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HSMAdvisor v2.7.2

September 17, 2023, 4:49 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Good news, everybody!

HSMAdvisor now has a G and M-Code reference page:

Also in this update, I have fixed error messages that appeared after the clean install.
These weren't critical as they appeared only once, but I assume they caused a few new users not to continue using the app, which is quite unfortunate.

The latest update can be downloaded from here:

Thanks to everybody who sends feedback and suggestions!

HSMAdvisor v2.5.12

November 8, 2022, 9:50 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A new version of HSMAdvisor has just been released!

This minor update adds the Portuguese language and fixes the Language upload feature.
Thanks to TribeJoint - for providing the translation!

Also, minor tweaks were made to improve drill chip load calculations for tiny and very large drills.

In related news. Big work is currently happening with expanding and improving the HSMAdvisor's Material Database.

You can download the latest HSMAdvisor Update over here:


HSMAdvisor v2.1.12 for MasterCAM

October 20, 2020, 9:55 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just released a big update for our HSMAdvisor for MasterCAM.

Plugin v2.1.12 now supports Mastercam 2021, 2020 and 2019

Features for all versions are now aligned to the latest HSMAdvisor code!

Check it out here:


Importing HSMWorks Tool Libraries into HSMAdvisor

August 11, 2020, 2:18 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Great news for our many Fusion 360 users!

Starting with HSMAdvisor v2.1.0, you can import HSMWorks hsmlib files into the HSMAdvisor database.
Holder import is not yet supported, but I will add it in one of the next updates.

Please have Fusion export the tool library in HSMWorks .hsmlib format

Not sure what to do with allowing HSMAdvisor to export tools into F360...
Please let me know if you are interested in this functionality, and I will work on it.

Take it for a ride and let me know if there are any issues with it!


F360 Tool Database Import HSMA_F360_Import.PNG

HSMAdvisor v2.0.2

August 8, 2020, 4:11 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I just uploaded a new standalone and Mastercam 2021 hook version of HSMAdvisor Machinist Calculator.

In it fixed the issue with the loading of older database files and updating DB UI.

Also from this point on HSMAdvisor will switch to Semantic Versioning in the following format:

  • Major: big update that makes older version non-forward compatible.
  • Minor: a minor update that does not break any existing functionality
  • Build: a bug-fix that does not add new features, but fixes the existing ones

Check out the latest version here:

Have an enjoyable and safe weekend, everybody!

HSMAdvisor v1.515

October 1, 2017, 5:57 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have done quite some work on HSMAdvisor in the last couple of weeks.

Let's just cover real quick the new things in this update.

New Shoulder Diameter field

You can now use Shoulder Diameter field to account for T-Slot and Woodruff cutters reduced neck.
Also the deflection calculation and torque limits this functionality relies on this have been updated and improved.

Yep, HSMAdvisor now takes into account reduced neck of the cutter and warns you if it is close to snapping off!

Reordering Tool Libraries 

To re-order your tool libraries, just go to Tool Database page and right-click on any tool library tab.
Then select "Reorder Tool Libraries" and use arrow keys to move your libraries up and down the list.

New Speed and Feed Overrides sliders

All sliders in the Speeds and Feeds Adjustments are have been improved to match the rest rest of the adjustments sliders in the app.

Best regards!

HSMAdvisor has more materials and better tool deflection model!

August 7, 2017, 4:36 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Better Material Cross Reference

Yes you can now use HSMAdvisor with non-US/UNS material standards!

Our users have asked for better integration between HSMAdvisor's built-in Materials library and the thing called Cross Reference table and finally here it is!

Now when you click on the "More" button next to the "Material" drop-down list...

... the updated Material Cross Reference dialog appears.

It has new Search feature to easily find the material you are looking for.

The table also has a new column called "Name" that contains the name of the closest material found in the HSMAdvisor's database.
Please note that the name of the matching material does not necessarily need to be matching the proper standard name.

Standards that have been matched to the materials are in bold font style.

When you select the proper standard, you click on the OK button and the matching material will be selected in the HSMAdvisor's Speeds and Feeds tab.

In addition to the changes above quite a few new materials were added to the fold as well.

Better Tool Deflection

I felt that the previous tool deflection model was not perfect as it did not include taper of the End Mill's shoulder.
To solve the issue we added "Tapered Shoulder" checkbox next to the "Shoulder Len." field.

If you suggested new features in the past, you know how much I hate to add new controls...
But i just had to in this case. There was just no other way!

Now when this box is checked, the shoulder will have a shape of expanding taper connecting with the shank diameter.
The slope of the taper is controlled entirely by the length of the Shoulder and diameter of the shank.

Check out the tool display for the straight versus tapered shoulder:

With all engagement and feed values identical the sample on the left shows 0.0036" deflection and the sample on the right shows just 0.001" of deflection.

Which is the way it should be!

Does your "other" calculator do the same?...don't think so!

Things to Do Next....

In the near-term scope of the development I am planning to:

  • Release an update for MasterCAM 2018 hook that has been in the works for a few weeks.
  • Combine the data from the Materials Cross Reference dialog with the HSMAdvisor's own Materials database And add Favorite Materials functionality.
    This might require a complete rework of the Material selection UI. Perhaps the whole thing will be moved into a separate window to prevent cluttering the Speeds and Feeds page.

Will keep you updated.


HSMAdvisor v1.501

November 26, 2016, 11:51 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Every time we add a tenth to HSMAdvisor version number our users know we are up to something completely new and exciting!

Please welcome HSMAdvisor 1.5

Now with International Language support!

I know this feature might not be as interesting to our English-speaking users, but I believe it is a major milestone in maturity of any application.

I have been semi-secretly working on this feature for the past year or so.

Let me just quickly show you how to switch between languages

  • Download and install HSMAdvisor 1.5 as usual
  • Launch HSMAdvisor and go to Settings->General
  • Find button called "Select Language" and click on it
  • Simply select an available language from the list and click OK
  • You will be offered to shut down HSMAdvisor as you can not right now apply the new language mid-flight.
  • When you launch HSMAdvisor again, the language of the User Interface will be of that you have previously selected

If you do not find your native language in the list, do not get upset!
You can easily create your own translation.The proper process for translating HSMAdvior to other languages is described here:

What is next

  • In the coming months we will introduce tools for creating translations on the fly without the need to use a third-party tool.
  • We will add ability for users to earn their free HSMAdvisor license by participating in translation program.
  • And the main thing...

We will continue our hard work to stay the best software tool for CNC machinists!

By the way here are other changes that were introduced in this update:

  • Fixed typos and improved the look of ToolTip messages
  • Fixed 0 - WOC reset when changing tool type

Best Regards

HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCAM 2017 is now Available!

October 10, 2016, 8:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

It has finally Happened!

I have just released the first ever HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCam 2017!

You can download it over here:

I ran it through its paces in the last couple of days and made sure it functions just perfectly.

However, be careful and should you notice any funky things please let me know!


Hardness Conversion Table in HSMAdvisor v1.405

September 17, 2016, 9:30 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

A few days ago a HSMAdvisor user asked for Hardness conversion chart to be added to our great product.

So. Here we go:

It is accessible on Reference tab.

This chart is now available in update v1.405 at the old address:

Why i am stressing the location is because some file hosting websites are hosting something that claims to be genuine HSMAdvisor software without first asking for my permission.

Please always download our software from website.

Our software is also signed with my name.
So you can be sure it comes from me directly and is not tainted by malicious code.

Also in this update i added Acrylic to the materials list.


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