HSMAdvisor Cutomer satisfaction survey
Please help us make HSMAdvisor a better software product.
Tell me if we are heading in the right direction.
Please help us make HSMAdvisor a better software product.
Tell me if we are heading in the right direction.
We have some (I am sure welcome) addition to our family of tool types supported by HSMAdvisor.
The new tool type is "Boring Head".
This tool is used for finishing holes on milling centres. Also in this release I have made a lot of improvements to operation of myCut Database and revised ssuggested depth of cut for milling tools when used at low radial engagement.
More details on the HSMAdvisor Download page.
This Friday, July 31 will be the second full moon in the same calendar month.
This does not happen very often, so i decided to call this sale "Once in a Blue Moon" to tie it to this occurrence.
The rebate will apply even to packages below $100 when combined value of number of seats, being purchased, is over 100.
Oh. And Happy Canada Civic Day!
It is no secret that i am trying to make my software fit the broadest possible group of people.
And while my much-respected hobby customers is a big deal for me, industrial machining is where HSMAdvisor really shines.
Recently a PracticalMachinist forum member Atomkinder posted a video of him machining something on his 1997 Fadal VMC.
Here is what he had to say:
This isn't particularly special, but it is a 1997 Fadal VMC2216 box way machine. Removed a whole tool and something like 40% of the cycle time from the second operation of this part.
And here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHN5z4EKODQ
40% of the cycle time. Aint bad, is it?
In industrial settings, with such great savings HSMAdvisor may very well pay for itself within a day or less!
From this point on all license types will have a 30% progressive multiple seat discount.
A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee has been introduced for all floating licenses.
If you for any reason are not satisfied with our product, simply let us know and we will refund your full purchase amount!
Micro 100 Specialty Carbide Tooling company has approached me asking for a branded version of my FSWizard:Online Speeds and Feeds Calculator.
Customer requests for Speeds and Feeds amount for a large portion of their customer support calls.
I hope this partnership will unload their phones AND bring some new users to my commercial products such as desktop HSMAdvisor and FSWizard for mobile platforms.
And here is the link for the custom Speed and Feed calculator i made for them http://micro100.hsmadvisor.com/
A big. A VERY BIG and VERY GOOD news are coming to those of my users who also use MasterCAM :)
I have made some changes to the HSMAdvisor online store.
As of now users can purchase any number of seats they want.
Be it 1,2, 5 or 50. Does not matter any more. User gets to choose the number he wants. A progressive 25% discount will be applied on purchases of multiple seats.
Which means discount will start from 25% for 2 seats and end with 37% for 50 seats.
This should help great deal for people who want some odd number of seats.
And just a remainder: the current 15% on over 90$ is still active until July 4.
We have not had any discounts for almost half a year.
I think it ifs time for a sale.
Check out our HSMAdvisor web store page for currently available deals.
Basically everything above $90 is on 15% sale until Fourth of July.
Happy Canada Day and Happy Fourth Of July!
I have not announced the previous update here, so i am going to cover the latest changes here.
An update to port those changes to Android and IOS apps is under way
Would like to thank everyone for their continuous support and feedback.
I do not know what i would do without you guys!
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