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Be Lazy (In a Good Way)

May 18, 2014, 10:53 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I sometimes get email letters from beginning CNC machinists thanking me for making the FSWizard Online Speed and Feed Calculator available for free and asking for some tips and hints.

I always answer and try to encourage people.

Looking at my own CNC career I realize that the thing that is making me successful in my eyes is my own laziness.

Because of how lazy I am I always try to make things the fastest and easiest way possible.

At my previous day job I earned several awards for improving various processes many times saving the company thousands of dollars and many man-hours as a result.

So the main advice I have for those willing to advance is "be lazy"

Always try to improve on your work and make things work faster and better, so you do not have to work hard. If you are successful, your boss will notice.

Bill Gates - the founder of Microsoft once said that he would always give the hard jobs to lazy people, because they always manage to find ways to do them easy.

One of the awards i received 14004253161250.jpg

HSMAdvisor v0.800

May 4, 2014, 4:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update resets trial counter back to "30 days left"!

New Things:

  • New Reference Tab
    I am starting to port geometry calculators found in FSWizard:Mobile app to HSMAdvisor.
    You will be able to find them in ths tab. For now i have added 3 calculators: True Position, Bolt Line and Bolt Hole
  • Ability to Download and save ALMOST any web page as a plugin.

Improved Things:

  • Improved Scaling and layout when using larger Windows Font Size and lager App Font size.
  • Changed position of several controls withing the app to improve usability.

Now lets look closer what has changed....

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Major User Interface updates in HSMAdvisor 0.77

April 15, 2014, 11:45 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have received a lot of praise and thanks for the easy to navigate interface in FSWizard:Mobile calculator.

Those collapsable accordion-style sections that carry some information in header portion come in really handy when having to put so much information on one small screen on your Android or Apple device.

Lately I felt the need to do something like that for HSMAdvisor as well. It has been over two ears since I came up with that design. And since then massive amount of features I believe overloaded the visual part of it.

It seemed very crowded and busy looking.

So, knowing that collapsable accordion panels do work, i moved all UI elements into them.

This has somewhat changed the percieved workflow of the program and at a later time I will release a series of videos showing off major hints on how to use my tool efficiently and achive best results.

For now please download the latest update. Take it for a spin and tell me what you think.

My email and forums are always open for questions and suggestions

FSWizard Mobile Now has Drill Point / Countersink Calculator

March 23, 2014, 6:28 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Have just released another update to FSWizard for mobile devices.

Version 1.26 available now for Android and in a week for iOS adds Countersink/ Drillpoint Calculator.
It allwos to enter tool diameter, Tip angle, and a diameter of countersink reqiured.
It outputs Depth required to achive such diameter.

Also Thread size dropdown list was fixed.
It was showing wrong thread sizes when calculator was loaded with thread form other than UNC.

In other news i have spent a whole day trying to upload updated FSWizard to the iTunes appstore.

Every time i make an update for iOS i dread that very thing.
Every time i have to spend anywhere from several hour to several DAYS trying to upload an already finished app.
Sometimes i have to restart my computer, sometimes clean the project , sometimes i need to dance around singing voodoo songs....

Apple, YOU take 30% of my profit, I pay YOU 100$ a year just for the privelege of designing apps for your devices.
Can YOU please make the damn thing work THE first time i try it?


Drillpoint wizard 2014-03-23_15-48-28.png

A latest FSWizard:android update

March 17, 2014, 12:28 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just released another update to FSWizard for android OS.

In this one I added Bolt Hole Line calculator to the mix.

It allows to set the angle of the line and get point positions in polar mode.

Also when you click on any input field, a corresponding dimention lights up on the drawing showing which one you are currently editing.

IOS update will be published a little later.

Bolt Hole line calc 2014-03-16_22-40-13.png

Improved HSMAdvisor 0.740

February 24, 2014, 1:18 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update is mainly a bug fix and has some usability improvements.

New Things

  • Persistence in Threads Tab
    Now Threads Page will stay the way you left it when you shut down the program
  • Persistence in column selection for Drill Chart for both the Treads Page and Tap Tool on FSWizard Page as well.
  • Capture Wizard can now capture target windows with dynamic controls. (Still working on SprutCAM integration profile that required this feature)

Fixed and Improved things

  • Tapping tools had a bug in metric mode. Now it is fixed
  • Text color for selected row in myCut Database page is now white on blue background. Which makes things easier to see.
  • Capture Wizard is now a lot faster and should be less prone to hang ups.
  • Improved Machine Limits behavior
    Power Overload now causes feedrate to reduce.

Free HSMAdvisor licenses for schools

February 5, 2014, 12:43 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Manufacturing seems to be going back to North America, but thousands of college graduates who finish various CNC -related courses have a very shallow understanding of metal-cutting processes and forces involved.

Frankly i believe Speeds and Feeds should be a separate subject all together.

To help students fill the gap, I am offering US and Canadian educational facilities help with setting up their classes with free HSMAdvisor seats.

Update: Countries of EU and England are now included into the offer!

The total maximum number of seats handed out will be limited to 200.

If you represent a college or a university and want to sign up, please send me an email with your name, position, and number of seats requested.

My email address is

I will set up your license and reply with information on how to obtain the license keys.

If you know a place that could benefit from this offer, please share this message.

Eldar Gerfanov, developer of HSMAdvisor and FSWizard machinists calculators.

FERRUM D Gentile Creates beatiful work of art!

January 21, 2014, 12:15 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We all love getting positive feedback on anything we do.

For example hearing "good job" from our bosses. Or "nice work" from our co-workers....
Okay, Okay bosses do not normally tell anyone "good job", but anyway that would be nice!

I also like reading e-mails which people all over the world send thanking me for my work on FSWizard and HSMAdvisor calculators.
Telling their success stories and suggesting new features.

Most seem very surprised when they send a question on weekend and receive an answer withing a couple of hours.

Often people send pictures of their work and links to their own web sites.

It is nice that more and more professional machinists are using my software, but seeing it help create a work of art is a special feeling.

One of recent customers Daniel Gentile, uses HSMAdvisor to calculate cutting parameters for his custom knife production business.

Here is what he has to say:

HSMAdvisor enables me to efficiently do the math that saves me not just a lot of time as I can confidently often use higher speeds but also a lot of money, as I tend to break less of those expensive 2 and 3mm carbide tools that see a lot of use on my folder production. Also because I work with a dozen different materials - from D2 steel to Titanium to Bronze - and a lot of different cutter types and finish requirements it's just nice not to have to work with "guess-work" for the feeds and speeds.

Daniel Gentile, owner of FERRUM D Gentile, custom Knives & forging classes.

Here is a link to his web site.

Here is a link to his portfolio page filled by pattern welded forged blades and katanas!

If you are a fan of old school forging, custom knives and basically anything to do with knives and blacksmithing, you have got to check it out!

HSMAdvisor 0.710 Has been released

January 19, 2014, 11:48 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Another week another update!

A few days ago a topic popped up in CNCZone's BobCad-CAM forums regarding why speeds and feeds in above mentioned BobCAM were so crazy and unworkable.

Users were complaining and raving about such a "simple" thing like a good speed/feed calculator being missing from there.

This is actually a trend in pretty much any other CAM software package.

They sell tool to create toolpaths.
Many give tools to create 2D geometry and even real solids.

But very few CAM packages offer anything that even remotely resembles working starting cutting parameters.

It does seem bizarre and strange. But every CAM program "knows" type of material being worked on. It knows type of tool, its diameter and length.
It even knows flute length, cutting depth, width, ramp angle... pretty much everything.

But given all that they are unable to combine all this data and produce Speed and Feed that would not either break the cutter or melt it into the work-piece!

Anyway. Back to the topic.

Someone on that forum thread mentioned my old FSWizard.
It sparked quite a lot of interest, and i popped in and dropped a link to the latest version of HSMAdvisor, so that they actually try and see what a good calc can do.

As a result i have received a ton of emails filled with suggestions and thank-yous.

Apparently many did not even know anything about it and were surprised how well it worked for them.
One guy who just bought a license even said that his copy already paid for itself several times over within the first couple of days of using it!

To thank for enthusiasm, i quickly implemented some of those suggestions and i am now releasing them in this version 0.710

New thing are

  • Adjustable font size and style. (in Settings) Allows to adjust global application font.
  • Adjustable default values for Speed&Feed Overrides, Tool Productivity, Deflection and Torque Limits. (in Settings) You can now set values to which overrides reset by default.
  • New Plunge Feedrate field shows up for milling tools.
    Non-Center cutting tools like Indexed endmills etc. will have plunge feed equal Zero.

Thanks everybody for support and suggestions!

As usual you can download the latest release on the Download page.

Latest FSWizard:Mobile for Android has been released!

January 14, 2014, 10:43 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

After almost 2 months since the last release the next update has just been uploaded to the google Play Store.

Version 1.32 follows in the footsteps of the HSMAdvisor.

It now too has latest material definitions and an updated custom material drop-down list.

This list now expands to the size of the screen overriding default Samsung's scroller (that they stole from iPhone).

Biggest update yet is a new Tap and Form Tap tool types.
You can now get not only cutting speed and feedrate for taps, but also calculate the best drill size for desired thread percentage.

New material list 2014-01-14_22-37-19.png Tap 2014-01-14_22-37-48.png Tap hole parameters 2014-01-14_22-38-00.png
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