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August 8, 2021, 10:25 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Programmed and machined a T-800 head from thingiverse:

T-800 Picture

Here is a finished scull video from all sides:

In the 1st op I milled the base with a 1/4-20 tapped hole right where my Z0Y0Z0 will be.

Then I mounted the base on a square fixture using the tapped hole. This way as I index the square fixture in the vise, my part Z0Y0Z0 remain in the same spot.

2nd op was the back of the scull

3rd op was the face, and the 4th and 5th were the sides

Here is a YouTube video of some of the 3rd op machining. Warning Loud Noise!

FSWizard 1.7.9

May 19, 2020, 11:12 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Centerdrill Calculator added in FSWizard 1.7.9!

Check it out at

Calculator shows reference for Imperial and Metric centerdrills and allows to calculate the depth of the drilled hole based on the countersink hole diameter and vise-versa.

Also this new version features better support for wide screens.
The input fields are now stacked in 3 columns when screen width is large enough to fit them.

If you want to sign up for the beta test, please read here:


Centerdrill Calc FSWizard1.7.9.PNG

One Case of HSM Machining: HSMAdvisor vs. All

April 2, 2016, 6:41 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Look for the HSM machining of the round central pocket in the beginning.
Here we have a 12mm 6 flute Coated hi-performance endmill, cutting 1" deep at 0.047" (10%) rWOC.
at 10000 RPM and 300 ipm feedrate. the chipload works out to be 0.005". Material is 4140 pre-hardened steel.

Impressive isn't it?
Those results have been achieved with uber-expensive BlueSwarf tap-test technology.

This is one video that caught the eye of one of my HSMAdvisor trial users:


Being a geek and wanting to help the user make the right decision I immediately punched the numbers into my HSMAdvisor app.

Here is what I've got:Read More 

Mind the Gap!

March 29, 2016, 3:22 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Don't you hate when "that guy" cuts your stock a little too short?

Holding on to just 0.060" here. The part is 1.5" tall made out of 4140, which helps it stay in place and not collapse under machining pressure. Pretty sure it would have moved if it was made out of mild steel.

PS. Did I eay I love those CR vise? I do. Can't lift that jaw with a lift truck.


Did you know there are three ways you can touch off your tools?

Because of how Machine Offsets add up, there are several ways CNC machinists can set their Tool and Work Offsets.

This is especially true for Tool Length Offsets.

Tool Offsets can be either Positive or Negative.
Depending on your Machine Shop equipment you should use one or the other.

Regardless of how you set your tool length offset, you apply it the same way.
Right after the tool change and after turning on your spindle and moving to your X Y position above the part.
The very first absolute Z movement should be the line where you apply the tool length offset.


Positive Tool Offsets (gage line tool length offsets)

In the case of Positive Tool Offsets, the offset represents the Length of the tool measured as a distance from the Gauge Line of the spindle (typically spindle nose) to the tip of the tool. The longer the tool, the larger your Tool Length offset will be.

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New stuff in HSMAdvisor 1.191

September 13, 2015, 9:01 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


We have some (I am sure welcome) addition to our family of tool types supported by HSMAdvisor.

The new tool type is "Boring Head".

This tool is used for finishing holes on milling centres. Also in this release I have made a lot of improvements to operation of myCut Database and revised ssuggested depth of cut for milling tools when used at low radial engagement.

More details on the HSMAdvisor Download page.



Workholding: Soft jaws in Vise

August 24, 2015, 6:01 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

One of the most versatile ways of clamping irregular -shaped parts is with use of soft jaws.

In this one I had to machine a triangular-shaped part from two sides.

It is going to be some sort of a part holding jaw for a robot.

So step one: Machine one side of the part in vise. hold on to 1/8" of stock. So make sure to cut your part on a bandsaw oversize.

Step Two: Bolt soft jaws to your vise and machine a pocket using outside contour of your part.

Be sure to relieve corners.

Step three: Clamp your part in the soft jaws and machine the second side of your part.

One important thing to consider is: this method is not very accurate. depending on the size and a shape of your part you may be able to hold it within 0.001" though.

See attached photos of the steps below.

1. Machine one side 14402581166020.jpg 2. Machine pocket in soft jaws 14402581369241.jpg 3. Clamp the part 14402581523902.jpg 4. Machine the second side 14402581647543.jpg

Thank You!

January 1, 2015, 4:51 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I would like to thank everyone who has helped with the development of our software by investing your time and money, making suggestions, reporting bugs, recommending our software on various professional online message boards and to your colleagues.

Every bit of money I charge for our software goes back to development.

Unlike most other software developers, who often hold back on features to not allow their products to compete with each-other, every useful feature available on mobile FSWizard goes to the desktop-based HSMAdvisor and vise-versa. Even if it ends up hurting overall sales.

I was the first developer who was able to bring a speed and feed calculator as complex as FSWizard to the mobile platform and I have just uploaded another update to FSWizard Mobile app, that makes it even more powerful. Almost as powerful in fact as HSMAdvisor.

Why bother? Why create a competing product that does almost as much, but costs almost 3 times cheaper?

Because I know that most of our mobile users are not only unable to buy a more expensive desktop product, but they are also often younger, less experienced and hold machinist positions without access to desktop computers.

These users deserve every help they need to grow skills and their careers.

And when they grow to be CNC Programmers and get to sit in the office, they would need something more convenient and more powerful.

I hope they then remember that the same guy who develops FSWizard:Mobile also develops an even cooler desktop application called HSMAdvisor, that will certainly help keep their bosses even happier than before!

Once again, thank you, guys. Please have a Safe and Prosperous New Year.


Here is the list of recent changes to FWizard:Mobile v1.38

Read More 

oirijoiuhiunheurinhviu.JPG oirijoiuhiunheurinhviu.JPG

Fancy Skin Work in Vise

October 29, 2014, 8:41 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


There is more than one way to skin a cat!

Previously i have showed how to machine multiple pieces out of a flat plate holding only on to 0.010" thick material on the outside of the part. (here)

But there is more than one way to do it.

Sometimes your part is so hard to hold, that using tabs or skin is the best, or even the only way of machining something.

Very often, working in prototyping, I have to make only one single part and designing and producing special fixturing is also not feasible.

Here is how you can easily machine a difficult-to-hold part from both sides without using a separate fixture:

Setup: Put or part in vise. Make sure to square off at least two sides contacting the jaws for accurate positioning and minimum distortion.

Program part normally. Perform as many operations on the first side as possible.

When machining outside profile, machine to the exact depth of your part.

Here is how your part might look after completing the first OP:Read More 

HSMAdvisor 0.840

August 4, 2014, 3:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Another week - another HSMAdvisor update!

Yesterday i uploaded a newer version. You can download it already.

Major change is only one: I have finally come around to implementing a Turning surface finish calculator.

After selecting any Turning Tool type, a "Scallop" button on Comp. panel will open a separate Turning Surface Finish dialog.

As usual you can change the units of measure by clicking "Units in/mm" label in top right corner.

Default units will be the units of chipload.

Also a corner radius is needed for calculator to work.

Changing Feed per Rev. or Corner Rad. values changes Surface Finish and Scallop and vise-verse

After you click "Apply", proper feed override is applied to the final result to get the surface finish you desire.

Aside from this new feature a couple of things got improved and fixed as well

  • First of all, i believe i have finally fixed a plagues that most of software running under Windows:
    Scaling issues under DPI greater than 96 were addressed and i think from this point on i should get much fewer reports about things being cropped off in wrong places.
    Still, if something looks odd on your system, please let me know!
  • A new "Stickout" column was added to the Tool Drop-Down List
  • Turning Cuts with mixed in/mm data saved in them used to have conversion issue.
    It has been fixed in this update.
  • Also collapsing panels that used to close when another panel is being opened now operate independently.
    Many people as it turns out like ot have ALL of the panels expanded at the same time.


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