HSMAdvisor 2.8.1
April 20, 2024, 3:19 pmArticle Summary
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
April 20, 2024, 3:19 pm
Author Summary
Wed February 12, 2025, 6:30 am
Wed February 12, 2025, 6:30 am
The other week we have released HSMA v2.8.1
Here is what's different:
- Install-time License Setup added
https://hsmadvisor.com/help?article_id=5417_silent-or-automatic-installation - Main window resize performance improvements
Fixed occasional incorrect element re-floating. - Cloud Status added on the Tool Library Drop-down
- Opening HSMA window outside of visible bounds fixed
- Upgraded to .NET 4.8
Use default TLS protocol to avoid "server not reached" or "unable to establish secure connection" errors - Added Countersink tool
- Fixed and improved the critical drilling speed calculation
- Various bug fixes and improvements
As always you can get the latest update over here: HSMAdvisor.com/download