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A Total Guide into Plunging and Ramping

April 4, 2017, 7:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Before we start milling away our stock we first need to get down to the required depth.

This is not a problem with external features when we can plunge outside.

When machining closed pockets, however, we need to find a way to get down to the machining depth first.

As usual there are several ways to get the job done. The plunging methods listed here are not ordered by their preference.

For various machining operations on different materials some may be more preferable than others.

Straight Plunging into a larger Pre-Drilled hole

This is one the best ones in my opinion.
Very few machining modes can compete in effectiveness with drilling and this method will get you the best combined tool life on most materials and (in case of many deep pockets) the least machining time, even when tool change time is factored in.

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HSMAdvisor v1.199

October 24, 2015, 9:54 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This is update is the last one before a pretty big new additional feature being added to HSMAdvisor. So i cleaned up all the little glitches and made a lot of invisible to naked eye improvements.

Without going into detail i can tell you that those features normally cost users of other software products upwards of several hundred dollars, and they will not be without a cost to HSMAdvisor users too.

This feature will be optional and only those who need it will be able to purchase it as an add-on Later this feature will become a separate software product with HSMAdvisor add-on being just a small part of it.

Development of HSMAdvisor will continue as normal.


 What is new and improved in this update:

  • Improved function of Tool Tables. Removed flickering. Faster Filtering and scrolling.
  • App Icon changed
  • Modified over 45 Degree Ramping Feedrates for milling.
  • Fixed Cloud Machine Upload

Key factors Determining Success of High Speed Machining (HSM)

September 12, 2015, 7:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As a developer of a very successful line of speed and feed calculators I sometimes get questions like : "I calculated speeds and feeds for a conventional toolpath. Got 5.5 cubic inches MRR(Material Removal Rate). And then I calculated S&F for the same endmill with HSM parameters turned on and got almost the same amount of  MRR! What is even the point in using HSM parameters?" -they ask.

I would like to clear some things up for my friends.
In this article I will explain exactly WHY HSM machining is better and HOW to achieve better productivity and tool life.

For starters here are the main features of a HSM-capable cutter:

As usual there are several components of HSM that need to be present in order for it to work to its fullest. These are:

a) Machine
b) Tool
c) Workpiece geometry
d) Workpiece material

I intentionally did not number these as each one of those is equally important.

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HSMAdvisor v1.120

December 27, 2014, 10:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have 2 new calculators available on Reference tab.
It is Oblique Triangle Calculator and a Fillet calculator.

I also fixed Floating Window's missing fields.

I have finally bought a proper microphone and was able to record a tutorial video, where i show a way to calculate speeds and feeds for pocketing in D2 tool steel and also calculate ramping feed rate.

during my meetings with shop programmers i have found out that some people did not really understand the functionality behind Helical Ramping calculator. A more detailed video on Circular Compensation and Ramping to follow.

This video is already on my YouTybe channel:

HSMAdvisor v1.000

November 29, 2014, 8:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have finally reached version 1.00!

Here is a list of new and improved features:

What's New

  • Material Drop-Down list now shows 'X' on the row when the current Library Tool has Custom Surface Speed and Chipload settings.
  • Load Tool dialog box now has Tool Type Icon. The same column shows a readable Operation Type Icon for finishing, roughing, etc.
  • Drilling Tool Types now allow user to enter a custom Pecking value
  • Milling Tool Types now have Editable Plunge RPM and Plunge Feedrate
  • Milling Tool Types' updated Circle/Ramp Dialog now allows to specify whether ramp settings apply to Plunge feedrate of Milling feedrate

What's Improved

  • Custom Speeds and Feeds tab on Edit Tool Dialog was improved with new buttons to reset custom Surface Speed and Chipload settings
    Glitch with certain diameters in metric mode being missed is fixed
  • Load Tool/Cut Dialog box' Search was improved
  • Load Tool/Cut Dialog box now features much improved tool and cut list with better readability and usability
  • Ballnose Tools have been improved to better show changing effective diameter for different depths of cut.

Now, because a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some screenshots as well.

Updated and Improved Load Tool/Cut Dialog:

Note new Tool Type and Cut type Icons in the third column.Read More 

Numbers Behind High Speed Machining (HSM)

May 28, 2013, 7:01 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSM or High Speed Machining is becoming more and more popular each day.
Many of us have seen those youtube videos where endmlls remove large amounts of material at high speeds/feeds.

While definitions of HSM may vary between tool manufacturers and even individual shops, the physics behind it remain the same.

In this article i would like to explore flat endmills.

HSM is not about ramping up your speed/feed overrides to 200% and puling out your smartphone to record another youtube-worth video.

What is HSM?

HSM is a complex of programming, machining and tooling techniques aimed at radical increase of productivity.


The cornerstone of HSM is low radial and high axial engagement of an endmill with the workpiece.

There are many CAD/CAM systems that allow you to create HSM tool-paths. Mastercam's Dynamic milling and SurfCAM's Truemill are some of them.

When radial cutter engagement with the material is smaller than the radius of the tool an interesting thing happens.
Chip load- the distance the tool advances per cutter revolution per tooth- does not equal the actual chip thickness anymore.
Chip thinning mainly happens at radial engagements below 30% of the diameter.

Radial Engagement vs chip thinning factor


50% 1.0
30% 1.091
25% 1.212


20% 1.641
15% 2.1
10% 4.375
5% 6.882

In order to get compensated chipload you need to multiply recommended by manufacturer chipload by the chip thinning factor.

Usual Radial Engagement for HSM toolpaths however is between 5 and 15%.

Axial depth of cut varies depending on geometry, but Read More 

Radial Chip Thinning Engagement_Angle-Chip Thinning.PNG HSMAdvisor Screenshot 0.750in 4FL Carbide TiAlN coated Solid HP End Mill.JPG

Plunging and Ramping Recomendations and Techniques

February 12, 2013, 1:03 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Quite often in order to start cutting in x-y direction you need to first plunge into the material.

Here is a compliled list of recommendations for different kinds of plunging that works in most if not all cases.

Plunge with center cutting endmill:

  • Regular Chipload/Number of flutes , half the cutting speed. (for 3 flute endmill divide normal chipload by 3)


  • Ramp Radius (For Helical ramping): .90-.95 of cutter radius
  • Ramp Angle: Indexed/non center cutting endmills: 1-2.5 degree; Center cutting endmills- Up to 45 deg

Ramp chipload ajustment for 4 flute Center cutting endmills:

  • 0-2.5deg=100% of normal feedrate
  • 2.5-5deg=75% of normal feedrate
  • 5-15deg=50% of normal feedrate
  • 15-30deg=25% of normal feedrate
  • 30-45deg=5% of normal feedrate

Dont forget to reduce cutting speed for ramping above 5deg by half!

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