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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everybody!

December 22, 2024, 2:37 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I would like to wish everyone a happy holidays and a lot of quality time with your friends and loved ones.

To help out a bunch of people transitioning now from GWizard to HSMAdvisor, this year's Thanksgiving sale has been extended and will run for at least a month into the new year. Or until I see the volume of the new customer return to the regular numbers.

Please make sure to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Happy holidays!

2024 Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale

November 28, 2024, 11:12 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


HSMAdvisor and FSWizard

All licenses are 30% off!

Labor Day Sale!

August 30, 2024, 2:12 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

HSMAdvisor 2023 Black Friday Sale!

November 25, 2021, 11:04 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)


All licenses are 30% off!

Black Friday 2021

November 22, 2021, 12:58 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Good day!

I just uploaded HSMAdvisor v2.4.2

It has a lot of improvements. For a full list of changes, please check the latest release here:

We are going to host Black Friday sale this November 26-28.

So if you were planning on purchasing something from HSMAdvisor web store, mark a date in your calendar!

All non subscription HSMAdvisor and FSWizard licenses will be at significant discount!

2023 Holiday Sale!

December 15, 2020, 4:13 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

Hopefully, you have weathered this pretty horrible year in good health and spirits.

Anyway here is 30% off for all products in the HSMAdvisor store ONLY!

ProLIGHT 2000 retrofit!

August 20, 2020, 7:20 am by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

I have been hunting for a very rigid but small machine for the last year or so.

And when I finally found one for sale on an auction in Minnesota, I could not pass.

Now the machine is in my garage.

It is a surprisingly heavy machine with a solid epoxy granite frame.

The features are as follows:

  • 1.5HP 5000 RPM spindle
  • Closed loop servos on all axes
  • Power draw bar and a rack tool changer assembly

I built a table with casters for it and upon plugging it to a computer it turned out that.... It's dead!

The proprietary Animatics control in the back is not working, which means 95% of all electronics in the back must be replaced.

I was actually almost hoping for that because the original software is DOS-only. It is hardly convenient to work with it.

I want it to work under mach or LinuxCNC

So I ordered the required parts online and when all of them are here, I will start the retrofit process.

I will be documenting my process in comments.

Wish me luck!

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Holiday Sale Ends Soon!

January 15, 2020, 12:24 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

The 2020 New Year's Holiday sale will end this weekend!111!!!

Holiday Sale!

December 24, 2019, 1:19 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone!

Let this new year be more productive with HSMAdvisor.

To kick it off let us start it with a massive 30% off for all products in HSMAdvisor store ONLY!

Save 50% on all purchases! EXTENDED

December 26, 2018, 4:26 pm by Eldar Gerfanov (Admin)

Update: I have received emails saying that lots of people's purchasing and accounting departments were closed during this time, so the sale has been extended by one week until January 12!

7 Years in Business!

The only deal of the year starts on December  28 and will last until January 3 (Extended till January 12)

Only during these 5 days you will be able to save 50% on any and all HSMAdvisor and/or FSWizard packages, sold on our store!

Do not miss the only deal of the year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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