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Successful High Speed Machining (HSM) Stainless Steel Part

November 28, 2014, 9:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A couple of days ago I helped a gentleman by answering a few questions about using HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Calculator to machine a 310 Stainless Steel piece using HSM techniques.

Today he created a post on PracticalMachinist forums walking us through his experience.
And he even took a video of the part being cut!

I would also like to say thanks to zero_divide for the help he gave me with the speed/feed and after using is HSMadvisor i suggest to everyone to give it a try its really worth it.

Endorsements like this is the best thing any software developer can hope for.

I always welcome any feedback regarding my software and never mind helping anyone, whether he is a novice, experienced machinist, my customer or not.

Thank you Sebastien, good luck to you!


Free FSWizard PRO features have been added to the iOS mobile version.

November 18, 2014, 11:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Amid the huge amount of work that has been put lately into development of HSMAdvisor and FSWizard Speed and Feed Calculators, I have completely forgot to mention something important.

Since version 1.37 iOS (as well as Android) version of FSWizard Lite Mobile calculator can be "unlocked" and upgraded to the full PRO version for free!

For that, you need to purchase an eligible License Package from our HSMAdvisor Online Store and follow these steps to enable the PRO features on your Android or iOS device: FSWizard PRO Bundled with HSMAdvisor

FSWizard Mobile Update

October 11, 2014, 9:54 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Yesterday I uploaded another update to FSWizard:Mobile app.

Apart from the newest materials and coatings that are already present in HSMAdvisor PC calculator, i also added Socket Head and Imperial Flat head screw reference.

You can download the updated app on Google Play appstore


HSMAdvisor v0.872

September 28, 2014, 10:16 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Whats New:

  • Update Notification Added
    (when a newer version is available you will see a notification on the bottom of the HSMAdvisor window)
  • Number of Flutes and Corner Radius now display on the Tool Drop-Down list

Whats Improved:

  • Chamfering tools improved significantly. Almost everything has been redone and works very solid.
  • High Feed Mills Tool Display has been changed and internal model has been improved.
    Tip Diameter now specifies the maximum Diameter of the mill.
  • A typo has been fixed in the material list. Now It displays 15-5 Stainless steel instead of 15-8

Here is how  Update Notification looks:

Since you will be downloading this very update it will say you are up to date.
But next time i upload something, you will know right away!

Also Big changes happened to chamfering tools:

Read More 

Latest updates to FSWizard:mobile Speed and Feed calc

July 28, 2014, 9:32 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have recently published an update for both Android and Iphone versions.

Mainly i have fixed radial chip thinning for ballnose endmills.

I also added Axial, Radial and Compound Chip Thinning factors display in both cut depth/width panel, as well as Result panel.

So now you can see how parameters, you are entering, are affecting your thinning factors.

Observe the attached screenshots and download the update it you have not already!


Cut Panel 2014-07-28_22-25-16.png Result Panel 2014-07-28_22-26-01.png

HSMAdvisor v0.830

July 27, 2014, 7:13 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded a pretty big update to HSMAdvisor. Check it out on DOWNLOAD page!

In this update i have completely redesigned the way Tool and Cut Drop-Down lists work.

Now Information is diaplyed in neat columns and rows. Rows also alternate in color.

But wait, there is more!

You can also now change the order and the type of information displayed in these Drop-Down lists!

Just Right Click on either Tool or Cut DropDown list to choose the visibility of any column:

You can use Up and Down buttons to re-order columns in a way that pleases your eyes.

New Things:

  • Redesigned Tool and Cut dropdown lists on the FSWizard page
    Ability to not only choose the kind of data displayed in the lists, but also order of columns.
  • Added "Generic" switch to the Tool Information Dialog that allows to create tools with editable cutter geometry (can change things like diameter, flute lengths etc.)
  • Added NITRONIC 50-60 and ToughMet 2-3 to material list.  

Improved Things:

  • Fixed faulty in/mm conversion for saved metric cuts
  • Adjusted cutting speeds for some stainless steels

FSWizard Lite for Android reaches 10 000 downloads!

June 29, 2014, 7:30 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

FSWizard Lite for Android reaches 10 000 downloads!

To mark the ocasion, prices for the FSWizard PRO for Android have been dropped by a whooping 50%!

Reduced pricing will only be available for a limited time!

Here is a link to FSWizard PRO in Google Play store

HSMAdvisor UI Survey Results

May 7, 2014, 9:23 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I think it is time to reflect on latest changes to our HSMAdvisor and look at survey results.

Thanks to your input I was able to make changes that I believe addressed some of the issues you guys were having.

You can download and try HSMAdvisor for 30 more days here

This update resets your trial counter back to "30 days left", so if your old trial expired, you can use it for one month more.

First of all, I put all of the available overrides on plain sight. Now you do not need to expand a panel to access speed/feed overrides.

I also added cutting speed and chipload to the collapsed view.

Machine Panel now has  Max RPM on collapsed view.

Gages panel now is not expandable and has Read More 

HSMAdvisor v0.760

April 1, 2014, 9:08 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Happy April Fool's day!

Seriously though, i have just published another update.

This update adds a floating Speed and Feed mini-window that stays on top and displays most relevant information to help users with populating S&F values on their CAM software.

To show/Hide this window, click the red-and-white "Float" button in the status bar.

Upon right mouse click on the floating window you can choose what kind of information you would like to display in there.

Also one bug was fixed where when no machine was selected from the drop-down list, deflection and torque limits were not firing for milling and drilling tools.

But wait! There is more!

I will not open all my cards, but right now i am working on a massive update to HSMAdvisor's Tool Database.
Keep tuned in.

A cool robotic spider

March 22, 2014, 6:58 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Looks like Adam Savage from Mythbusters got himself a new cool toy.

Check this out. It is a robotic spider. Made of 3d-printed parts it can move sideways, back up and maybe even shake your hand

It is rather expensive though.

He pre-ordered it from a Kickstarter project. But right now according to the video they go for around 500$.

Do not show it to your kids however. My son almost had me buy it.

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