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Black Friday Special

November 28, 2014, 6:25 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This Black Friday and Until Monday.

Save 15% on Everything in our HSMAdvisor Store !

HSMAdvisor v0.950

November 10, 2014, 9:48 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded the latest version of HSMAdvisor

In this one I made some changes (again) to the layout of the FSWizard tab.

Changes were made according to Your feedback, so i hope you guys like it!

As you can see from the screen shot above Tool Type selection drop-down lists have been moved to the Tool Data panel.
This was made to make it more obvious which values get saved and loaded when user does operations with saved tools.

For the same purpose Saved Cut drop-down is now located on top of all cut parameters that it affects.

The top-most panel (Workpiece) now contains Machine and Tool Library drop-down lists.

I urge everybody to download this update as it fixes all of the existing issues regarding layout changes.

Also in the previous version, when Trial version gets expired, the Splash Screen blocks the License Activation dialog, which would make it impossible to purchase a license or enter your license information.

This glitch and many others have been fixed and i would like to ask everybody to download the latest release as soon as possible!


Status Updates

October 31, 2014, 8:18 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have changed a Web-Server hosting company

This will translate to much better loading times for our users. Especially those who use the FSWizard:Online Calculator

Thank you for patience.

Our Halloween Sale is now Officially Over

Once again I would like to thank everyone who invested into development of this software.

Each one of you is not just a customer, but a co-creator. Thanks to your contributions our software gets better and better with every release.
And all of it comes back to our users in a form of features they have suggested or asked for.

At this point in time i can see the results of adding the subscription-based floating licensing model.
NOT surprisingly the Permanent License Type is still more popular than the subscription-based one.

Perhaps it is attributed to the fact that most people only use HSMAdvisor on one computer anyway, which most of the time is their CAD/CAM station and relatively few people need to move their seat from one computer to another.

More User Interface Improvements are Coming

I am in the process of re-vising the work-flow of loading a Tool/Cut From the database.

Tool and Cut drop down lists will disappear from the screen. Instead a couple of buttons will be added that would allow loading a Tool/Cut from the database, editing/viewing parameters etc.

This should greatly unload the screen and make things easier to read.

Have a good and productive day!

HSMAdvisor v0.900

October 28, 2014, 8:21 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

New version 0.900 includes one big improvement:

A new "Load Tool" button was added on the Toll Data panel.
When you click on that button, a brand-new "Select Tool/Cut" dialog box appears.

Using this dialog box you can quickly find and load any Tool/Cut from your Tool Database:

When you click on the "Toll Library" header, panel expands allowing user to filter out the tools and cuts that he wishes to see.

Also Expand All checkbox allows to expand all tools on the table.

In the future updates i am planning to completely replace the functionality of the two separate Tool and Cut Drop-Down lists with this single dialog window.

If you have any feedback, positive or negative or any ideas, please let me know!


This Halloween save up to $30 !

October 19, 2014, 5:35 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Halloween sale is ON!

All HSMAdvisor Licenses worth more than $70 are currently 15% off!

You can buy a 3 year Subscription or Lifetime Permanent license now for just $82.45 HSMAdvisor Store

Let me remind you that FSWizard PRO for Android (worth $30) is included into those prices as well. So if you were thinking of buying both of them, why not save right now?

HSMAdvisor v0.880

October 4, 2014, 9:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Trial Reset For Everybody!

I have just uploaded another update to HSMAdvisor. You can download the updated version over here ->

This update resets trials on ALL unlicensed computers.

In it i addressed some of your concerns  regarding readability of the screen.
A qualified committee, consisting of me and my lovely wife, who no-doubt has better taste than me, decided upon the new screen layout.


Basically i am returning to the old layout where controls are grouped in blocks and not in rows like in previous version.

Please let me know if you have any feedback and want something improved upon!

Other new things in this update include 2 new high performance coatings - nACo and nACRo.

Also in this update i improved licensing by granting floating license holders a grace period when they are unable to connect to the server.

HSMAdvisor Trial reset is coming!

October 4, 2014, 2:00 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I listen to my customers.

A lot of people really favoured the old interface. At first i thought it was more about getting used to something new. But i myself had hard time getting into the workflow after a few days of away from my program.

The last straw was when i accidently opened a screenshot of the old interface.

I saw how clean and simple my original design was.

Whole last week i spent re-aranging things around. Those of you who liked the old interface will surelly love what i have done.

To let people whose trial has run out try the imorovement, i am resettimg trial counters in the very next update.

Keep checking here for the update announcement!

HSMAdvisor v0.872

September 28, 2014, 10:16 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Whats New:

  • Update Notification Added
    (when a newer version is available you will see a notification on the bottom of the HSMAdvisor window)
  • Number of Flutes and Corner Radius now display on the Tool Drop-Down list

Whats Improved:

  • Chamfering tools improved significantly. Almost everything has been redone and works very solid.
  • High Feed Mills Tool Display has been changed and internal model has been improved.
    Tip Diameter now specifies the maximum Diameter of the mill.
  • A typo has been fixed in the material list. Now It displays 15-5 Stainless steel instead of 15-8

Here is how  Update Notification looks:

Since you will be downloading this very update it will say you are up to date.
But next time i upload something, you will know right away!

Also Big changes happened to chamfering tools:

Read More 

New Articles in HSMAdvsior Help Section

September 23, 2014, 10:47 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Balancing Cutter Engagement

One of the handiest functions of HSMAdvisor is the ability to suggest Depth of Cut (DOC) and Width of Cut (WOC) based on tool type and user-specified tool geometry.

When Cut data matches the default or ideal data specific for the selected Tool Type, the DOC and WOC fields turn Green in color:

This article describes how to balance the Cutter Engagement and find the most efficient way of removing material.

Read More Here

Help! ..... I mean We've Got Help!

September 21, 2014, 11:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A Help section for HSMAdvisor is something a lot of people have been asking for quite a while.

So this weekend i made a major push forward in that direction and completed several sections.
This also required me to modify the template a little bit to make it look easy to navigate and convenient.

I think i did a good job with it.
It is nowhere near finished. But it is a good start and already there is something to be learned form it.

This couple of days  i covered such topics as: License Types, Tool Type, Materials, Coatings, OS and Hardware Requirements. etc

Check it out HERE!


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