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FSWizard Build Blog n2

May 8, 2017, 10:42 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As you might know after i pulled online FSWizard, I set on a huge task rewriting its code to reflect better on all the great improvements HSMAdvisor has had in the last 4 years

So far I have completed rewriting FSWizard code for all Endmill tool types.

Special attention is being paid to have it produce exactly the same results as its big brother:

Do not mind the mobile phone frame around the new FSWizard. It will be available online in your desktop browser as well!

I am going to continue posing here about my progress.
So far it seems I will be publishing a first online alpha version in a few weeks.

Best Regards.

Mayday !

April 30, 2017, 11:35 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Well not the bad mayday. It is the good one.

Today is the International Worker's day.

My best wishers go to all machinists and cnc programmers out there.

Keep it safe.

Btw. HSMAdvisor v1.509 has been released just yesterday. It is a big release which has lots of improvements. So we updated the Mastercam x9 and 2017 hooks as well.

Btw2. User's feedback has been plenty and steady recently. Please keep it up!  We really like making HSMAdvisor even better by adding stuff that you actually need!


Running HSMAdvisor on Linux

April 17, 2017, 8:56 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Previously when someone asked me whether HSMAdvisor works on linux or Mac I would steer them towards using VirtualBox or Parallels or some other virtual machine to run HSMAdvisor in the virtual Windows box.

As it turns out it is not always necessary.

Our customer has just managed to successfully run HSMA on Linux using package called Wine.

All he had to do was to use wine in 32 bit mode.

I, personally, did not think it was possible to run an app as complex as HSMAdvisor on linux without any modifications on my side. But i was wrong!

Here is a helpful link if you are running 64 bit version of linux and your Wine refuses to launch HSMAdvisor in 32 bit mode:

Reportedly Reference and Geometry tabs do not work. But this is not surprising, since they use Internet Explorer to show the information.

Also pressing ENTER key causes the app to crash.

I am going to install a test Linux system on my workstation in the near future and figure out how to fix those issues and make Non-Windows support more readily available.

On another news.

Having made a new FSWizard App design and right before publishing. I decided to rewrite the whole core almost from scratch.

This was needed to make room for new modules like User Tool Libraries and Machine Profiles.

The work is going ahead at full speed and in due time i will roll our the brand new spanking FSWizard!

A Total Guide into Plunging and Ramping

April 4, 2017, 7:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Before we start milling away our stock we first need to get down to the required depth.

This is not a problem with external features when we can plunge outside.

When machining closed pockets, however, we need to find a way to get down to the machining depth first.

As usual there are several ways to get the job done. The plunging methods listed here are not ordered by their preference.

For various machining operations on different materials some may be more preferable than others.

Straight Plunging into a larger Pre-Drilled hole

This is one the best ones in my opinion.
Very few machining modes can compete in effectiveness with drilling and this method will get you the best combined tool life on most materials and (in case of many deep pockets) the least machining time, even when tool change time is factored in.

When using a pre-drilled hole technique, though, you should keep in mind that holes tend to collect chips and I would recommend machinists to make sure the holes are clear before plunging in. This can easily be done with an air blast or a through-spindle coolant.

Most CAM software allow you to specify a drilling operation for a pilot hole. With MasterCAM's Dynamic Toolpaths, for example, I would normally create a hole geometry where I want the pilot to be and use it as "Air Region" when chaining my ToolPath, this would ensure my milling tool uses the hole region for plunging without the need for ramping.

Straight plunging into solid stock

On aluminums, soft non-ferrous and non-metals this method gives best productivity and tool life. It also requires just one cutting tool for both plunging and milling.

A few conditions have to be met for this method to be successful.
First of all your end mill is supposed to be designed for straight plunging. In other words it needs to be center-cutting.

Ideally the depth of your plunge should not exceed one diameter of the end mill.

When calculating spindle speed, I recommend using 70% of normal slotting cutting speed for this material and the feedrate should be divided by the number the End Mill's flutes.

HSMAdvisor by default suggests plunging Speed and Feed according to these guidelines.

To avoid having chips wrap around your tool you can use pecking or chip-break motion to break the chips. In such a case 1/4 to 1/8 diameter pecks usually help.

Straight plunging into a Pilot Hole that is smaller than the End Mill

When milling plunging into steels and other tougher materials, or when chip welding becomes an issue it is possible to straight-plunge into a smaller pre-drilled hole.

Yes, this method requires a separate drilling tool to make the pilot hole, but, unlike the previous one, it will let you use non-center-cutting tools and improve the chip evacuation.

Here is a neat trick to avoid chips from wrapping around your End Mill: shift your Pilot Hole in such a way, that the drilled hole is tangent to the circumference of the end mill:

This method plays well when you have to make a counter-bore on a hole, that you had to make anyway.

Alternatively You can also use pecking motion to break the chips.

On most mild materials this method gives good tool life and productivity.

Helical plunging into a Pilot Hole smaller than the End Mill

Not always we can find a drill larger than the diameter of the End Mill.

In this case we can drill a smaller hole and helical-plunge into it at more aggressive feed and speed rates than we otherwise would ramping into the solid stock.

HSMAdvisor considers the size of the pilot hole when calculating plunging speeds and feeds. You can read more in depth over about it over here: Circular Interpolation / Ramping Calculator

This method works for tougher materials when it is impossible to to straight-plunge, or when chip-welding is an issue.

Helical plunging into solid stock

Helical Ramping is a lot like straight line ramping, it also requires slower cutting speeds and feeds, but unlike linear ramping it requires circular motion of the cutter and can be subject to pocket geometry constraints.

It is suggested to use 0.9 to .95 of the cutter diameter for the diameter of the helical path (resulting hole almost 2x dia of the end mill) and sometimes it is hard to fit such a large hole in a pocket.

This method is my least favorite but because it is so easy to use, I often default to this one, as it requires the least amount of thought.

Ramping is also the only method that will work when milling hardened steels. Unless you have a large carbide drill to put a pilot hole, of course.

Linear ramping into solid stock

Any Full-width ramping method requires much slower cutting speeds and feeds than normal milling would.

Since in this scenario the End Mill effectively has 360 degree engagement with the work-piece, cutting speed needs to be reduced in order to not damage the cutting edges.

By the way HSMAdvisor considers not only the plunging mode when suggesting speeds and feeds, but also ramping angle. It outputs separate plunging parameters on the "Speeds and Feeds" panel.

The pro of this method is better chip clearance when making long linear ramping motion and the con of this method is that often long linear ramping moves are not possible due to pocket geometry constraints.

Speeds and Feeds

As previously mentioned, almost any case of plunging requires cutting speeds and feeds different than those for regular milling.

For non-HSMAdvisor aided programming i suggest using 50-80% on normal cutting speed and feed adjusted according to the following table:

Ramp chipload adjustment for 4 flute Center cutting end mills:

  • 0-2.5deg=100% of normal feedrate
  • 2.5-5deg=75% of normal feedrate
  • 5-15deg=50% of normal feedrate
  • 15-30deg=25% of normal feedrate
  • 30-45deg=5% of normal feedrate

When HSMAdvisor is used to calculate plunging speeds and feeds, it will automatically adjust speeds and feeds according to the entered conditions.

In this help article I explain in detail for to use HSMAdvisor's many supported plunging modes:

Uninstall Feedback

March 23, 2017, 8:22 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Out of all kinds of feedback forms on HSMAdvisor (we have Forums, User Feedback and Unistall Feedback) web site the only one I dread opening is the "Uninstall Feedback".

When someone uninstalls HSMAdvisor, on the last step the program asks to provide the final feedback to maybe help us make HSMAdvisor better.

I do not like reading this form very much because it means that would-be users left in some way dissatisfied with the program.

And that really breaks my heart!

Among the most common answers is stuff like "does not support metric" even though IT VERY MUCH SUPPORTS METRIC.
We have, without a doubt, one of the most flexible units system of all machining-related software products.
I guess I have to improve in helping people learn how to use many unit switches within the program.

But the one that stood out is this one:

Your software is AWESOME. I'm just uninstalling so I can reinstall on another machine. Thanks for making a great product!

Thank you Jeremy! Really made my day!

Just a heads-up.

Another update is coming this weekend.
I am adding some materials and this threads specification drawing:

Requested by one of the users, I am sure it will be a big help.

Fight SPAM!

March 21, 2017, 8:15 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
.bbcode_code_body p{ margin:0; }

This website has recently become a target of relentless spam attacks.
Some dumbasses (probably bots or worse Russian hackers) post unrelated messages and such. Possibly looking for exploits in the security system.

I pride my self in openness to any meaningful content and do not want to pre-moderate comments or make registration (with email verification) mandatory.
So I subscribed to free API service that checks user's IP address before allowing to post any comments.

If you by any chance are wrongfully denied access, just let me know and i will clear the block.

On my part i will ban and report spammers with extreme prejudice. Let's make internet spam free one IP at a time!

For webmasters here is plain PHP code i used to enable IP checking and reporting:


<?php function httpCheckAbuse($ip){ $key="[secret API key]"; $url = "".$ip."/json"; $ret=httpRequest($url,'GET',['key'=>$key,'days'=>60],$status); if ($status==200) return json_decode($ret); else return false; } function httpReportAbuse($ip,$comment){ $key="[secret API key]"; $url = ""; $ret=httpRequest($url,'GET', [ 'key'=>$key, 'category'=>10, 'comment'=>$comment, 'ip'=>$ip, ],$status); if ($status==200) return json_decode($ret); else return false; } function httpRequest($url,$method,$queryArray,&$status=null){ $request = curl_init(); // Set request options try{ switch ($method){ case 'POST': curl_setopt_array($request, array ( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($queryArray), )); break; case 'GET': default: curl_setopt_array($request, array ( CURLOPT_URL => $url."?".http_build_query($queryArray), )); } curl_setopt($request,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true); curl_setopt($request,CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // Execute request and get response and status code $response = curl_exec($request); $status = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($request); if($status == 200) return $response; }catch (Exception $ex){ return null; } return null; }

Best Regards.

HSMAdvisor v1.506 For MasterCAM

March 5, 2017, 9:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded the latest update to HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCam x9 and 2017.
This is a catch-up update to the latest HSMAdvisor improvements.

Additionally i promised few guys a tutorial on how to easily install the hook into MasterCam 2017

So here it is:

Please excuse my lack of artistic prowess.
Hey, You can be ANYTHING but you can not be EVERYTHING

And i am more of a technical guy who, perhaps, lacks the hypnotizing narrating skills of a salesman :)

HSMAdvisor v1.506

February 27, 2017, 12:27 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What is new in this update:

  • Improved Engraving and Chamfering speeds and feeds
  • Improved Deflection calculation for High Feed Endmills
  • Removed annoying "Ding" sound on ENTER key press
  • Some minor bug fixes and cleanup.

There have been lots of new functionality in the program and i am going to release a video showcasing that soon.
Keep an eye out for it!

Best Regards.

HSMAdvisor v1.505

February 16, 2017, 11:07 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What is new and improved in this update:

  • Added Custom Speeds and Feeds Tables selection on the Speeds and Feeds page
    You can now quickly apply custom settings to all tools in one click
  • Materials that have custom Speeds and Feeds specified for them are now highlighted with green color in the drop-down
  • Redesigned Custom Speeds and Feeds module.
    It is now on a separate dialog and is accessible not only through Edit Tool Dialog, but also from Speeds and Feeds page by clicking on "Custom Tables" Edit button.
    Dialog now uses Result "in/mm" setting for displaying default units.
  • Fixed error on adding a Tool Library from Database Actions drop-down
  • Improved layout drawing and resizing speed.
  • Improved cut balancing for End Mills

As usual the latest update can be downloaded over here:

Improved FSWizard is coming!

January 23, 2017, 12:41 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Check this out, guys.

Been working on this for the past couple of weeks:

New FSWizard Speeds and Feeds Calc will have not only modern improved design. But latest tools and materials.
Special attention is being paid to have it produce EXACTLY the same results as our HSMAdvisor desktop app.

It is not complete yet, but it is almost there - making it catch up to the latest HSMAdvisor code is a big job.

The new calculator will replace our online calculator as well.....

Yes, you heard that right! You will be able to run exactly the same FSWizard Speed and Feed calc on your mobile phone, desktop and even Windows Mobile.

Heck, it will even work on Mac!

Best of all, it will be published as an update to our existing apps, so our existing customers will not have to buy an upgrade, unlike what some other "Machinist Calculator" has done in the past.

I will keep you posted.


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