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This Holiday sale ends on monday

January 11, 2014, 1:22 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Well, the holidays are pretty much over.

Prices on all items will go back to normal on January 13.

In the mean time i will relese another BIG updade for FSWizard:Mobile some time this weekend.

Website Updates

January 8, 2014, 11:59 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have made several changes to the layout of the frontpage.

First of all, annoying sales pitch on top is gone. It used to take to much space.

Second, i added a new side panes to the Support Forums page.
It now shows 10 latest forum topics.

On a side note. Work on FSWizard:Modile update went into really deep waters.
I kind of broke everything needlessly, and now trying to make it better than before.

Will keep you updated!

New Screenshots/ Feature List Page

December 31, 2013, 7:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
I have long wanted to update HSMAdvisor Screenshots page

It has finally been done and now it includes the list of all features too.

Check it out, you may find things in there you did not even know about ;)


HSMAdvisor 0.701 Has been released!

December 31, 2013, 2:07 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Happy New Year !

First of all i would like to thank everybody for their continuing support and feedback - without you my work would not be this rewarding and fun.
This holiday season sale has been a success and it is only reassuring me that i am moving in the right direction regarding development of this software.

Also 20 days after the very first release of FSWizard for iOS, sales for it and the Android versions have been going very strong. Which means i will be putting even more effort into improving the mobile versions as well.

New things in HSMAdvisor 0.701:

  • Cut and Form taps have been added.
  • Boring Bar has been added to the tool type list
  • Scallop calculator has been added for ballnose type endmills

Updated and fixed things:

  • Effective diameter for tapered endmills (like V-Bits) has been fixed
  • Deflection model for endmills has been improved
  • BallNose endmills are now considered slotting (floor milling) only when their WOC is set equal to the diameter of the tool.
    When WOC is not equal to the tip Dia, it is presumed the cutter is milling the wall rather than the floor
  • Some Tool Geometry fields have been moved to a new tab.

Again after this release i will shift my attention back to mobile versions of FSWizard

Tapping Tool Type tap_tool.png BallNose Mill Scallop Calc scallo calc.png

Happy Holidays!

December 14, 2013, 7:52 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Save 30% on all HSMAdvisor licenses!

Single seat is now $49, and a three seat license is just $99 !

In other news: A new major update is in the works and will be ready by Christmas time.

Be safe and Happy holidays!

HSMAdvisor Pocketing Tutorial

December 12, 2013, 6:24 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Please check out this tutorial i made for calculating speeds, feeds and engagement when pocketing.

HSMAdvisor status report

December 9, 2013, 12:27 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello guys.

There have not been any updates for quite a while now.

But it is so for a reason.

See i am in the mids of implementing some long awaited features.

So far Boring bars and taps are in the works. I am also planning to include plunging feedrates and revise some other tooling definitions.

If you have something small you wish to see implemented in the next release let me know.

Hooray! I just released free FSWizard LITE speed and feed app for iPhone.....

November 27, 2013, 12:22 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Check it out!

FSWizard is now available not only online and on Android, but on ITunes as well.

For now only the free LITE version will be available.
I wanted to make sure everything is solid enough to roll out the PRO version.

FSWizard PRO, if everything goes smoothly, should be coming in a week or so.

By the way iOs and Android versions are being developed parallel to each-other, so they will be sharing identical functionality.

Iphone view 2013-08-18_22-09-58.png

A few tips on surface milling with ballnose endmills.

November 18, 2013, 1:13 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Since surface milling is more than half of what i do for a living, I decided to share some of my tips on that topic.

Generally you want to create a continuous toolpath that does not change directions too often.

Changing directions slows the machine down and reduction in feedrate affects deflection of the cutter. Different deflection means you get gouge marks on your surfaces.

When you have a long narrow piece its better to go along the long side to save on time and machine wear.
Also going along the longest side reduces the number of direction changes you will have to make

When milling cavities you need to first rough, then semi-finish then finish.

Leave 15 thou after roughing, 3 thou after semi-finishing and finish to zero. All with progressively smaller tools.
5 thou stepover will give you very good finish on most ball mills
3-5 thou chiploads are very common for surface finishing.

Ball mill will always give bad finish on shallow areas- the center is not cutting, but dragging around.
Also straight portion of the flute acts as a wiper and reduces scallop that the ball portion creates.

This is why going from top to bottom is safer and yields better surface finish.

The closer the wall taper angle to the taper of the flutes the better finish you will get.

There is another reason for always trying to go from top to bottom.

When taking material top to bottom you engage stock closer to the tip of the tool.

It makes cut more stable. It is more safe because you are less likely to bury the tool in stock unexpectedly.
Do not go from climb milling to conventional UNLESS you need to save some rapid time.
Pick up only climb milling and you are good to go.
Changing from climb to conventional will cause tool to deflect away from the work on climb and into the work during conventional pass. You will see zebra marks all over your surfaces.


New materials are here!

November 18, 2013, 12:17 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just completed revising HSMAdvisor's material library.

Around 20 different materials have been added.
Some speeds and feeds were adjusted as well.

New library is not yet available in the official release, but you cen get it as a separate file from here

Just scroll to the bottom of the page there and download the file.
Instructions of how to use it are there as well.

Once a new update is ready to be published i will include the new library into the official release.

The list of added materials includes Toolox, Weldox and other pre-hardened steels.

Also graphite was added to hard non-metals.

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