HSMAdvisor Cutomer satisfaction survey
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Please help us make HSMAdvisor a better software product.
Tell me if we are heading in the right direction.
We have some (I am sure welcome) addition to our family of tool types supported by HSMAdvisor.
The new tool type is "Boring Head".
This tool is used for finishing holes on milling centres. Also in this release I have made a lot of improvements to operation of myCut Database and revised ssuggested depth of cut for milling tools when used at low radial engagement.
More details on the HSMAdvisor Download page.
As a developer of a very successful line of speed and feed calculators I sometimes get questions like : "I calculated speeds and feeds for a conventional toolpath. Got 5.5 cubic inches MRR(Material Removal Rate). And then I calculated S&F for the same endmill with HSM parameters turned on and got almost the same amount of MRR! What is even the point in using HSM parameters?" -they ask.
I would like to clear some things up for my friends.
In this article I will explain exactly WHY HSM machining is better and HOW to achieve better productivity and tool life.
For starters here are the main features of a HSM-capable cutter:
As usual there are several components of HSM that need to be present in order for it to work to its fullest. These are:
a) Machine
b) Tool
c) Workpiece geometry
d) Workpiece material
I intentionally did not number these as each one of those is equally important.
I often get email questions asking for clarification on merits of use of HSM And Chip Thinning check boxes when calculating speeds and feeds with HSMAdvisor and FSWizard calculators.
In this new help article will try to explain just what HSM means and in which situation you should use it:
Hopefully this will fill in the gaps and help our users to get more comfortable with our software.
One of the most versatile ways of clamping irregular -shaped parts is with use of soft jaws.
In this one I had to machine a triangular-shaped part from two sides.
It is going to be some sort of a part holding jaw for a robot.
So step one: Machine one side of the part in vise. hold on to 1/8" of stock. So make sure to cut your part on a bandsaw oversize.
Step Two: Bolt soft jaws to your vise and machine a pocket using outside contour of your part.
Be sure to relieve corners.
Step three: Clamp your part in the soft jaws and machine the second side of your part.
One important thing to consider is: this method is not very accurate. depending on the size and a shape of your part you may be able to hold it within 0.001" though.
See attached photos of the steps below.
I had some unfortunate troubles initially releasing the mastercam hook this month.
But thanks to the feedback from my users and the fine folk from eMasterCAM.com community they are now over!
Updated installer is available here-> http://hsmadvisor.com/index.php?page=HSMAdvisor_for_MasterCAM
Recently I had to machine a few pieces after turning.
Because the very top of the part was supposed to be machined off, I could not clamp through the central hole like I often do.
Decided to quickly turn an expandable washer out of aluminum and a plastic spacer that would collapse a little bit under clamping pressure and allow the part to sit firmly against the base of the fixture.
I liked this method so much I am going to do the same next time I have similar part to make.
See pics below.
Later on i will try to post some more pictures of other setups I did.
The First Ever HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Wizard hook for MasterCAM has been released today for everybody to download for free.
Getting it to this stage has been a titanic effort for me and I am going to put a lot more of it in the coming months: i need to get it to pretty much perfect state before i start forgetting how i did all those things.
Because of this each update i release will extend trial period by 30 days.
This will last for as long as needed to finish the bulk of developing it.
At this moment the following toolpaths are fully recognized:
The only exception is: Coolant parameters are getting lost somewhere in the process. So please double check it before posting!
Things to be added in the coming days/weeks/months:
If you have any suggestions or find any bugs please let me know.
I would like to reassure my current customers that HSMAdvisor Hook is/will be included with your license once this all is set and done.
Please help me with your suggestions/bug reports make this thing even better for all of you!
Here are the latest 2 videos i uploaded to my Youtube chanel
Setting up HSMAdvisor hook:
Calculating cutting parameters for Face Milling, Saving Tool and Cut data and recalling it when needed:
Cheers. And a huge "thank you" to everyone who has been supporting me!
This Friday, July 31 will be the second full moon in the same calendar month.
This does not happen very often, so i decided to call this sale "Once in a Blue Moon" to tie it to this occurrence.
The rebate will apply even to packages below $100 when combined value of number of seats, being purchased, is over 100.
Oh. And Happy Canada Civic Day!
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© 2009 Eldar Gerfanov. Materials on this site are presented as is and are mostly for educational use.
You may freely reproduce information presented herein without any consent from me, provided you include link to this site.
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