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Recent service problems

June 1, 2014, 2:37 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Recently i noticed that I (and everyone else) could not add new information to my website.

The issue affected everything. New support forum posts were getting rejected, you could not save online calculations and even automatic payments were not saving in my online database.

Turns out my hosting (the company that hosts my web sites on their servers) changed a bunch of settings from their end.

This caused all the issues many may have been experiencing.

Now everything has been fixed. In fact it only took me half an hour to fix things, but 3 days webservices were immobilized until i noticed the problem.

I also made some changes to HSMAdvisor program.

In version 0.811 i have fixed an annoying glitch that crashed the progam when less than 3 days were remaining on the trial.

It did not affect paying customers, but i guess it cost me a few of potential ones.

I guess it is another drawback of releasing updates as often as i do.

HSMAdvisor v0.810

May 25, 2014, 12:34 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

New Things:

  • New "Indexable Drill" Tool Type
  • Some tool will now have Usage Tips in the warning box, IE new Indexable Drill Tool type will have recommendations to use through coolant.
  • New Buttons on Tool Geometry pane:
    [Edit As New] button allows to quickly drop current tool and use its data to create a new one
    [Add Tool] Allows to quickly add tool to the library of your choise
  • Edit/Add Tool dialog now allows you to choose tool library when you add or edit tool information data into the database

Whats fixed:

  • On systems where comma (,) is used to in place of a decimal point, selecting Tap tool type would throw an error.
    This glitch has been fixed in this update.

HSMAdvisor v0.803

May 19, 2014, 5:13 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What's new:

  • Revised chiploads for smaller endmills.
  • Revised recommended Depths of Cut for different material types for endmills with various number of flutes.
  • Improved Deflection model to include cutter lead angle.

In this update i have re-visited speeds and feeds area of the calculator.

Recommended Depth of Cut and Deflection calculation was revised.
At the same time Chiploads for endmills smaller than 3mm or 0.125" were reduced in half.

This resulted in most things regarding actual Speeds and Feeds remaining the same, but i believe this update works better as it considers material type and number of flutes to calculate recommended depth of cut.

Also Deflection calculation was changed for tapered endmills

Be Lazy (In a Good Way)

May 18, 2014, 10:53 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I sometimes get email letters from beginning CNC machinists thanking me for making the FSWizard Online Speed and Feed Calculator available for free and asking for some tips and hints.

I always answer and try to encourage people.

Looking at my own CNC career I realize that the thing that is making me successful in my eyes is my own laziness.

Because of how lazy I am I always try to make things the fastest and easiest way possible.

At my previous day job I earned several awards for improving various processes many times saving the company thousands of dollars and many man-hours as a result.

So the main advice I have for those willing to advance is "be lazy"

Always try to improve on your work and make things work faster and better, so you do not have to work hard. If you are successful, your boss will notice.

Bill Gates - the founder of Microsoft once said that he would always give the hard jobs to lazy people, because they always manage to find ways to do them easy.

One of the awards i received 14004253161250.jpg

HSMAdvisor v0.802

May 12, 2014, 10:20 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This is a bug-fix update.

As it turned out usage of "Sticky RPM" caused the calculator to not work properly.

Also when in metric mode, Tool Manufacturer Cutting Speed was sometimes not updating properly.

All the problems have been fixed in this update.

HSMAdvisor UI Survey Results

May 7, 2014, 9:23 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I think it is time to reflect on latest changes to our HSMAdvisor and look at survey results.

Thanks to your input I was able to make changes that I believe addressed some of the issues you guys were having.

You can download and try HSMAdvisor for 30 more days here

This update resets your trial counter back to "30 days left", so if your old trial expired, you can use it for one month more.

First of all, I put all of the available overrides on plain sight. Now you do not need to expand a panel to access speed/feed overrides.

I also added cutting speed and chipload to the collapsed view.

Machine Panel now has  Max RPM on collapsed view.

Gages panel now is not expandable and has Read More 

HSMAdvisor v0.800

May 4, 2014, 4:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update resets trial counter back to "30 days left"!

New Things:

  • New Reference Tab
    I am starting to port geometry calculators found in FSWizard:Mobile app to HSMAdvisor.
    You will be able to find them in ths tab. For now i have added 3 calculators: True Position, Bolt Line and Bolt Hole
  • Ability to Download and save ALMOST any web page as a plugin.

Improved Things:

  • Improved Scaling and layout when using larger Windows Font Size and lager App Font size.
  • Changed position of several controls withing the app to improve usability.

Now lets look closer what has changed....

Read More 

A few more days left on this sale!

April 26, 2014, 4:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Just wanted to let everybody know that the current sale will run until the end of April.

I also wanted to ask everybody again to participate in the survey posted earlier and help decide the major direction the software needs to be moving.

Edit: I have received very valuable feedback so far.

Please fillup the survey if you did not already.

HSMAdvisor User Interface Survey

April 22, 2014, 11:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

So far reaction to the new user interface has been somewhat mixed.

Those who like it, i guess keep quiet, and those who don't are voicing their discontent :)

I guess i need everyones feedback on this.

Please fill up following survey, so i can get a clearer picture of what i should be doing.

Here is a link to the survey on SurveyMonkey Website

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
New User Interface hsmadvisor077-1.png Old User Interface all.png

HSMAdvisor v0.775 .Net4.0 Update

April 18, 2014, 10:04 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Up to now people who wanted to use HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Calculator on their Windows 8 machines had to install .Net Framework 2.0

I have decided from this point on to supply HSMAdvisor in both .Net versions.

As much as i would like to move completely to 4.0, too many people still run archaic versions of .NET framework.

I also fixed quite a few other things in this update.
So, if something looked wird before, it now should be fixed.

Edit: I have added a fix for metric taps in version 0.777

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