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HSMAdvisor 2.4.0

November 11, 2021, 10:59 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The latest version of HSMAdvisor is available on the Downloads page:

It has a couple of big improvements, such as improved feeds for endmills smaller than 1/2" in diameter. Tool display now more accurately shows how HSMAdvisor perceives your radiused tool and material engagement.

Also fixed a problem with the Scallop Calculator. It now doesn't affect the DOC, but only sets your WOC to whatever stepover you calculated.

Huge thanks to everybody who made suggestions, reported issues, and even simply asked questions!


New PLM2000 Benchtop CNC machining video!

January 14, 2021, 1:18 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Did some testing for HSMAdvisor in A36

Tool: 3/16" 4 FL 0.25" LOC 0.7 Stickout

RPM: 5000 Feed: 32.0ipm

Original engagement DOC:  0.25, WOC: 0.083

Was successful and sounded nice, but the TTS holder started to pull out. Had to half both DOC and WOC for the video:

HSMAdvisor has more materials and better tool deflection model!

August 7, 2017, 4:36 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Better Material Cross Reference

Yes you can now use HSMAdvisor with non-US/UNS material standards!

Our users have asked for better integration between HSMAdvisor's built-in Materials library and the thing called Cross Reference table and finally here it is!

Now when you click on the "More" button next to the "Material" drop-down list...

... the updated Material Cross Reference dialog appears.

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FSWizard Build Blog n3

May 9, 2017, 9:48 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Today was quite productive.

All the remaining milling tool types have been finished.

The last one to complete was Chamfering tool type:

Looking at the HSMAdvisor's tool graphic on the right i realize how useful it is to understand where your tool engagement is.
Especially so for tapered, Ballnose and Chamfering tools.

FSWizard does not yet have that functionality, but i will definitely try to add it in one of the updates after the initial release.

A Total Guide into Plunging and Ramping

April 4, 2017, 7:33 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Before we start milling away our stock we first need to get down to the required depth.

This is not a problem with external features when we can plunge outside.

When machining closed pockets, however, we need to find a way to get down to the machining depth first.

As usual there are several ways to get the job done. The plunging methods listed here are not ordered by their preference.

For various machining operations on different materials some may be more preferable than others.

Straight Plunging into a larger Pre-Drilled hole

This is one the best ones in my opinion.
Very few machining modes can compete in effectiveness with drilling and this method will get you the best combined tool life on most materials and (in case of many deep pockets) the least machining time, even when tool change time is factored in.

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HSM Machining pre-hard 4340 at 900 SFM

September 30, 2016, 6:40 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSM with MasterCam Dynamic Milling has long been one of my favorite toolpath strategies when machining hardened and tough to machine steels.

The job at hand was to machine out a 5" disk out of pre-hardened 4340 steel. About 43RC hard.
Due to an island in the middle (leaving only 3/4" room for the tool) I could not use a bigger indexed cutter, so i decided to use the adaptive clearing toolpath.

I started out by calculating Speeds and Feeds with HSMAdvisor and come up with the following starting parameters:

Full depth, at 10% engagement.

Which worked just fine. But the tool was not new and I decided to sacrifice it in the name of science and maxed it up to see how long the tool was going to handle it.

So I adjusted the cutting speed to 170% and feed to 150% (which accounts to heavy roughing):

To be honest I was not sure the tool was going to last very long, but it exceeded all my expectations!
It lasted for about 2 hours and completed the whole run of more than 20 pieces.

I even took a video cutting one of the parts:

Note how there are no sparks coming out. This is because the chip is thick enough to not overheat. This works both ways. Chips stay cool and due to their larger mass carry most of the heat away from the cutting edge.

After the end of the run (and it was not new to begin with) the tool looked like it could do as much!

Best High Speed Machining is Dry Machining

May 18, 2016, 9:06 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Have you ever wondered how much tool life can deteriorate when using coolant with High-Speed Machining (HSM)?
Or maybe you never really saw the boost in tool life when using HSM techniques because you had to use coolant?

Well, here is a test result I just got from running the same tool at the same Speed and Feed with and without coolant.

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Quick Video: Figuring the best Depth and Width of Cut with Performance Slider

September 26, 2015, 11:25 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Proper machining depth and width of cut are just as important as proper Speeds and Feeds. 

This is not only importanttant for professional machinists, who are machining on the edge of their tooling and setup capability, but also for hobbyists, who often face limits from the machine rigidity side of the equation.

HSMAdvisor Speed and Feed calculator has a unique tool used for figuring the best engagement values for each particular cut you are making.

It is called Performance Slider. And it adjusts expected load on the tool and machine depending on your preferred machining mode.

Check out this video I made that explains Performance Slider' functionality:

New stuff in HSMAdvisor 1.191

September 13, 2015, 9:01 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


We have some (I am sure welcome) addition to our family of tool types supported by HSMAdvisor.

The new tool type is "Boring Head".

This tool is used for finishing holes on milling centres. Also in this release I have made a lot of improvements to operation of myCut Database and revised ssuggested depth of cut for milling tools when used at low radial engagement.

More details on the HSMAdvisor Download page.



Key factors Determining Success of High Speed Machining (HSM)

September 12, 2015, 7:29 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

As a developer of a very successful line of speed and feed calculators I sometimes get questions like : "I calculated speeds and feeds for a conventional toolpath. Got 5.5 cubic inches MRR(Material Removal Rate). And then I calculated S&F for the same endmill with HSM parameters turned on and got almost the same amount of  MRR! What is even the point in using HSM parameters?" -they ask.

I would like to clear some things up for my friends.
In this article I will explain exactly WHY HSM machining is better and HOW to achieve better productivity and tool life.

For starters here are the main features of a HSM-capable cutter:

As usual there are several components of HSM that need to be present in order for it to work to its fullest. These are:

a) Machine
b) Tool
c) Workpiece geometry
d) Workpiece material

I intentionally did not number these as each one of those is equally important.

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