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Perfect Ballnose Engraving Speeds and Feeds in Production Environment

December 6, 2015, 12:38 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I regularly follow forums.
Especially the cnc machining section of it.

I notice when CNC Speeds and Feeds questions come up people often suggest my HSMAdvisor Machinist calculator.
A referral by a satisfied customer is the best referral in my opinion. Thank you to everyone doing this great favor to me and my prospective users!

Other times users of HSMAdvisor question speeds and feeds it generates and instead of going to me, they ask on forums.
Which is always fine, because extremely often "wrong" results mean something wrong in users expectations or the data he feeds the calculator

In the process of discussion it usually turns out that the calculation results were correct, but because user decided to use a depth of cut or tool length, larger than he should have, HSMAdvisor compensates and gives a very conservative feed rate.

Just like in this forum post over here: Engraving with a 1/32 ball mill machinist wanted Read More 

Niagara Elite HP 3 flute Hi Performance Endmill Test

September 18, 2013, 11:22 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Here is a video of a 3 flute Hi-performance endmill slotting aluminum 0.75" deep per pass.

Well, not entirely slottimg, more like pocketing, but the very first move is a full width slot.

Stepover is 0.4"

First i calculated the cut on HSMAdvisor.

Used 6061 aluminum as material and HP endmill at a tool type.

Tool torque and deflection limits were both set at 100% and performance slider was at maximum.

This is what it came up with:

S9127 RPM 125 IPM.

Full slot, 0.75" deep.

45 in^3/min mrr.

Looking at how easy it went i think i should allow for more load in my calculator.

If you have not yet tried HSMAdvisor, make sure you do.

You will be amazed at how much productivity you have been missing out on.

Pre-Hard Stainless & HSM Advisor Test

May 19, 2013, 11:37 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Sevaral weeks ago i saw a post on CNCZone.

A HSMadvisor user Peter Neil used it to calculate cutting conditions for cutting a block of pre-hardened stainless steel.
His machine was Tormach.

Here is an exact copy-paste from that forum post:

Did a test cut on the Tormach today using feeds & speeds from the latest version of the excellent HSM advisor.
To make it interesting, I did the cut using some 1.2085 pre-hard Stainless Steel as I have plenty of stock of it and have a job in mind for this, and wanted to see how it cut on the Tormach.
The material is like a stainless P20, at 16% Chrome/1% Nickel & 0.5% Sulphur (which makes it slightly free-er machining) and is hardened to around 33-35 Rockwell C, so I used the HSM advisor guidelines for machining P20 rather than Stainless. Cutter was a 10mm 4-flute Carbide TiAlN coated EM.

So...... ticking the HSM/Chip thinning option I got a speed of 5120 and feed of 2214mm/minute( 87 IPM). I used a DOC of 10mm and WOC of 0.5mm/0.020" - and turned off the flood cooling to machine it completely dry. The finish pass on the 1st level was 15mm DOC and 0.5mm WOC and slightly lower speeds/feeds.

Loaded up a 40mm x 63mm block , pressed the start button, and it went from this.... this!

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