HSMAdvisor v1.402 Hook For MasterCAM
August 20, 2016, 10:50 pmArticle Summary
Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)
August 20, 2016, 10:50 pm
Author Summary
Fri December 6, 2024, 2:56 pm
Fri December 6, 2024, 2:56 pm
Huge "Farewell to MasterCAM x9" HSMAdvisor Hook update has been released.
The MC 2017 has been out for a few month now and because it has received quite mixed reviews from the machinist's community, i decided to release one more big update to our MCx9 hook before starting to fully work on adapting it for MC 2017.
This update v1.402 is a double update. The hook version has now caught up to the standalone AND we have some new features in standalone HSMAdvisor as well.
Here is a quick video showcasing most of the new features:
What is new and improved in this HSMAdvisor update
- New Hardened D2 and M2 Steels
- New 17-4 and 13-8 Stainless Steels in various conditions
- Mew DB Contents Tree in Select Tool Dialog
- Plunge Speed Lock
- New Free GD&T Reference Tab
- Updated Look and functionality of Scientific Calculator
- Updated look of all Geometry Calculators.
Whats new and improved in HSMAdvisor Hook:
- Improved Toolpath import and export
- New Improved Select Tool/Cut Dialog with Side Contents Tree
- Plunge RPM lock for toolpaths, that do not support Plunge RPM different from the main RPM
- Ability to choose which data is read and written into the toolpath.
- Full ToolDB Functionality including editing and saving tools is now free.
As usual Here you can download the latest updates: http://hsmadvisor.com/
Questions, troubles? Let us know via email or our support forums!