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HSMAdvisor: Enabling Shared Tool Libraries

March 13, 2014, 8:58 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

In HSMAdvisor starting from version 0.750 it is possible for sevaral HSMAdvisor seats to share the same tool and cut library (myCutDB).

All you need to do is tell all HSMAdvisor seats where the shared database file is located. And then check "Shared Database" option in settings page.
This will make all seats use this file in synchronous mode.

Which means changes to the DB made on one computer will automatically propagate to other computers as well.

This is how it looks in a more schematic way:Read More 

Coming HSMAdvisor Update

March 10, 2014, 11:34 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Our most recent sale is over and it has been a huge success.

I would like to thank everybody who helped me make this software better with every update.

I just wanted to tell you about an incoming update here.

One of early users- Kevin, expressed his desire to install HSMAdvisor on 9 CAM computers in his shop. Now all computers are connected to the network, so he was wandering if it was possible to make all seats share the same tooling database.

It was not possible back then, so I decided to add that functionality in there.

The testing is almost complete and soon everyone will be able to download an update that lets multiple users share the same tooling database over the network. You could even share it over the internet if you use software like DropBox.

I bit later I will create a tutiorial on how it is done. 

This goes to show how important user feedback is for software makers like me.

So if you have any idea and would like to see it implemented, please let me know.

It it looks stupid but it works, it is NOT stupid!

HSMAdvisor 0.741

March 1, 2014, 8:48 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have uploaded the latest version of HSMAdvisor today.

It is a minor update that adds in-app registration for existing users with unused seats.

Also have just completed MasterCAM x2 integration profile for the Capture Wizard.

I did not have time to include it into this update yet, but you can download it below.

MasterCAM Mill X2 MR2 SP1 English.xml MasterCAM Mill X2 MR2 SP1 English.xml

Improved HSMAdvisor 0.740

February 24, 2014, 1:18 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update is mainly a bug fix and has some usability improvements.

New Things

  • Persistence in Threads Tab
    Now Threads Page will stay the way you left it when you shut down the program
  • Persistence in column selection for Drill Chart for both the Treads Page and Tap Tool on FSWizard Page as well.
  • Capture Wizard can now capture target windows with dynamic controls. (Still working on SprutCAM integration profile that required this feature)

Fixed and Improved things

  • Tapping tools had a bug in metric mode. Now it is fixed
  • Text color for selected row in myCut Database page is now white on blue background. Which makes things easier to see.
  • Capture Wizard is now a lot faster and should be less prone to hang ups.
  • Improved Machine Limits behavior
    Power Overload now causes feedrate to reduce.

HSMAdvisor v0.735

February 7, 2014, 11:01 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Version v0.735 has just been released.

We now have 2 new tool types: Counterbore and Chamfer Mill.
They were added to match with similar tools in most CAM packages

Also we now have tool simulation graphics in the Results' area new Tool tab.

Here is a simulation of the new Chamfer Tool type:

Capture Wizard now has Tab Name field that allows Wizard to only capture the Target window when selcted tab is active.

Also Detault Tool Type, Tool Material and Tool coating fields were added.
you can now specify which tool will be picked if Wizard fails to recognise the tool type.

Oh pardon me!

Forgot to mention: We now have Surfcam 5.2, BobCAD-CAM v25 and v26 integration profiles.
you can load those from Profile manager tab on Capture Wizard form.

On a side note somebody from SprutCAM has asked me to create a profile for their package.
Looke like they have demo available for download, so i will probably do that very soon.
As far as I know, I do not really have any customers using that CAM.

But hey, Things change!

Free HSMAdvisor licenses for schools

February 5, 2014, 12:43 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Manufacturing seems to be going back to North America, but thousands of college graduates who finish various CNC -related courses have a very shallow understanding of metal-cutting processes and forces involved.

Frankly i believe Speeds and Feeds should be a separate subject all together.

To help students fill the gap, I am offering US and Canadian educational facilities help with setting up their classes with free HSMAdvisor seats.

Update: Countries of EU and England are now included into the offer!

The total maximum number of seats handed out will be limited to 200.

If you represent a college or a university and want to sign up, please send me an email with your name, position, and number of seats requested.

My email address is

I will set up your license and reply with information on how to obtain the license keys.

If you know a place that could benefit from this offer, please share this message.

Eldar Gerfanov, developer of HSMAdvisor and FSWizard machinists calculators.

Latest FSWizard:Mobile for Android has been released!

January 14, 2014, 10:43 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

After almost 2 months since the last release the next update has just been uploaded to the google Play Store.

Version 1.32 follows in the footsteps of the HSMAdvisor.

It now too has latest material definitions and an updated custom material drop-down list.

This list now expands to the size of the screen overriding default Samsung's scroller (that they stole from iPhone).

Biggest update yet is a new Tap and Form Tap tool types.
You can now get not only cutting speed and feedrate for taps, but also calculate the best drill size for desired thread percentage.

New material list 2014-01-14_22-37-19.png Tap 2014-01-14_22-37-48.png Tap hole parameters 2014-01-14_22-38-00.png

Newest Update: Trial Resets For Everybody !

January 12, 2014, 3:47 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello guys,

I have just uploaded a newest update to HSMAdvisor v0.702.

One of the users reported several problems over this weekend and i have just fixed them.

I strongly encourage anyone who has downloaded previous version to download and install this update.

It adds UN thread type and fixes "strange" cutting speeds for stainless steels and fixes graphcal bugs caused by "Larger font size" settings on your desktop.


Also i have reset all trial counters, so that anyone who still does not have a license has another 30 days to try my software!

HSMAdvisor 0.701 Has been released!

December 31, 2013, 2:07 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Happy New Year !

First of all i would like to thank everybody for their continuing support and feedback - without you my work would not be this rewarding and fun.
This holiday season sale has been a success and it is only reassuring me that i am moving in the right direction regarding development of this software.

Also 20 days after the very first release of FSWizard for iOS, sales for it and the Android versions have been going very strong. Which means i will be putting even more effort into improving the mobile versions as well.

New things in HSMAdvisor 0.701:

  • Cut and Form taps have been added.
  • Boring Bar has been added to the tool type list
  • Scallop calculator has been added for ballnose type endmills

Updated and fixed things:

  • Effective diameter for tapered endmills (like V-Bits) has been fixed
  • Deflection model for endmills has been improved
  • BallNose endmills are now considered slotting (floor milling) only when their WOC is set equal to the diameter of the tool.
    When WOC is not equal to the tip Dia, it is presumed the cutter is milling the wall rather than the floor
  • Some Tool Geometry fields have been moved to a new tab.

Again after this release i will shift my attention back to mobile versions of FSWizard

Tapping Tool Type tap_tool.png BallNose Mill Scallop Calc scallo calc.png

Happy Holidays!

December 14, 2013, 7:52 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Save 30% on all HSMAdvisor licenses!

Single seat is now $49, and a three seat license is just $99 !

In other news: A new major update is in the works and will be ready by Christmas time.

Be safe and Happy holidays!

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