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HSMAdvisor v1.506 For MasterCAM

March 5, 2017, 9:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded the latest update to HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCam x9 and 2017.
This is a catch-up update to the latest HSMAdvisor improvements.

Additionally i promised few guys a tutorial on how to easily install the hook into MasterCam 2017

So here it is:

Please excuse my lack of artistic prowess.
Hey, You can be ANYTHING but you can not be EVERYTHING

And i am more of a technical guy who, perhaps, lacks the hypnotizing narrating skills of a salesman :)

HSMAdvisor v1.505

February 16, 2017, 11:07 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What is new and improved in this update:

  • Added Custom Speeds and Feeds Tables selection on the Speeds and Feeds page
    You can now quickly apply custom settings to all tools in one click
  • Materials that have custom Speeds and Feeds specified for them are now highlighted with green color in the drop-down
  • Redesigned Custom Speeds and Feeds module.
    It is now on a separate dialog and is accessible not only through Edit Tool Dialog, but also from Speeds and Feeds page by clicking on "Custom Tables" Edit button.
    Dialog now uses Result "in/mm" setting for displaying default units.
  • Fixed error on adding a Tool Library from Database Actions drop-down
  • Improved layout drawing and resizing speed.
  • Improved cut balancing for End Mills

As usual the latest update can be downloaded over here:

Improved FSWizard is coming!

January 23, 2017, 12:41 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Check this out, guys.

Been working on this for the past couple of weeks:

New FSWizard Speeds and Feeds Calc will have not only modern improved design. But latest tools and materials.
Special attention is being paid to have it produce EXACTLY the same results as our HSMAdvisor desktop app.

It is not complete yet, but it is almost there - making it catch up to the latest HSMAdvisor code is a big job.

The new calculator will replace our online calculator as well.....

Yes, you heard that right! You will be able to run exactly the same FSWizard Speed and Feed calc on your mobile phone, desktop and even Windows Mobile.

Heck, it will even work on Mac!

Best of all, it will be published as an update to our existing apps, so our existing customers will not have to buy an upgrade, unlike what some other "Machinist Calculator" has done in the past.

I will keep you posted.


HSMAdvisor v1.402 Hook For MasterCAM

August 20, 2016, 10:50 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Huge "Farewell to MasterCAM x9" HSMAdvisor Hook update has been released.

The MC 2017 has been out for a few month now and because it has received quite mixed reviews from the machinist's community, i decided to release one more big update to our MCx9 hook before starting to fully work on adapting it for MC 2017.

This update v1.402 is a double update. The hook version has now caught up to the standalone AND we have some new features in standalone HSMAdvisor as well.

Here is a quick video showcasing most of the new features:

What is new and improved in this HSMAdvisor update

  • New Hardened D2 and M2 Steels
  • New 17-4 and 13-8 Stainless Steels in various conditions
  • Mew DB Contents Tree in Select Tool Dialog
  • Plunge Speed Lock
  • New Free GD&T Reference Tab
  • Updated Look and functionality of Scientific Calculator
  • Updated look of all Geometry Calculators.

Whats new and improved in HSMAdvisor Hook:

  • Improved Toolpath import and export
  • New Improved Select Tool/Cut Dialog with Side Contents Tree
  • Plunge RPM lock for toolpaths, that do not support Plunge RPM different from the main RPM
  • Ability to choose which data is read and written into the toolpath.
  • Full ToolDB Functionality including editing and saving tools is now free.

As usual Here you can download the latest updates: 

Questions, troubles? Let us know via email or our support forums!


List of Free Features in New HSMAdvisor

July 26, 2016, 6:57 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello Frends,

After the latest changes in HSMAdvisor and addition of free features lots of people ask me to clarify (repeat?) what those are.

So those include:

  1. Thread Reference.
  2. All Geometry Calculators (Bolt Hole, Triangle, etc)
  3. Screw Reference.
  4. All Tool Database functions including access to Speeds and Feeds page where you can edit parameters of the tool.
  5. Full Acess to Speeds and Feeds for One material (1018 steel)

Basically ALL functions except Speeds and Feeds calculations are included for Free.

Check it out here, if you haven't already :

Rev Up Your Tools - Boost the Productivity!

July 15, 2016, 9:59 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As unhappy I am to learn that something may be wrong with the software I develop and love, negative feedback is essential in learning whether i am doing everything right.

So a couple of days ago I received an email from a somewhat disappointed user. 

He (lets call him Peter) was complaining that HSMAdvisor calculator gave him "excessively high" speeds and feeds for his 3/4" 4 flute 3.0 LOC  end mill in aluminum.

With the data Peter entered he was getting around 10000 RPM(SFPM 2117) and the feed of 270 inches per minute while usual practice in the shop was side-milling aluminum at that (2.8" axial) depth at only 325 SFM

After double-checking the numbers I replied that in fact his numbers seemed very slow and if for some reason he HAD to run that slow (heck, i machine most steels faster than 325 SFM) due to some conditions, perhaps, he was ought to change the conditions themselves.

This is what I am getting for Peter's end mill setup:

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HSMAdvisor 1.303 Released

June 28, 2016, 8:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Latest update has some important features and improvements.

New and improved in this update:

  • New T-Slot cutting tool type. Also known as Woodruff cutter.
  • Fixed Startup issue
  • Improved DOC/WOC suggestion.
  • Reduced executable size.

New T-Slotting tool type

HSMAdvisor inheritantly supported calculating cutting parameters for T-Slotting (Woodruff) cutters before. All that needed to be done was to specify prope shank size and helix angle.

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FSWizard v1.49 Released (Now for IPhone Too)

June 6, 2016, 10:37 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have been working hard to improve not only HSMAdvisor lately, but FSWizard Mobile CNC Machinist App too!

The latest update improves productivity, speed, fixes a lot of small glitches.
And it also adds a completely new GD&T reference tab to both the FSWizard Free and PRO apps.

Update: FSWizard PRO and Free apps have just been approved by the iTunes and are available on the AppStore!


HSMAdvisor 1.301 Released!

May 27, 2016, 9:31 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

There had not been any updates to HSMAdvisor for several months now.
And there is a very good reason for that.

We have been working hard on a lot of new super-cool features and improving the old functionality.

BTW: This Update Resets the Trial Counter!

Let us cut to the chase.
Here is a list of all the latest changes and improvements:

  • New Cut Cloud controls added (beta only!)
  • New Cast Aluminum materials
  • New combined Tool Torque and Deflection Limit controls
  • New and Improved Tool Display Graphics. Now for Turning too!
  • Lathe Tools now consider Shank size when suggesting chip-load.
  • New Mass Edit - > Set SFM/Feed Overrides command in the Tool Database
  • Improved Tool Deflection calculations
  • Improved and refined a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff

I am going to explain the most important improvements below.

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Best High Speed Machining is Dry Machining

May 18, 2016, 9:06 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Have you ever wondered how much tool life can deteriorate when using coolant with High-Speed Machining (HSM)?
Or maybe you never really saw the boost in tool life when using HSM techniques because you had to use coolant?

Well, here is a test result I just got from running the same tool at the same Speed and Feed with and without coolant.

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