HSMAdvisor v1.501
November 26, 2016, 11:51 amArticle Summary
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
November 26, 2016, 11:51 am
November 26, 2016, 12:34 pm
Author Summary
Fri January 17, 2025, 6:57 pm
Fri January 17, 2025, 6:57 pm
Every time we add a tenth to HSMAdvisor version number our users know we are up to something completely new and exciting!
Please welcome HSMAdvisor 1.5
Now with International Language support!
I know this feature might not be as interesting to our English-speaking users, but I believe it is a major milestone in maturity of any application.
I have been semi-secretly working on this feature for the past year or so.
Let me just quickly show you how to switch between languages
- Download and install HSMAdvisor 1.5 as usual
- Launch HSMAdvisor and go to Settings->General
- Find button called "Select Language" and click on it
- Simply select an available language from the list and click OK
- You will be offered to shut down HSMAdvisor as you can not right now apply the new language mid-flight.
- When you launch HSMAdvisor again, the language of the User Interface will be of that you have previously selected
If you do not find your native language in the list, do not get upset!
You can easily create your own translation.The proper process for translating HSMAdvior to other languages is described here: http://hsmadvisor.com/?page=help&shell_id=241&article_id=4883_international-language-support
What is next
- In the coming months we will introduce tools for creating translations on the fly without the need to use a third-party tool.
- We will add ability for users to earn their free HSMAdvisor license by participating in translation program.
- And the main thing...
We will continue our hard work to stay the best software tool for CNC machinists!
By the way here are other changes that were introduced in this update:
- Fixed typos and improved the look of ToolTip messages
- Fixed 0 - WOC reset when changing tool type
Best Regards