I have received a lot of praise and thanks for the easy to navigate interface in FSWizard:Mobile calculator.
Those collapsable accordion-style sections that carry some information in header portion come in really handy when having to put so much information on one small screen on your Android or Apple device.
Lately I felt the need to do something like that for HSMAdvisor as well. It has been over two ears since I came up with that design. And since then massive amount of features I believe overloaded the visual part of it.
It seemed very crowded and busy looking.
So, knowing that collapsable accordion panels do work, i moved all UI elements into them.
This has somewhat changed the percieved workflow of the program and at a later time I will release a series of videos showing off major hints on how to use my tool efficiently and achive best results.
For now please download the latest update. Take it for a spin and tell me what you think.
My email and forums are always open for questions and suggestions