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Role of Amazon in the race to the bottom.

November 7, 2017, 9:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I try to not comment on things outside of my immediate area of knowledge or specialization.
But this one caught my eye and I thought it would be interesting to share with you guys.

So the news in a nutshell is Amazon applying discounts to products that third-party vendors are selling on its platform.

For example. Company "A" is selling its smartphone for $1000.
That is the price of the product on their online store and brick-and-mortar stores and other platforms like for example Amazon.

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HSMAdvisor has more materials and better tool deflection model!

August 7, 2017, 4:36 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Better Material Cross Reference

Yes you can now use HSMAdvisor with non-US/UNS material standards!

Our users have asked for better integration between HSMAdvisor's built-in Materials library and the thing called Cross Reference table and finally here it is!

Now when you click on the "More" button next to the "Material" drop-down list...

... the updated Material Cross Reference dialog appears.

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A Total Guide into Plunging and Ramping

April 4, 2017, 7:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Before we start milling away our stock we first need to get down to the required depth.

This is not a problem with external features when we can plunge outside.

When machining closed pockets, however, we need to find a way to get down to the machining depth first.

As usual there are several ways to get the job done. The plunging methods listed here are not ordered by their preference.

For various machining operations on different materials some may be more preferable than others.

Straight Plunging into a larger Pre-Drilled hole

This is one the best ones in my opinion.
Very few machining modes can compete in effectiveness with drilling and this method will get you the best combined tool life on most materials and (in case of many deep pockets) the least machining time, even when tool change time is factored in.

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HSMAdvisor v1.505

February 16, 2017, 11:07 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

What is new and improved in this update:

  • Added Custom Speeds and Feeds Tables selection on the Speeds and Feeds page
    You can now quickly apply custom settings to all tools in one click
  • Materials that have custom Speeds and Feeds specified for them are now highlighted with green color in the drop-down
  • Redesigned Custom Speeds and Feeds module.
    It is now on a separate dialog and is accessible not only through Edit Tool Dialog, but also from Speeds and Feeds page by clicking on "Custom Tables" Edit button.
    Dialog now uses Result "in/mm" setting for displaying default units.
  • Fixed error on adding a Tool Library from Database Actions drop-down
  • Improved layout drawing and resizing speed.
  • Improved cut balancing for End Mills

As usual the latest update can be downloaded over here:

HSMAdvisor status report

January 16, 2017, 9:05 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello everybody!

I have not made many blog posts here lately because i have been working a lot on new features and simply did not have much time for anything.
So I decided i'd make a little report on how we are doing and where the project is.

First things first.

I just released an update to HSMAdvisor v1.503

  • Drilling tools now consider Shank Diameter when calculating maximum allowed torque on the tool.
    This will lead to more safety when using, say 1" tool with a 0.5" shank.
  • Thread Milling tools have been immensely improved.
    Shank diameter is now included into the calculations.
    Default Length is now 2.5 diameters
    Improved suggested cutting speeds and feeds

Our Multiple Language Translation Program is chugging along nicely

Several people messaged me about intentions to build translations so far.

At this point we have people working on translations for the following languages:

  • Croatian
  • Serbian
  • Portuguese
  • Perhaps Polish (I see someone uploading translations, but the person have not contacted me about it)

Mobile FSWizard app is due for major improvements

Major visual re-design is under way and we are working on making FSWizard Mobile accessible on more devices in more ways.
It is going to be a fully fledged WEB app, that can be run on any internet-connected device. Even on a desktop.

Integration with HSMAdvisor Machine Profiles and Tool Libraries is also planned.

Perhaps we are going to drop native support for Google Play and iOS stores. I am sick of them charging us 30% for their services.

HSM Machining Website Updates

September 3, 2016, 11:02 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As you may have noticed there have been changes in the look of his very web site.

Here is what has been changed and improved:

  • I got tired of it's old appearance, improved layout and changed styles.
  • Improved and updated social buttons throughout the website.
  • Redesigned Reference page and added GD&T Interactive Reference

GD&T Reference has been available in our FSWizard Mobile app and HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed Calculator for some time now and adding it to this website was a next logical step.

There is more changes coming. But i will not tell you what those are because competition is watching :)

By the way...

When you find useful information on this website, please help others too and share it with your peers using the new social buttons!

This mainstream "social" thing has been overlooked by me in the past and not many people are aware of our great software and resources for machinists.

Spread the word and help this project do even better!

HSMAdvisor : Free and Lite versions now available starting v1.400 !

July 10, 2016, 9:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Get it here if you have not already : Download HSMAdvisor Advanced Speed and Feed Calculator

New Licensing options!

  • From now on expired floating licenses do not stop working. We just limit your available Horse Power by the number of years in your subscription. If you had 1 year, then you will have 1HP power limit. etc
  • Expired Trial versions also do not stop working.
    You will be given ONE material option to work with and the rest of the functions will continue working as usual.

This means that from now on the access to Tool Database and Reference functions is completely free no matter whether you paid for our software or not!

This also means that Expired Floating licenses roll back to "Lite" mode where your machine power is limited by the number of years in your subscription.

A single 1 year subscription will buy you one year of unlimited use and then your machine power will be limited by whatever many years you have been subscribed for.
It will in fact work as a more expensive lifetime subscription!

Similarly a 3 year subscription will give you unlimited use for 3 years after which your power will be limited by 3 Horse Power.

In both cases You will also get all the updates and support that naturally comes with all paid options!

I believe this will be a great help for those running light underpowered machines like Tormach 770, Carbide 3d and such.


Let us know!

FSWizard v1.49 Released (Now for IPhone Too)

June 6, 2016, 10:37 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have been working hard to improve not only HSMAdvisor lately, but FSWizard Mobile CNC Machinist App too!

The latest update improves productivity, speed, fixes a lot of small glitches.
And it also adds a completely new GD&T reference tab to both the FSWizard Free and PRO apps.

Update: FSWizard PRO and Free apps have just been approved by the iTunes and are available on the AppStore!


HSMAdvisor 1.301 Released!

May 27, 2016, 9:31 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

There had not been any updates to HSMAdvisor for several months now.
And there is a very good reason for that.

We have been working hard on a lot of new super-cool features and improving the old functionality.

BTW: This Update Resets the Trial Counter!

Let us cut to the chase.
Here is a list of all the latest changes and improvements:

  • New Cut Cloud controls added (beta only!)
  • New Cast Aluminum materials
  • New combined Tool Torque and Deflection Limit controls
  • New and Improved Tool Display Graphics. Now for Turning too!
  • Lathe Tools now consider Shank size when suggesting chip-load.
  • New Mass Edit - > Set SFM/Feed Overrides command in the Tool Database
  • Improved Tool Deflection calculations
  • Improved and refined a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff

I am going to explain the most important improvements below.

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Combating Chatter: 4 reasons to NOT reduce your feedrate

April 30, 2016, 6:58 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We all have heard hundreds of times that when chatter is happening during machining, we should reduce our feed rate. The same advice we also hear for compensating for extra-long tools and unstable setups.

Let me explain why I think this is mostly incorrect.

Let’s list  the effects of reducing the feed rate:

  1. Reduces tool life.
  2. Reduces productivity.
  3. Increases deflection.
  4. Causes chatter.

Let me explain from my own experience and research I have made each of these points and a simple way to avoid chatter's adverse effects.Read More 

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