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More Materials in the latest FSWizard Online update!

September 17, 2017, 2:03 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Howdy everybody!

I hope you guys enjoyed your weekend.

Mine was a productive one.

FSWizard Online has had a big update and now Materials list contains all material groups:

There is a catch, however: In the free version, ONLY material groups are available.

To get all the avialable materials you need to go to Settings, click on the "Customer Login" button and enter your FSWizard PRO credentials.

Also in this update I fixed the Thread Milling tool type glitch and added inverted trig functions to the Scientific Calc:

Will keep you posted.


HSMAdvisor has more materials and better tool deflection model!

August 7, 2017, 4:36 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Better Material Cross Reference

Yes you can now use HSMAdvisor with non-US/UNS material standards!

Our users have asked for better integration between HSMAdvisor's built-in Materials library and the thing called Cross Reference table and finally here it is!

Now when you click on the "More" button next to the "Material" drop-down list...

... the updated Material Cross Reference dialog appears.

It has new Search feature to easily find the material you are looking for.

The table also has a new column called "Name" that contains the name of the closest material found in the HSMAdvisor's database.
Please note that the name of the matching material does not necessarily need to be matching the proper standard name.

Standards that have been matched to the materials are in bold font style.

When you select the proper standard, you click on the OK button and the matching material will be selected in the HSMAdvisor's Speeds and Feeds tab.

In addition to the changes above quite a few new materials were added to the fold as well.

Better Tool Deflection

I felt that the previous tool deflection model was not perfect as it did not include taper of the End Mill's shoulder.
To solve the issue we added "Tapered Shoulder" checkbox next to the "Shoulder Len." field.

If you suggested new features in the past, you know how much I hate to add new controls...
But i just had to in this case. There was just no other way!

Now when this box is checked, the shoulder will have a shape of expanding taper connecting with the shank diameter.
The slope of the taper is controlled entirely by the length of the Shoulder and diameter of the shank.

Check out the tool display for the straight versus tapered shoulder:

With all engagement and feed values identical the sample on the left shows 0.0036" deflection and the sample on the right shows just 0.001" of deflection.

Which is the way it should be!

Does your "other" calculator do the same?...don't think so!

Things to Do Next....

In the near-term scope of the development I am planning to:

  • Release an update for MasterCAM 2018 hook that has been in the works for a few weeks.
  • Combine the data from the Materials Cross Reference dialog with the HSMAdvisor's own Materials database And add Favorite Materials functionality.
    This might require a complete rework of the Material selection UI. Perhaps the whole thing will be moved into a separate window to prevent cluttering the Speeds and Feeds page.

Will keep you updated.


CNC Machining Tool Material and Coating Application Guide

July 21, 2017, 9:47 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

We have many helpful articles over at HSMAdvisor Help portal. But beacuse of that very reason not many website visitors actually read any of them.
It is a pitty that most advanced users will never actually visit the help section, because they already know how to operate HSMAdvisor.

And this particular one, I believe, is too useful (I just updated it to include more info) for my customers and other machinists to keep it burried in some help section that few ever read.

So here you go:

This is a short Application Guide for use of different cutting tool materials and coatings.

Tool Materials and Coatings are listed from least preferable to most preferable.
(IE: line "Recommended tool materials: HSS, HSCobalt, Carbide, Diamond" means that HSS is the least preferable material and Diamond is the Most preferable one)

The following guidelines are mostly for milling operations, but, with some reservations, can be applied for turning and drilling as well.

Tool Material

  • Aluminum and other non-ferrous metals:
    Recommended tool materials: HSS, HSCobalt, Carbide, Diamond
    Recommended number of flutes:2 or 3
    Recommended coolant: Flood Coolant for all tool materials, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal cooling situations
  • Abrasive non-ferrous and non-metall materials:
    Recommended tool materials: HSS, HSCobalt, Carbide, Diamond
    Recommended number of flutes:2 or 3
    Recommended coolant: Flood Coolant for all tool materials, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal cooling situations
  • Mild and Tool Steels
    Recommended tool materials:HSS, HSCobalt, Carbide
    Recommended number of flutes: 4 for regular machining; 4+ for finishing and HSM machining   
    Recommended coolant for HSS and HSCObalt tooling: Flood, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal coolant situations
    Recommended coolant for Carbide tooling: Dry or mist airblast to clear the chips
  • Nikel and Cobalt Ferrous super alloys
    Recommended tool materials:HSCobalt, Carbide, Ceramics
    Recommended number of flutes: 3-4 for regular machining; 4+ for finishing and HSM machining   
    Recommended coolant for HSCobalt and Carbide: High pressure, high volume flood coolant
    Recommended coolant for Ceramics: None
  • Titanium alloys
    Recommended tool materials: HSCobalt, Carbide
    Recommended number of flutes: 3-4 for regular machining; 4+ for finishing and HSM machining   
    Recommended coolant: High pressure, high volume flood coolant

Tool Coating

Coating improves wear and temperature resistance of the cutting edge.
General rules of thumb:

  • Aluminum and other non-abrasive non-ferrous metals
    Recommended coatings:No Coating (bright finish), TiCN, ZrN, TiB
    Recommended coolant: Flood, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal coolant situations
  • Abrasive non-ferrous and non-metall materials:
    Recommended coatings: TiAlN,AlTiN, AlCrN, Diamond
    Recommended coolant: Flood, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal coolant situations
  • Mild and tool Steels
    Recommended coatings:TiN, TiCN, TiAlN, AlTiN, AlCrN
    Recommended coolant for HSS and HSCObalt tooling: Flood, reduce cutting depth and speed for less than ideal coolant situations
    Recommended coolant for Carbide tooling: Dry or mist airblast to clear the chips
  • Nikel and Cobalt Ferrous super alloys
    Recommended coatings:TiN, TiCN, TiAlN, AlTiN, AlCrN
    Recommended coolant: High pressure, high volume flood coolant
  • Titanium alloys
    Recommended coatings:No coating (bright finish); Super hard AlCrN, AlTiN, TiAlN nano coatings
    Recommended coolant: High pressure, high volume flood coolant

Do you think this information is not complete or you need more?

Drop us a line.

See Contact Details for ways to reach us

FSWizard Build Blog n3

May 9, 2017, 9:48 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Today was quite productive.

All the remaining milling tool types have been finished.

The last one to complete was Chamfering tool type:

Looking at the HSMAdvisor's tool graphic on the right i realize how useful it is to understand where your tool engagement is.
Especially so for tapered, Ballnose and Chamfering tools.

FSWizard does not yet have that functionality, but i will definitely try to add it in one of the updates after the initial release.

Mayday !

April 30, 2017, 11:35 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Well not the bad mayday. It is the good one.

Today is the International Worker's day.

My best wishers go to all machinists and cnc programmers out there.

Keep it safe.

Btw. HSMAdvisor v1.509 has been released just yesterday. It is a big release which has lots of improvements. So we updated the Mastercam x9 and 2017 hooks as well.

Btw2. User's feedback has been plenty and steady recently. Please keep it up!  We really like making HSMAdvisor even better by adding stuff that you actually need!


Uninstall Feedback

March 23, 2017, 8:22 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Out of all kinds of feedback forms on HSMAdvisor (we have Forums, User Feedback and Unistall Feedback) web site the only one I dread opening is the "Uninstall Feedback".

When someone uninstalls HSMAdvisor, on the last step the program asks to provide the final feedback to maybe help us make HSMAdvisor better.

I do not like reading this form very much because it means that would-be users left in some way dissatisfied with the program.

And that really breaks my heart!

Among the most common answers is stuff like "does not support metric" even though IT VERY MUCH SUPPORTS METRIC.
We have, without a doubt, one of the most flexible units system of all machining-related software products.
I guess I have to improve in helping people learn how to use many unit switches within the program.

But the one that stood out is this one:

Your software is AWESOME. I'm just uninstalling so I can reinstall on another machine. Thanks for making a great product!

Thank you Jeremy! Really made my day!

Just a heads-up.

Another update is coming this weekend.
I am adding some materials and this threads specification drawing:

Requested by one of the users, I am sure it will be a big help.

HSMAdvisor v1.506 For MasterCAM

March 5, 2017, 9:38 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have just uploaded the latest update to HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCam x9 and 2017.
This is a catch-up update to the latest HSMAdvisor improvements.

Additionally i promised few guys a tutorial on how to easily install the hook into MasterCam 2017

So here it is:

Please excuse my lack of artistic prowess.
Hey, You can be ANYTHING but you can not be EVERYTHING

And i am more of a technical guy who, perhaps, lacks the hypnotizing narrating skills of a salesman :)

Improved FSWizard is coming!

January 23, 2017, 12:41 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Check this out, guys.

Been working on this for the past couple of weeks:

New FSWizard Speeds and Feeds Calc will have not only modern improved design. But latest tools and materials.
Special attention is being paid to have it produce EXACTLY the same results as our HSMAdvisor desktop app.

It is not complete yet, but it is almost there - making it catch up to the latest HSMAdvisor code is a big job.

The new calculator will replace our online calculator as well.....

Yes, you heard that right! You will be able to run exactly the same FSWizard Speed and Feed calc on your mobile phone, desktop and even Windows Mobile.

Heck, it will even work on Mac!

Best of all, it will be published as an update to our existing apps, so our existing customers will not have to buy an upgrade, unlike what some other "Machinist Calculator" has done in the past.

I will keep you posted.


HSMAdvisor v1.501

November 26, 2016, 11:51 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Every time we add a tenth to HSMAdvisor version number our users know we are up to something completely new and exciting!

Please welcome HSMAdvisor 1.5

Now with International Language support!

I know this feature might not be as interesting to our English-speaking users, but I believe it is a major milestone in maturity of any application.

I have been semi-secretly working on this feature for the past year or so.

Let me just quickly show you how to switch between languages

  • Download and install HSMAdvisor 1.5 as usual
  • Launch HSMAdvisor and go to Settings->General
  • Find button called "Select Language" and click on it
  • Simply select an available language from the list and click OK
  • You will be offered to shut down HSMAdvisor as you can not right now apply the new language mid-flight.
  • When you launch HSMAdvisor again, the language of the User Interface will be of that you have previously selected

If you do not find your native language in the list, do not get upset!
You can easily create your own translation.The proper process for translating HSMAdvior to other languages is described here:

What is next

  • In the coming months we will introduce tools for creating translations on the fly without the need to use a third-party tool.
  • We will add ability for users to earn their free HSMAdvisor license by participating in translation program.
  • And the main thing...

We will continue our hard work to stay the best software tool for CNC machinists!

By the way here are other changes that were introduced in this update:

  • Fixed typos and improved the look of ToolTip messages
  • Fixed 0 - WOC reset when changing tool type

Best Regards

HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCAM 2017 is now Available!

October 10, 2016, 8:54 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

It has finally Happened!

I have just released the first ever HSMAdvisor hook for MasterCam 2017!

You can download it over here:

I ran it through its paces in the last couple of days and made sure it functions just perfectly.

However, be careful and should you notice any funky things please let me know!


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