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One Case of HSM Machining: HSMAdvisor vs. All

April 2, 2016, 6:41 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Look for the HSM machining of the round central pocket in the beginning.
Here we have a 12mm 6 flute Coated hi-performance endmill, cutting 1" deep at 0.047" (10%) rWOC.
at 10000 RPM and 300 ipm feedrate. the chipload works out to be 0.005". Material is 4140 pre-hardened steel.

Impressive isn't it?
Those results have been achieved with uber-expensive BlueSwarf tap-test technology.

This is one video that caught the eye of one of my HSMAdvisor trial users:


Being a geek and wanting to help the user make the right decision I immediately punched the numbers into my HSMAdvisor app.

Here is what I've got:Read More 

We are announcing a New Product!

April 1, 2016, 5:01 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I would like to announce the launch of a brand new product called HSMCode.

HSMCode combines the power HSMAdvisor speed and Feed calculator, its advanced Tool and Cut Database and the new functionality of HSMCode into one seamless product!

What does HSMCode Do?

HSMCode allows you to create ToolPaths from imported CAD or Solid geometry with ease.

All you need to do is pick features that need to be machined and HSMAdvisor will pick the most suitable tool, calculate proper speeds and feeds and then HSMCode will generate the G-Code for your machine

As simple as that.

You can also create additional geometry using an in-built CAD designer and Simulate your Toolpaths to verify the correctness of your work.

The sales will begin in a couple of months on June 31 2016!

Please contact me if you would like to test the early demo version, affect the development of the software and (depending on the value of your input) receive your Lifetime Subscription for free!


HSMAdvisor Heads UP

March 13, 2016, 11:02 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I just have to tell.

I know, I know I should not. But I am working on a very cool feature right now and I am extremely happy and proud with how well it comes together.

Okay. I can tell you that it has a word "Cloud" in it and that I have VERY high hopes for it.....Once fully implemented it will unite all of our Speeds and Feeds products in a huge way.

Keep tuned in. Closed testing is about to start very soon.

If you would like to participate in something groundbreaking and new, shoot me an email!

Only license holders can apply, though. I don't want it to leak too early.

Changes to HSMAdvisor Packages

December 19, 2015, 9:23 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

There has been changes to HSMAdvisor CNC Machinist Speed and Feed Calculator Licensing Options!

From now on All new HSMAdvisor license purchases include access to FSWizard PRO for your mobile devices.

When a 1 or 3 year HSMA Subscription License is purchased, the FSWizard License will be issued for the same 1 or 3 year length of time.

When a Permanent HSMA license is purchased, your FSWizard PRO will be a permanent type as well and will never expire.

Happy Upcoming Holidays!!!!

Cheers from the whole Zero-Divide Family!

MasterCAM x9 Lesson: Simple Contouring. Speeds and Feeds, Depth of Cut

December 18, 2015, 12:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I personally use HSMAdvisor at work every day and trust its results 100%

I have to say my program now knows about machining more than i do. I certainly can not remember cutting speeds and feeds, reduction factors, depth of cut and a ton of other information for every material I have ever cut.

Now add to that the various possible combinations of tool/material/coating and it becomes a no brainier, that a good speed and feed calculator like HSMAdvisor saves a ton of time and money by improving your tool life and productivity.

It is not only good for HSM (High Speed Machining) but also for general machining, drilling tapping, you name it.

The algorithms it employs are far superior to what other calculators are using. Take for example the real-time depth of cut/deflection optimization, that other calculators do in a separate window and take a few seconds to complete.

Here is a quick video lesson where i show the steps involved in creating a simple contouring toolpath in MasterCam x9:

And here is the video of machining the actual part:

Machining 4140 PH Speeds and Feeds

December 10, 2015, 3:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Sometimes I get asked whether hsmadvisor CNC Machinist Calculator is reliable enough out of the box.

I and many others test it at work every day. This 2"x1.5"x1.25" 4140 PH piece was programmed on masterscam with hsmadvisor speeds and feeds with all overrides set to default.

Worked out fast and awesome. As usual!

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Perfect Ballnose Engraving Speeds and Feeds in Production Environment

December 6, 2015, 12:38 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I regularly follow forums.
Especially the cnc machining section of it.

I notice when CNC Speeds and Feeds questions come up people often suggest my HSMAdvisor Machinist calculator.
A referral by a satisfied customer is the best referral in my opinion. Thank you to everyone doing this great favor to me and my prospective users!

Other times users of HSMAdvisor question speeds and feeds it generates and instead of going to me, they ask on forums.
Which is always fine, because extremely often "wrong" results mean something wrong in users expectations or the data he feeds the calculator

In the process of discussion it usually turns out that the calculation results were correct, but because user decided to use a depth of cut or tool length, larger than he should have, HSMAdvisor compensates and gives a very conservative feed rate.

Just like in this forum post over here: Engraving with a 1/32 ball mill machinist wanted Read More 

Quick Video: Figuring the best Depth and Width of Cut with Performance Slider

September 26, 2015, 11:25 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Proper machining depth and width of cut are just as important as proper Speeds and Feeds. 

This is not only importanttant for professional machinists, who are machining on the edge of their tooling and setup capability, but also for hobbyists, who often face limits from the machine rigidity side of the equation.

HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed calculator has a unique tool used for figuring the best engagement values for each particular cut you are making.

It is called Performance Slider. And it adjusts expected load on the tool and machine depending on your preferred machining mode.

Check out this video I made that explains Performance Slider' functionality:

Suggested new feature to HSMAdvisor: Quick G-Code Wizards

September 20, 2015, 3:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
Recently i have received a very interesting suggestion, which i would like to discuss with you, guys.
A HSMAdvisor user wants to be able to create quick G-Code snippets based on the Tool and Cut information that HSMAdvisor has.
G-Code Wizards will allow you to quickly create a stub program for various standard machining operations.
For example you calculate speeds and feeds for drilling.
Then you have the ability to create a G-Code program based on your input like so:
T15 M6(T15 1/2" HSS Drill)
G54 G0 G90 X[Hole1_X] Y[Hole1_Y] S1500 M03
G0 G43 H15 M08
G81 G98 X[Hole1_X] Y[Hole1_Y] Z[Depth] F15.0
X[Hole2_X] Y[Hole2_Y]
X[Hole3_X] Y[Hole3_Y]
G0  Z0.5 M09
G0 G91 G28 Z0 M05
All with a few clicks of a mouse.
This piece of code with minimal modifications you can then quickly insert into your program.
What do you think about it?

FSWizard:Mobile Has Been Featured on Website!

September 20, 2015, 3:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Zero_Divide's FSWizard speed and feed calculator is the latest professional-grade mobile calculator to hit the i0S and Android stores.

For those who aren't happy with the accuracy of the speeds and feeds generated by their CAM software, FSWizard may be your solution. Like a Swiss army knife, it also includes a toolbox of essential charts and standalone calculators to make life easier for machinists.

Check it out here:

Can not say it gave me an immediate influx of new sales (although every bit helps!). I guess most of the sales are driven through this web site and the buzz around HSMAdvisor Advanced Speed and Feed Calculator or the free FSWizard:Online calculator.

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