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Ever since getting my benchtop CNC running, I have not been very happy with the lack of manual control over overrides and buttons.

This DIY Engineering video gave me a great idea: build one myself.

I wanted the smooth speed and feed overrides, so I decided to not go with HID device, but instead with a full serial control paired with a custom plugin on the UCCNC side.

Here is the Fusion design of the enclosure:

And here it is 3D-Printed.
Acrylic face engraved from the back side and painted.
And all buttons and controls mounted:

All I have to do now is wire the Arduino board, program the plugin, and test it!


Here is the video of the pendant in action:


1. PCB Design

Design notes:

  • All resistors used were 10K
  • Speed and Feed potentiometers are 10K
    Their pinout goes Wiper->ground = 0%, Wiper -> +5V = 200%
  • Axis and Handwheel Increment rotary switches are 4-position and their pinout goes like this:
    Axis select 1-X, 2-Y, 3-Z, 4-A, C-Common (+5V)
    Handwheel Increment 1-0.0001, 2-0.0010, 3-0.0100, 4-0.1000, C-Common (+5V)
  • All function buttons such as Jog +/-, M1, M2, etc are sending +5V signals to the digital pins D2-D12
  • D13 digital pin is connected to a LED indicator and is used to tell the user that the Pendant is allowed to send signals to the plugin.

Design files:

2. Enclosure Design 


If you don't have a 3D printer and/or a CNC Mill, please contact me and I will send you a 3d-printed enclosure and the 3d-printed or milled acrylic face plate:

  • 3D-Printed Black PLA Enclosure (shown in pictures): 30$ + shipping
  • 3D-Printed Black PLA Face Plate (optional): 15$ + shipping
  • CNC Milled and Engraved unpainted (clear) acrylic Face Plate (shown in pictures): 30$ + shipping

3. Arduino Setup

  • Install the Full Firmata library onto your Arduino Nano (Or any other Ardiono that supports USB Serial Communication): imageStandardFirmata sketch used for Arduino NANO is also added to the release package
  • Please note that you might need to install Arduino USB Driver in order for your Arduino to work on the target computer!

4. UCCNC Setup

  • Download the latest LEETArduinoPendant from the releases and extract it to your PC.
  • Copy the LEETArduinoPendant.dll plugin file to the C:\UCCNC\Plugins directory!
  • Copy the Solid.Arduino.dll file from the Solid.Arduino release folder to the C:\UCCNC directory.
  • Please note that you might need to install Arduino USB Driver in order for your Arduino to work on the target computer!
  • Launch UCCNC.exe, go to Settings->Configure Plugins, and mark the LEET Arduino Pendant plugin as Enabled and Call startup
  • After everything is installed, Arduino is connected and UCCNC is running, press the "Enable" (+5v to D2-B-ENABLE ) button that will tell the plugin that the pendant is ready to send signals! D13 (LED+) will then have a continuous +3.3V signal alerting you of that!

Hardware Acquisition (Amazon)

Fusion F360 desing files Size:2.55 MB
Pages:(1) [1]

Gary D

November 2, 2024, 1:18 pm

Can you post the *.STL files for the box and lid. The fusion drawing will not allow separation of the box and lid. Kinda hard to print that way.


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

November 4, 2024, 12:54 am

Quote:"GARY D"
Can you post the *.STL files for the box and lid. The fusion drawing will not allow separation of the box and lid. Kinda hard to print that way.
Check the "Downloads" section. The file named "Fusion F360 design files" has everything.



January 28, 2025, 9:35 am

Hi, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I did everything written there, but unfortunately nothing works. could you help me solve it?



February 2, 2025, 1:07 pm


Solved. It works!! 


Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

February 2, 2025, 1:37 pm

Quote:"TONY "

Hi, Great!

Please let me know if there was an error in any of the documentation, so I can update it!

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