revisit myCut DB page.
    Tool database will have filters, that would allow users to only see the tools they need.
    You will be able to choose what tool table columns you want to see.
    I will add tool manager window that will allow to quickly show which tools need to be ordered. And create a purchase order right on the spot. Which you would be able to either export to excel, Word or just print out right away.
  • I am still bearing the idea of a so-called group knowledge.
    I am not going to discuss what exactly i am thinking about. But this, if implemented would radically improve decision-making when it comes to machining.
    This last part is going to be the hardest one and involve great deal of plain hard work, so i am going to put it on a back-burner for now.

As you see we have lots more to come. And we are not even on to version 1.0 !

And the best part is, if you pitch in now, you will be able to enjoy all the updates and features i am talking about for free!

Take care.

Have a save work week!

HSMAdvisor v0.830

July 27, 2014, 7:13 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded a pretty big update to HSMAdvisor. Check it out on DOWNLOAD page!

In this update i have completely redesigned the way Tool and Cut Drop-Down lists work.

Now Information is diaplyed in neat columns and rows. Rows also alternate in color.

But wait, there is more!

You can also now change the order and the type of information displayed in these Drop-Down lists!

Just Right Click on either Tool or Cut DropDown list to choose the visibility of any column:

You can use Up and Down buttons to re-order columns in a way that pleases your eyes.

New Things:

  • Redesigned Tool and Cut dropdown lists on the FSWizard page
    Ability to not only choose the kind of data displayed in the lists, but also order of columns.
  • Added "Generic" switch to the Tool Information Dialog that allows to create tools with editable cutter geometry (can change things like diameter, flute lengths etc.)
  • Added NITRONIC 50-60 and ToughMet 2-3 to material list.  

Improved Things:

  • Fixed faulty in/mm conversion for saved metric cuts
  • Adjusted cutting speeds for some stainless steels

HSMAdvisor MidSummer Sale!

July 14, 2014, 9:32 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

For a limited time purchase any HSMAdvisor license at more than 15% discount.

We hadn't had a sale in quite a while, so i thnik it is time for one more to the very middle of the Summer!

It is July 15, and i just realized we are past half-way point and it is not long before summer is over.

Invest into software that takes "guess" out of your machine shop work!

HSMAdvisor v0.822

July 12, 2014, 5:06 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A latest update to HSMAdvisor is available right now in the downloads section!

The main new thing is ability to assign custom or Tool Manufacturer-recommended Speeds and Feeds to tools saved in the database.
Please refer to this tutorial for a detailed walk-through on how this can be accomplished.

Why have manufacturer-recommended speeds and feeds when my calculator already does pretty much the same thing?
Simply because cutter geometry and composition varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. And tools made by different companies often vary in quality and performance.

Even things like cutter material and coatings vary in hardness and toughness.

Aside from this major update, little bugs were fixed.

Fixed and Improved:

  • New "Speed and feed source" indicator disappearing problem solved.

  • Fixed limits for drilling, taping and turning.

  • changed layout for Reference Calculators

Edit: I just uploaded a video showing how to add custom Speeds and Feeds to youtube.

FSWizard Lite for Android reaches 10 000 downloads!

June 29, 2014, 7:30 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Lite for Android reaches 10 000 downloads!

To mark the ocasion, prices for the FSWizard PRO for Android have been dropped by a whooping 50%!

Reduced pricing will only be available for a limited time!

Here is a link to FSWizard PRO in Google Play store

HSMAdvisor v0.812

June 14, 2014, 2:40 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The latest release of HSMAdvisor is now available on Download Page

There have been many important improvemnts. So please download this update ASAP

  • Important!: Add Tool Error fixed
  • Expanding and then contracting window would sometimes cause layout to break. This issue has been fixed
  • Layout problems when using non-standard Windows scaling were fixed.
  • Window resize by dragging one of its edges has been turned on.
  • Program Launch Time was improved
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