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Lessson 3: CNC Canned Cycles, Drilling, Tapping, Reaming and Boring Cycles

September 20, 2015, 2:49 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Canned cycles are used every time we need to drill, ream or tap holes on our CNC machine

Standard Fanuc G-Code language supports more than a dozen canned cycles.

The most common cycles that will cover 99.9% of your g-Code CNC programming work are:

G-Code Name Motion Style
G81 Standard Drilling Feed-In, Rapid-Out
G83 Deep Hole Peck Drilling Incremental Feed-In by Peck Distance, Rapid Out, Repeat
G84 Right Hand Tapping Feed-In,Reverse Spindle, Feed-Out
G85 Reaming/Boring Feed-In, Feed Out

Subsequent holes

You can drill additional holes After your canned cycle has been initiated.
Any line with X Y position will be treated as another hole position.

Each position can have its own Retract value, feed rate and retract height modifier.

G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel Code

After all the holes of the canned cycle have been drilled, it is required to call G80 code in order to cancel the current cycle.

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HSMAdvisor. Try It Again!

September 20, 2015, 11:02 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The latest update of HSMAdvisor Advanced Speed and Feed Calculator resets trial clock for all users.

So if you tried it before and were not sure if this is for you, you can use it again absolutely for free for another 30 days.

As usual you can download the latest release over here ->

Key factors Determining Success of High Speed Machining (HSM)

September 12, 2015, 7:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As a developer of a very successful line of speed and feed calculators I sometimes get questions like : "I calculated speeds and feeds for a conventional toolpath. Got 5.5 cubic inches MRR(Material Removal Rate). And then I calculated S&F for the same endmill with HSM parameters turned on and got almost the same amount of  MRR! What is even the point in using HSM parameters?" -they ask.

I would like to clear some things up for my friends.
In this article I will explain exactly WHY HSM machining is better and HOW to achieve better productivity and tool life.

For starters here are the main features of a HSM-capable cutter:

As usual there are several components of HSM that need to be present in order for it to work to its fullest. These are:

a) Machine
b) Tool
c) Workpiece geometry
d) Workpiece material

I intentionally did not number these as each one of those is equally important.

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A new Help article on HSM

September 2, 2015, 10:23 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I often get email questions asking for clarification on merits of use of HSM And Chip Thinning check boxes when calculating speeds and feeds with HSMAdvisor and FSWizard calculators.

In this new help article will try to explain just what HSM means and in which situation you should use it:

Hopefully this will fill in the gaps and help our users to get more comfortable with our software.


The. First. Ever. HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCAM X9

August 2, 2015, 7:06 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The First Ever HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Wizard hook for MasterCAM has been released today for everybody to download for free.

Getting it to this stage has been a titanic effort for me and I am going to put a lot more of it in the coming months: i need to get it to pretty much perfect state before i start forgetting how i did all those things.

Because of this each update i release will extend trial period by 30 days.

This will last for as long as needed to finish the bulk of developing it.

At this moment the following toolpaths are fully recognized:

  • Face Mill
  • Contour
  • Pocket
  • Drilling
  • Circle Mill
  • All 2D HST Toolpaths:
    Dynamic Milling
    Dynamic Area
    Blend Mill
    Peel Mill

The only exception is: Coolant parameters are getting lost somewhere in the process. So please double check it before posting!

Things to be added in the coming days/weeks/months:

  1. Fix Coolant
  2. Engraving
  3. Other Circular Toolpaths such as ThreadMilling etc.
  4. Conventional and HST 3D Toolpahs
  5. Turning

If you have any suggestions or find any bugs please let me know.

I would like to reassure my current customers that HSMAdvisor Hook is/will be included with your license once this all is set and done.

Please help me with your suggestions/bug reports make this thing even better for all of you!

Here are the latest 2 videos i uploaded to my Youtube chanel

Setting up HSMAdvisor hook:

Calculating cutting parameters for Face Milling, Saving Tool and Cut data and recalling it when needed:

Cheers. And a huge "thank you" to everyone who has been supporting me!

A customer shares his video of HSM machining

July 15, 2015, 8:45 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

It is no secret that i am trying to make my software fit the broadest possible group of people.
And while my much-respected hobby customers is a big deal for me, industrial machining is where HSMAdvisor really shines.

Recently a PracticalMachinist forum member Atomkinder posted a video of him machining something on his 1997 Fadal VMC.
Here is what he had to say:


Quote Originally Posted by Mtndew View Post
One thing that I just thought of, you may want to look at buying the HSM advisor ($50) for your high speed toolpaths. Doesn't even have to be high speed, but toolpaths with long engagement and small stepover are proven to run a LOT faster than hogging out the conventional way that's been done forever.
Advanced CNC Speed And Feed Calculator - HSMAdvisorQuote

I use it daily, and I can't think of a time it's let me down.
I second HSMAdvisor. I own my own seat (work doesn't have one) because I like it that much.

This isn't particularly special, but it is a 1997 Fadal VMC2216 box way machine. Removed a whole tool and something like 40% of the cycle time from the second operation of this part.


And here is the link to the video:

40% of the cycle time. Aint bad, is it?

In industrial settings, with such great savings HSMAdvisor may very well pay for itself within a day or less!

HSMAdvisor Partners up with Micro 100

July 7, 2015, 7:46 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Micro 100 Specialty Carbide Tooling company has approached me asking for a branded version of my FSWizard:Online Speeds and Feeds Calculator.

Customer requests for Speeds and Feeds amount for a large portion of their customer support calls.

I hope this partnership will unload their phones AND bring some new users to my commercial products such as desktop HSMAdvisor and FSWizard for mobile platforms.

And here is the link for the custom Speed and Feed calculator i made for them


A big. A VERY BIG and VERY GOOD news are coming to those of my users who also use MasterCAM  :)

HSMAdvisor v1.152 released

June 15, 2015, 8:22 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have not announced the previous update here, so i am going to cover the latest changes here.

New and Improved Things:

  • Fine-tuned Speeds for drilling tools
  • Added more database self-repair capability
  • Added "Uddeholm" vendor' material family

An update to port those changes to Android and IOS apps is under way

Would like to thank everyone for their continuous support and feedback.

I do not know what i would do without you guys!


HSMAdvisor v1.150 released

April 25, 2015, 11:04 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

New and updated features

  • New workpiece materials
    Cutlery stainless steels have been added
  • Better scaling and control positioning on "Speeds and Feeds" page
  • Tool Database page now displays Libraries in multiple rows, which makes it easier to find stuff.
  • HSMAdvisor now installs by default into "Program Files (x86)" folder
    It will still copy data files into your "AppDataRoamingHSMAdvisor" folder. So it will still pick up your old tool library and license file.
  • HSMAdvisor.ZIP archive now does not contain installer files, but rather ready-to use application folders, which you can unpack and use without installation.

As usual check our downloads page to get the update.

Now i know you are wondering when i will release updates to the mobile versions as well.
That should (hopefully) be done by this Monday.


First FSWizard video!

January 17, 2015, 4:43 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded my first FSWizard CNC MAchinists Speed and Feed Calculator video tutorial.

This is a quick walk through the basic functionality when using milling tools.

Please excuse my tired voice and occasional stuttering. This was my 9th take- every time either my computer crashed or i was interrupted by my kids running around and causing mess.

I am planning to release more videos. So please let me know what other topics i need to cover.

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