I would like to announce the launch of a brand new product called HSMCode.
HSMCode combines the power HSMAdvisor speed and Feed calculator, its advanced Tool and Cut Database and the new functionality of HSMCode into one seamless product!

What does HSMCode Do?
HSMCode allows you to create ToolPaths from imported CAD or Solid geometry with ease.
All you need to do is pick features that need to be machined and HSMAdvisor will pick the most suitable tool, calculate proper speeds and feeds and then HSMCode will generate the G-Code for your machine
As simple as that.
You can also create additional geometry using an in-built CAD designer and Simulate your Toolpaths to verify the correctness of your work.
The sales will begin in a couple of months on June 31 2016!
Please contact me if you would like to test the early demo version, affect the development of the software and (depending on the value of your input) receive your Lifetime Subscription for free!