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Thank You!

January 1, 2015, 4:51 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I would like to thank everyone who has helped with the development of our software by investing your time and money, making suggestions, reporting bugs, recommending our software on various professional online message boards and to your colleagues.

Every bit of money I charge for our software goes back to development.

Unlike most other software developers, who often hold back on features to not allow their products to compete with each-other, every useful feature available on mobile FSWizard goes to the desktop-based HSMAdvisor and vise-versa. Even if it ends up hurting overall sales.

I was the first developer who was able to bring a speed and feed calculator as complex as FSWizard to the mobile platform and I have just uploaded another update to FSWizard Mobile app, that makes it even more powerful. Almost as powerful in fact as HSMAdvisor.

Why bother? Why create a competing product that does almost as much, but costs almost 3 times cheaper?

Because I know that most of our mobile users are not only unable to buy a more expensive desktop product, but they are also often younger, less experienced and hold machinist positions without access to desktop computers.

These users deserve every help they need to grow skills and their careers.

And when they grow to be CNC Programmers and get to sit in the office, they would need something more convenient and more powerful.

I hope they then remember that the same guy who develops FSWizard:Mobile also develops an even cooler desktop application called HSMAdvisor, that will certainly help keep their bosses even happier than before!

Once again, thank you, guys. Please have a Safe and Prosperous New Year.


Here is the list of recent changes to FWizard:Mobile v1.38

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HSMAdvisor v1.120

December 27, 2014, 10:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have 2 new calculators available on Reference tab.
It is Oblique Triangle Calculator and a Fillet calculator.

I also fixed Floating Window's missing fields.

I have finally bought a proper microphone and was able to record a tutorial video, where i show a way to calculate speeds and feeds for pocketing in D2 tool steel and also calculate ramping feed rate.

during my meetings with shop programmers i have found out that some people did not really understand the functionality behind Helical Ramping calculator. A more detailed video on Circular Compensation and Ramping to follow.

This video is already on my YouTybe channel:

HSMAdvisor v1.000

November 29, 2014, 8:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have finally reached version 1.00!

Here is a list of new and improved features:

What's New

  • Material Drop-Down list now shows 'X' on the row when the current Library Tool has Custom Surface Speed and Chipload settings.
  • Load Tool dialog box now has Tool Type Icon. The same column shows a readable Operation Type Icon for finishing, roughing, etc.
  • Drilling Tool Types now allow user to enter a custom Pecking value
  • Milling Tool Types now have Editable Plunge RPM and Plunge Feedrate
  • Milling Tool Types' updated Circle/Ramp Dialog now allows to specify whether ramp settings apply to Plunge feedrate of Milling feedrate

What's Improved

  • Custom Speeds and Feeds tab on Edit Tool Dialog was improved with new buttons to reset custom Surface Speed and Chipload settings
    Glitch with certain diameters in metric mode being missed is fixed
  • Load Tool/Cut Dialog box' Search was improved
  • Load Tool/Cut Dialog box now features much improved tool and cut list with better readability and usability
  • Ballnose Tools have been improved to better show changing effective diameter for different depths of cut.

Now, because a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some screenshots as well.

Updated and Improved Load Tool/Cut Dialog:

Note new Tool Type and Cut type Icons in the third column.Read More 

Successful High Speed Machining (HSM) Stainless Steel Part

November 28, 2014, 9:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A couple of days ago I helped a gentleman by answering a few questions about using HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Calculator to machine a 310 Stainless Steel piece using HSM techniques.

Today he created a post on PracticalMachinist forums walking us through his experience.
And he even took a video of the part being cut!

I would also like to say thanks to zero_divide for the help he gave me with the speed/feed and after using is HSMadvisor i suggest to everyone to give it a try its really worth it.

Endorsements like this is the best thing any software developer can hope for.

I always welcome any feedback regarding my software and never mind helping anyone, whether he is a novice, experienced machinist, my customer or not.

Thank you Sebastien, good luck to you!


Free FSWizard PRO features have been added to the iOS mobile version.

November 18, 2014, 11:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Amid the huge amount of work that has been put lately into development of HSMAdvisor and FSWizard Speed and Feed Calculators, I have completely forgot to mention something important.

Since version 1.37 iOS (as well as Android) version of FSWizard Lite Mobile calculator can be "unlocked" and upgraded to the full PRO version for free!

For that, you need to purchase an eligible License Package from our HSMAdvisor Online Store and follow these steps to enable the PRO features on your Android or iOS device: FSWizard PRO Bundled with HSMAdvisor

Latest updates to FSWizard:mobile Speed and Feed calc

July 28, 2014, 9:32 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have recently published an update for both Android and Iphone versions.

Mainly i have fixed radial chip thinning for ballnose endmills.

I also added Axial, Radial and Compound Chip Thinning factors display in both cut depth/width panel, as well as Result panel.

So now you can see how parameters, you are entering, are affecting your thinning factors.

Observe the attached screenshots and download the update it you have not already!


Cut Panel 2014-07-28_22-25-16.png Result Panel 2014-07-28_22-26-01.png

Another Week left on this sale! What's to come?

July 27, 2014, 10:42 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The current "15% Off HSMAdvisor" sale will run until August 4th.

Which here in Ontario is a statutory holiday.

I am not really sure what we are celebrating, but hey, as long as i get paid for staying at home, i don't care.

Just wanted to thank everyone for great support, for investing into YOUR software and for telling your friends and colleagues about it.

I strongly believe our pricing and conditions are VERY competitive and more and more of you agree with me on that every day. I am not even talking about the part that should You need anything improved, fixed or questions answered, i am always available.

I also wanted to let you in in what is coming regarding HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed software.

  • The next course of action for me will be adding surface finish calculators to the FSWizard page.
    I have received a few requests for that, and about to start rolling those out.
  • I will revisit myCut DB page.
    Tool database will have filters, that would allow users to only see the tools they need.
    You will be able to choose what tool table columns you want to see.
    I will add tool manager window that will allow to quickly show which tools need to be ordered. And create a purchase order right on the spot. Which you would be able to either export to excel, Word or just print out right away.
  • I am still bearing the idea of a so-called group knowledge.
    I am not going to discuss what exactly i am thinking about. But this, if implemented would radically improve decision-making when it comes to machining.
    This last part is going to be the hardest one and involve great deal of plain hard work, so i am going to put it on a back-burner for now.

As you see we have lots more to come. And we are not even on to version 1.0 !

And the best part is, if you pitch in now, you will be able to enjoy all the updates and features i am talking about for free!

Take care.

Have a save work week!

HSMAdvisor v0.822

July 12, 2014, 5:06 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A latest update to HSMAdvisor is available right now in the downloads section!

The main new thing is ability to assign custom or Tool Manufacturer-recommended Speeds and Feeds to tools saved in the database.
Please refer to this tutorial for a detailed walk-through on how this can be accomplished.

Why have manufacturer-recommended speeds and feeds when my calculator already does pretty much the same thing?
Simply because cutter geometry and composition varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. And tools made by different companies often vary in quality and performance.

Even things like cutter material and coatings vary in hardness and toughness.

Aside from this major update, little bugs were fixed.

Fixed and Improved:

  • New "Speed and feed source" indicator disappearing problem solved.

  • Fixed limits for drilling, taping and turning.

  • changed layout for Reference Calculators

Edit: I just uploaded a video showing how to add custom Speeds and Feeds to youtube.

Manufacturer-Recommended Speeds and Feeds in HSMAdvisor

July 12, 2014, 3:34 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

One of the latest additions to HSMAdvisor speed and feed calculator is the ability to set manufacturer-recommended speeds and feeds for work-piece materials and groups of materials.

Here is a YouTube video walk-through showing how to add S&F tables into the program

HSMAdvisor uses Brand Name and Series Name to assign speed and chipload tables to tools.

A new "Speed and Feed Source" (S&F Source) indicator has been added to quickly tell user which speed and feed table is being used right now.

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HSMAdvisor v0.803

May 19, 2014, 5:13 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What's new:

  • Revised chiploads for smaller endmills.
  • Revised recommended Depths of Cut for different material types for endmills with various number of flutes.
  • Improved Deflection model to include cutter lead angle.

In this update i have re-visited speeds and feeds area of the calculator.

Recommended Depth of Cut and Deflection calculation was revised.
At the same time Chiploads for endmills smaller than 3mm or 0.125" were reduced in half.

This resulted in most things regarding actual Speeds and Feeds remaining the same, but i believe this update works better as it considers material type and number of flutes to calculate recommended depth of cut.

Also Deflection calculation was changed for tapered endmills

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