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HSMAdvisor Integration with CADCAM

November 1, 2013, 9:53 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)



One of the most requested features in HSMAdvisor has long been integration with various CAD/CAM solutions available on the market.

There are two possible ways of achieving said task.

First way: using CAD/CAM API to create plugins to enable HSMAdvisor to "talk to" various software packages.
This road could produce the best results, however implementing it would be laborous and results not always very convinient to use.
Also developer(me) would have to create plugins for many dozens of cad/cam software packages. Muliply that by the fact that with each CADCAM release, a new version of plugin would need to be produced, tested and debugged. This work is for a whole software department and would call for a product far more expensive than what a lot of my customers could afford.

Second way: Grab tool, speed and feed data directly from the CAD/CAM window, process it and then update required information when the calculation is done.
This solution is easyer to implement and could prove to be the most convinient for user as well.

Need i tell you that i have chosen to go the easy way?

Without further delay let me introduce the first Speed and Feed calculator that can be integrated with a CAD/CAM solution by a user himself!

This is How it Works

Step One: User launches CAD/CAM solution. We will use MasterCAM x2 in our case.

A toolpath is programmed the usual way, a proper tool is selected and when it is time to enter your speed and feed data you launch HSMAdvisor.

On FSWizard page you first select Read More 

HSMAdvisor v0.101 (FIXED)

April 14, 2013, 10:34 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSMAdvisor v0.1 is now available.

(newest version is 0.101)

A decision has been made that updates containing new features will increment by 0.1 each time

Bug fix updates and improvement updates will increment by 0.01

This should be a hint that first fully commercial release is in sight. (you still have another 6 months or so of free updates).

There is only one major feature

  • Machinery with gear boxes is now supported- users can enter a list of RPM machine can have set and FSWizard will force all calculations to stick to those pre-defined numbers.
    There is a sample machine called "Manual Lathe" that demonstrates this feature. You can use "Import" function in Machine Definitions dialog to load that machine and see how it works

Several bugs have been fixed

  • Manually entered RPM for lathe tools have been fixed
  • Minimum RPM entered in Machine Definitions dialog now actually forces FSWizard to not go below that value and generate a warning.


How Sticky RPM works:

  • Create new machine in Machine Definitions by clicking Add button and giving it a name you would recoginze.
  • Fill up all of the input boxes including Min and Max RPM, Horse Power and Torque.
  • Enter list of RPM values your machine supports into the Power Curve table.
    (Note RPM values HAVE to be in incremental order)
  • Against each RPM row enter the max Horesepower your machine has (because its a gear-box, machine HP value is constant at any spindle speed)
    Tip: if Max torque was unknown, now you can enter the highest value you see in Torque row.
  • Check Calculations Stick to pre-defined RPM only check box (Yes i know the picture shows that box unchecked, but you have to CHECK it)
  • Check Use Horse Power Curve Compensation check box

Thats it!

Now FSWizard will force calculated RPM to match the closest RPM value from the table.

Sticky RPM sticky_RPM.JPG

HSMAdvisor 0.021 Has just been released

March 17, 2013, 10:25 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

New things: None.

Well not really.

First of all alot of small bugs has been fixed.

Second of all i added a neat picture to Drilling operation.

It now shows what each drill specific field means

Also. Unfortunately all current license key holder will have to get new license keys.

If you currently have a license key, please e-mail me your new Computer-ID
And i will send you a new license key.


If you are installing over previous version of HSMAdvisor, you are encouraged to perform complete uninstall of the old version.

Othervise what happens is old settings file is not compatible with the new one.

This will cause Default Tool Type, Tool material and Coating presets to get lost and you end up with a funny looking FSWizard page.

Correcting this is extremely easy:

You need to select some tool type (IE: End Mill), select some Tool Material (IE. HSS) and finally select some Coating (IE. NONE)

This will fix the problem.

Attached below is a screenshot of what it looks like when settings mismatch happens, not a pretty sight i agree, but there is no need to panic.

(Note to self: add version check for every file)


Drilling Drill ED.JPG Settings version mismatch HSMAdvisor_v0.021 program picture.JPG

One more way to Resharpen a chewed up endmill

March 10, 2013, 9:02 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Some time ago an unknown colleague had borrowed an end mill from me.

Have i had been there i would have stressed that it was aluminum specific cutter and that it should not be used on steel.
Unfortunately i was not and it did not occur to him to ask somebody who would have known better.

Next time i look into my drawer i see this.(first picture)

Now we have a tool and cutter grinder to sharpen the OD of an end mill, but chips were so big, i would have to grind off maybe 20 thou of the diameter on order to get rid of them.

Our TC grinder does not allow to re-flute end mills, so i had to do it holding end mill in my hands.

First i picked up correct angle, and then i slide end mill upwards, turning it at the same rate as to follow flutes.

It came out better than i thought.
I was not planing to use it for finishing anyway.

And it lost only 5 thou in diameter after this hack-regrinding.

Before 13628531447330.jpg during 13628543442911.jpg after 13628543295750.jpg

Support Forums Improvements!

March 10, 2013, 4:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Over the weekend a new feature was added to support forums!

Now registered users can upload multiple (SMALL!!) files.

Please use with caution and dont abuse this feature.

It was done in order to allow people upload their screenshots,pictures and library files.

Make sure you resize and compress large files before posting.

Here is how it looks:

tool tool.gif Random picture Forest.jpg

Shop-Made Toe Push Clamps

January 25, 2013, 12:34 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Anybody could use a pair (or more) of push clamps around their shop.

Those handy devices convert your machine' table into a huge vise.
They are pretty mush irreplaceable when machining plates and other oversized parts that no ordinary vise will fit.

Several vendors offer their clamps. But many of them tend to be pricey. And those that are not, lack in quality.

And to be honest with you, it does not look like they are worth the amount of money their seller is trying to get from you.

In the mean time their design is simple enough to fabricate in any shop.

Here is a picture of two of four clamps i made for myself on manual mill withing 2 hours- sure beats buying mitee-bitees for 175$ a pop!!!

Made out of 5/8" thick D2 plate

1" long Shoulder in the front is tapped to 3/8-16 NC.

Slot for 1/2-13 bolt is sloped towards the back to prevent clamp from sliding under clamping pressure.

A thick 1/4" washer is used to protect T-slot from damage by the socket head.

I ll try to get more pictures tomorrow.

IMAG0540.jpg IMAG0540.jpg Drawing ROckerCLamp.png

Pictures of Nested Parts

December 9, 2012, 5:10 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Here are some samples of nested parts i did recently

In both cases back of all pieces were machined at the same time, dowel holes milled so that there would be a way to align top and bottom.

Ealot of material was lost, but it was a scrap anyways, so all i gained was alot of saved man-hours.


And here are 4 more pictures:

Read More 

Shop-made indexing fixture

September 27, 2012, 11:32 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Needed to do alot of side drilling/milling/tapping on our moulds lately.

So I quickly designed and whipped up this custom indexing fixture that allows me to mount almost anything to it.

Face plate has several tooling dowel holes on front side to locate work piece.
On the back of face plate there are 36 3/8 dia reamed holes spaced 10 Degree apart.

Housing has a big 5.0"Dia pocket in the front into which the face plate's hub fits in with 0.001" clearance
Housing also has corresponding 3/8dia reamed holes spaced apart 9 degrees. This allows me to index the face plate with 1 degree increment.

Design time:2 hours, Machining time: 2 hours.

Pictures are here:

Read More 

International Minicut Speeds and Feeds

January 11, 2011, 7:39 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Here are the speeds and feeds for supercobalt minicut end mills.Read More 

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