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Improved FSWizard is coming!

January 23, 2017, 12:41 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Check this out, guys.

Been working on this for the past couple of weeks:

New FSWizard Speeds and Feeds Calc will have not only modern improved design. But latest tools and materials.
Special attention is being paid to have it produce EXACTLY the same results as our HSMAdvisor desktop app.

It is not complete yet, but it is almost there - making it catch up to the latest HSMAdvisor code is a big job.

The new calculator will replace our online calculator as well.....

Yes, you heard that right! You will be able to run exactly the same FSWizard Speed and Feed calc on your mobile phone, desktop and even Windows Mobile.

Heck, it will even work on Mac!

Best of all, it will be published as an update to our existing apps, so our existing customers will not have to buy an upgrade, unlike what some other "Machinist Calculator" has done in the past.

I will keep you posted.


HSMAdvisor status report

January 16, 2017, 9:05 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello everybody!

I have not made many blog posts here lately because i have been working a lot on new features and simply did not have much time for anything.
So I decided i'd make a little report on how we are doing and where the project is.

First things first.

I just released an update to HSMAdvisor v1.503

  • Drilling tools now consider Shank Diameter when calculating maximum allowed torque on the tool.
    This will lead to more safety when using, say 1" tool with a 0.5" shank.
  • Thread Milling tools have been immensely improved.
    Shank diameter is now included into the calculations.
    Default Length is now 2.5 diameters
    Improved suggested cutting speeds and feeds

Our Multiple Language Translation Program is chugging along nicely

Several people messaged me about intentions to build translations so far.

At this point we have people working on translations for the following languages:

  • Croatian
  • Serbian
  • Portuguese
  • Perhaps Polish (I see someone uploading translations, but the person have not contacted me about it)

Mobile FSWizard app is due for major improvements

Major visual re-design is under way and we are working on making FSWizard Mobile accessible on more devices in more ways.
It is going to be a fully fledged WEB app, that can be run on any internet-connected device. Even on a desktop.

Integration with HSMAdvisor Machine Profiles and Tool Libraries is also planned.

Perhaps we are going to drop native support for Google Play and iOS stores. I am sick of them charging us 30% for their services.

HSM Machining pre-hard 4340 at 900 SFM

September 30, 2016, 6:40 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSM with MasterCam Dynamic Milling has long been one of my favorite toolpath strategies when machining hardened and tough to machine steels.

The job at hand was to machine out a 5" disk out of pre-hardened 4340 steel. About 43RC hard.
Due to an island in the middle (leaving only 3/4" room for the tool) I could not use a bigger indexed cutter, so i decided to use the adaptive clearing toolpath.

I started out by calculating Speeds and Feeds with HSMAdvisor and come up with the following starting parameters:

Full depth, at 10% engagement.

Which worked just fine. But the tool was not new and I decided to sacrifice it in the name of science and maxed it up to see how long the tool was going to handle it.

So I adjusted the cutting speed to 170% and feed to 150% (which accounts to heavy roughing):

To be honest I was not sure the tool was going to last very long, but it exceeded all my expectations!
It lasted for about 2 hours and completed the whole run of more than 20 pieces.

I even took a video cutting one of the parts:

Note how there are no sparks coming out. This is because the chip is thick enough to not overheat. This works both ways. Chips stay cool and due to their larger mass carry most of the heat away from the cutting edge.

After the end of the run (and it was not new to begin with) the tool looked like it could do as much!

List of Free Features in New HSMAdvisor

July 26, 2016, 6:57 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Hello Frends,

After the latest changes in HSMAdvisor and addition of free features lots of people ask me to clarify (repeat?) what those are.

So those include:

  1. Thread Reference.
  2. All Geometry Calculators (Bolt Hole, Triangle, etc)
  3. Screw Reference.
  4. All Tool Database functions including access to Speeds and Feeds page where you can edit parameters of the tool.
  5. Full Acess to Speeds and Feeds for One material (1018 steel)

Basically ALL functions except Speeds and Feeds calculations are included for Free.

Check it out here, if you haven't already :

Rev Up Your Tools - Boost the Productivity!

July 15, 2016, 9:59 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As unhappy I am to learn that something may be wrong with the software I develop and love, negative feedback is essential in learning whether i am doing everything right.

So a couple of days ago I received an email from a somewhat disappointed user. 

He (lets call him Peter) was complaining that HSMAdvisor calculator gave him "excessively high" speeds and feeds for his 3/4" 4 flute 3.0 LOC  end mill in aluminum.

With the data Peter entered he was getting around 10000 RPM(SFPM 2117) and the feed of 270 inches per minute while usual practice in the shop was side-milling aluminum at that (2.8" axial) depth at only 325 SFM

After double-checking the numbers I replied that in fact his numbers seemed very slow and if for some reason he HAD to run that slow (heck, i machine most steels faster than 325 SFM) due to some conditions, perhaps, he was ought to change the conditions themselves.

This is what I am getting for Peter's end mill setup:

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HSMAdvisor 1.304 Released!

July 4, 2016, 9:53 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

This update fixes the no-message shutdown when your trial expires!

What else is new and improved in this update:

  • Fixed no-message shutdown upon expiration of the trial.
  • Improved cutting speeds and feeds for milling.
  • Added 416 SS material
  • Added "Insert" check box and input field to treat Tools as if they were inserts.
  • Added internal "Copy/Paste" functionality to quickly populate custom S&F tables.
  • Added icons to the bottom taskbar.
  • Installer now checks which .NET version you are running and offers to download if it is missing.

Below are most of the new features in a nutshell:

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Programming Lesson: 304 Stainless on Low-Power Mill

June 12, 2016, 11:17 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

One of HSMAdvisor users asked me for help figuring speeds and feeds for machining stainless on his underpowered Tormach 700.
He volunteered to send me a model to work on, so I decided it was a good opportunity to make a learning video and share it with everybody.

I must say programming for such a low-power machine is a lot harder than for a full-blown production VMC where you are not worried about stalling your machine with anything under 1" in diameter:

Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

We are actually listening to our users!

Combating Chatter: 4 reasons to NOT reduce your feedrate

April 30, 2016, 6:58 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We all have heard hundreds of times that when chatter is happening during machining, we should reduce our feed rate. The same advice we also hear for compensating for extra-long tools and unstable setups.

Let me explain why I think this is mostly incorrect.

Let’s list  the effects of reducing the feed rate:

  1. Reduces tool life.
  2. Reduces productivity.
  3. Increases deflection.
  4. Causes chatter.

Let me explain from my own experience and research I have made each of these points and a simple way to avoid chatter's adverse effects.Read More 

Hi-Feed Milling at 600 ipm!

April 8, 2016, 10:19 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Latest advances in tool technology make milling of high carbon and tool steels as reliable and predictable as benign aluminium alloys.

In this video a large 4140 steel component is being roughed out at 2700RPM and 600 inches per minute.
While achieving  impressive material removal rate (20 pounds of steel machined off in a matter of half an hour!) the tool life puts the old school square shoulder endmills to shame.

Yes, it could(and should) have been machined using a bigger cutter, but I wanted to put the tool to the test.
And it performed beautifully: Was able to surpass the recommended starting speeds and feeds by at least 170%!Read More 

We are announcing a New Product!

April 1, 2016, 5:01 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I would like to announce the launch of a brand new product called HSMCode.

HSMCode combines the power HSMAdvisor speed and Feed calculator, its advanced Tool and Cut Database and the new functionality of HSMCode into one seamless product!

What does HSMCode Do?

HSMCode allows you to create ToolPaths from imported CAD or Solid geometry with ease.

All you need to do is pick features that need to be machined and HSMAdvisor will pick the most suitable tool, calculate proper speeds and feeds and then HSMCode will generate the G-Code for your machine

As simple as that.

You can also create additional geometry using an in-built CAD designer and Simulate your Toolpaths to verify the correctness of your work.

The sales will begin in a couple of months on June 31 2016!

Please contact me if you would like to test the early demo version, affect the development of the software and (depending on the value of your input) receive your Lifetime Subscription for free!


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